antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

@some gal – right?! The incel guy reeks of whiny idiocy, whereas joke guy is coming with pure malice!

Re: pro-ana – when I was very bulimic I would visit these sites all the time, hoping and wishing that I had the discipline to be fully anorexic, I felt it was a far more… what’s the word I need… honourable/respectable (?) ED to have. I still can’t quite believe I recovered, sometimes! Those sites make me endlessly sad.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I understand what you are saying, but I’m not sure how to weigh “it would have hurt me” against “it wasn’t good for me, but prevented greater harm” and “it hurt me, but was also the reason I found help.” I wish I had numbers.

12 years ago

“Maybe a health risk link and other links to better resources attached to pro-ana sites would be better than shutting them down?”

I dunno about that. No one would want to look at them anyway. You can’t really shut them down either. They’re allowed to do what they do.

This is too hard. I’m just gonna listen to Bowie again -_-

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I was only able to restrict what I ate sometimes (especially because of the mania) and also felt bad that I lacked discipline. It didn’t help that the mere I was on made me gain weight. (By the time I went off them, I had gained about 40 lbs.)

The eating disorder started when I was put on Wellbutrin and pretty immediately stopped when I went off of it, so I didn’t really need outside help to recover. Sometimes I miss the way it felt, but never enough to start binging and purging again.

What I really feel strongly about is treating antidepressants as real drugs with potentially serious side effects instead of as drugs that have no real downsides. (I’ve been extremely unlucky with psychiatry and primary care doctors in this area, up to the point of them nit believing me when I list off side effects. All this is coming up again because fibro is normally treated with drugs that I handle very badly.)

Some Gal Not Bored at All

How did autocorrect get mere from meds. (Now it wants to change it to Medea. No, autocorrect, no.)

12 years ago

So basically if these incel guys think they’re alone, they probably aren’t.

They definitely aren’t, and if they dropped their absurd expectations, took more interest in women as human beings instead of vaguely sentient sex-things and massively reined in their sense of entitlement, they’d almost certainly do rather better.

But if they expect everything to be handed to them on a plate (by their parents or the government!) with no effort or self-awareness on their part, they don’t deserve to get laid.

12 years ago

I still find them less creepy than the “pussy cartel” guys, though. A lot of the incel guys seem to want not just sex, but a relationship too. Now, their ideas about what that would look like, what it looks like for other men, how it comes about, etc, are a total mess. But they do seem to want access to the whole woman and the relationship that goes along with that rather than viewing the woman as a thing that’s getting in the way of her vagina, which in some ways makes them less disturbing than the guys who straddle the MRA/PUA borderline.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I know that you didn’t mean this, but it can never be pointed out enough:


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Some gal — mine are at least taking that seriously, the DEATH RASH drug is supposed to be weight neutral (causing neither weight gain nor loss)

Re: pro-ana, or rather re: self-injury — my last bout got the not-an-ex giving me a mix of concern and “can I see, want to make sure we won’t have gangrene amputation *mad science laugh*” — ze’s also a recovered anorexic though, so it wasn’t the judgment I’m used to. So I think there is a balance between not judging and not accepting this as perfectly okay, but idk if the Internet can really convey the level of “I care about you and am sorry you’re hurting” for that.

Was a bit weird being treated like any other wound, and then having my explanation actually listened to. Too bad ze went pharm, zir psych degree could really be put to much better use, but hey, do what makes you happy right?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“But they do seem to want access to the whole woman and the relationship that goes along with that rather than viewing the woman as a thing that’s getting in the way of her vagina, which in some ways makes them less disturbing than the guys who straddle the MRA/PUA borderline.”

Knowing both types in meatspace, yeah the former got dating advice tips, the latter got “no, you are wrong and should feel bad”

12 years ago

Which is why when governmentgirlfriends first showed up I attempted to reason with him. With the pussycartel guys I don’t even bother. If you view a woman as a boss that needs to be defeated so that you can access her body parts then there’s really no hope for you.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Agreed on incel being be a lot better than pussy cartel, although I think our troll stam might be tied in the creepy department because of his threats of murder and suicide.

12 years ago

“I still find them less creepy than the “pussy cartel” guys,”

Pussy cartel? What the… I probably don’t want to know.

12 years ago

Stam is the mayor of Creepytown.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


idk if the Internet can really convey the level of “I care about you and am sorry you’re hurting” for that.

I think you very nicely summed up the whole problem right there.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


They feel basically the way incel guys feel there are no incel women, and since women can control access to their own bodies, this is some sort of monopoly that must be broken up. Basically.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I don’t know if you’ve seen the Game of Thrones fans whining that HBO is unfair for choosing not to sell the show through iTunes, but it is a but like that if HBO is women and Game of Thrones is sexytimes/vagina.

12 years ago

“this is some sort of monopoly that must be broken up. Basically.”

I can see this. I’ve heard MRAs talking about how easy it is for women to “get sex,” and how unfair it is for “beta males” that women are going out and having all this “alpha male” sex and not sharing it.

Not exactly in those words, but that’s the gist of it.

12 years ago

The basic idea seems to be that women own their own bodies and this is terribly unfair, since it limits men’s access to those women’s vaginas. The phrase “communize the cunt” has been used in the past too.

12 years ago

“I don’t know if you’ve seen the Game of Thrones fans whining that HBO is unfair for choosing not to sell the show through iTunes”

No, but that sounds annoying. Last year there was an outcry among Mass Effect fans because they didn’t like the ending to the third game. There were a bunch of pseudo-intellectual ramblings trying to justify it, but it’s clear that it was all bullshit.

Fans of anything can be really annoying.

12 years ago

“The phrase “communize the cunt” has been used in the past too.”

I think I’m gonna be sick…

12 years ago

The pussy cartel guys think vaginas are inanimate mystical objects women are bestowed upon the moment of their birth instead of actual body parts.

12 years ago

Yeah, even by MRA standards they’re pretty horrifying.

12 years ago

Am I the only one who sees the more MRA-inflected PUA rhetoric (Roissy, the other dude who’s all about the rape) as framing women as the boss that needs to be defeated so that you can get to their vaginas?

12 years ago

So basically super-hot women are like the final boss that you fight right at the end of the game.

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