antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

@Student: Yeah, I’m familiar with the word (originally because of the D&D3.5 class…), I just fail to see how it does anything other than alliterate meaninglessly.

12 years ago

Eugh he is gross!

David Collard
May 11, 2012 at 9:39 am
I am still fond of my synonym for a woman – personette.

12 years ago

Rhymes with serviette – something you use once and then throw away.

12 years ago

oh gog

patronising, creepy and generally unpleasant

Is ‘person’ not good enough? >_>

12 years ago

Lolz at the hilarious misogyny joke that actually isn’t a joke but a thinly-veiled representation of his actual opinion

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

including Mr Hadji who was an alley cat – all of three weeks old when Mum found him.

Alley cats are the best cats. My Shazzer was found in a box with her mom and littermates behind a 7-11 convenience store/gas station. (That’s basically an alley, right?) Her mom apparently wouldn’t leave her kitties and was starving to death, but all the kittens were happy and healthy. Their age was hard to determine because the vet didn’t know if they were undernourished and small or decently nourished and average. I just decided she was 6 weeks (I think the average of the two ages the vet gave, but it has been almost 9 years) because it put her birthday on my anniversary and would thus be easy to remember.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I find the “personette” guy about ten times more creepy than stam, I think because it is so close to sounding reasonable (after all, we do have a lot of different words for women) while hiding even more viciousness than the guy who wants to force women on dates. Both don’t consider women to be fully human, but the “joke” guy is so much more upfront about it. I find that terrifying.

12 years ago

The mere fact that Collard’s posts are sometimes tagged with “females” tells you everything you need to know.

Maniacal Goblinoid Nightmare Woman
Maniacal Goblinoid Nightmare Woman
12 years ago

Waiting for Libertarians to show up and object to Big Government’s involvement in prostitution, maybe suggest it’d all be better handled by companies like Blackwater or Starbucks and then object to their hard earned money being taxed and taken away from them by actual, literal government whores.

12 years ago

I seem to recall that we had a long conversation about how women would be persuaded to participate in the government girlfriend plan. His theory boiled down to “isn’t is wonderful how we could take advantage of the broken economy and some people’s resulting poverty?”.

That seems like something that libertarians would be all for.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’ll finish catching up in a minute here, but I only got bout half way through the Schwyzer article before deciding to put down my iPad before I crushed it — co,ing from anyone else I might’ve been able to stand the “this is why women should pander to men’s emotions” long enough to get to where he apparently says “except no they shouldn’t”. From him it just read to much like “maybe I wouldn’t have tried killing my ex if she’d cared more about my feeeeeelings”

No, I cannot take him seriously. Him saying things on feminist sites, in and of itself, makes me see red.

12 years ago

Crazy Kotaku MRA is back! This time with a near novel-length rant on the hardships of men! I would post it, but it’s way too long, so I’ll link to it instead:

read the reply to it if you want to see my takedown of all of his points.

12 years ago

Links to the main article, not to a comment.

12 years ago


Scroll to the bottom. The comment should be fully expanded. The site layout is pretty shitty.

12 years ago

By the way, YoungZer0 is the MRA, I’m DocTemna.

12 years ago

“Maine Coons are such beautiful cats. I’d love to have one but between the expense and the amount of grooming needed, it ain’t gonna happen.”

I have a Maine Coon, but she might by part something else because she’s a little on the small side for Coons (big for cats, though) and she only gets knots once in a blue moon. She doesn’t need a lot of grooming despite being long-haired.

She was a homeless baby that we adopted from the shelter and now she cuddles and insists on being held like a baby you’re burping (weirdest cat ever) and I swear I caught her reading a newspaper once.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Wtf was that? Wow…

So, I keep amazing psychs that I haven’t been hospitalized (cuz danger to self) dude here is either full of it, or was deemed a danger to others.

And cloudiah’s aVfP script is hilarious.

12 years ago

I’m getting “No Discussions Found”, so no idea which conversation you mean. This is Kotaku after all – expanding all comments means that 90% of them are going to be sexist bullshit.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I’m with you on the Schwyzer article. Maybe if he weren’t who he is, he could get away with burying his point, but he is him. I find him too sympathetic to the horrors of having privilege stripped away. If it feels so horrific, you are still too fucking privileged imo.

12 years ago

I can’t read anything from Hugo anymore without “yes, but you tried to kill your girlfriend because she was raped” repeating over and over in the back of my mind. Makes it a bit hard to take his claims to have empathy for women seriously.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


If only everyone heard that on a loop when reading his articles. I think it is disgusting that he writes for Jezebel (even with their hit or miss record).

12 years ago

Since the link is not working, I made a pastebin:

It includes the original post and my reply. That should work 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“That you would invoke any of this shit just to troll makes you pond scum.”

Lower than pond scum, we never did decide on something more harmful than planaria but more common than guinea worm did we? This guy is it, what it is.

Hydra maybe, generally best ignored but might pick off newborn fry who can’t yet defend themselves. That seems about the right level for these guys.

“’Abortion on demand’ is such a stupid framing phrase anyway.” — except if it were truly available on demand it’d probably almost all be early abortion // morning after pill // RU 486 // none of this bullshit about ultrasounds and waiting periods and “on demand” meaning “assuming arbitrary criteria are met” — point here that truly “on demand ” abortion sounds like an improvement to me.

“…including Mr Hadji who was an alley cat – all of three weeks old when Mum found him.”

I iz ded, been killed by teh cute.

12 years ago

It’s particularly annoying that so many people respond with the “everyone makes mistakes” argument. Yes, everyone does, but most people’s relationship mistakes are more “said something nasty in the middle of an argument” or “cheated on ex” and less “tried to kill ex for incredibly misogynistic reasons”.

12 years ago

Could not find YoungZer0, and there was only one DocTemna and that was someone @quoting.

My thought on lady gamers is this: Even if I assume you are right (you are not), and girls only play video games because they’re attention whores (totally not even true) – if you are the kind of person who gets SO DISTRACTED by boobs that you lose your game? You’re a shit gamer.

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