antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

Thinking about it a bit more, the reason I find Stam more amusing and less disturbing than some of the other trolls is that the shit he’s peddling is so absurd that there’s no chance of mainstream society taking it seriously. No modern government is going to agree to provide comfort women for citizens who aren’t very good at dating. That is not a thing that is going to happen. The only time that anything vaguely similar has ever happened was a. during a war and b. confined to the military, and even though the nation responsible still refuses to apologize, it’s rightly seen as a war crime by everyone else. So Stam’s flailing, though horrifying on many levels, isn’t scary in the way that some of the other trolls can sometimes be, because nobody is going to take him seriously. He’s kind of like Tom Martin that way.

It’s the ones who couch their rape apologism in more socially acceptable terms that I worry about.

12 years ago

I found an MRA blogger who sympathised with a man kidnapping and keeping prisoner women (multiple) because he thought men deserved sex daily….

And another post about how the CT school shooter killed children cause he was not getting “tail”…

(warning: English words and sentences are optional)

12 years ago

/ ps he seems to be one of the posters exiled from the now that it has exiled controversial posters….

P.s don’t read their India rape story, it’s worse than AVFM’s story….

12 years ago

Dammit, I missed the incel whiner. They really are the most entitled asses in the manosphere, and that’s quite a feat.

12 years ago

The combination of “had sex 6 months ago” and “incel is a lifelong condition!” is extra lulzy.

12 years ago


Sorry, I just can not click those links. Angry incels are the utter worst, normal MRAs tend to excuse rape, these fuckwads actually encourage it.

12 years ago

It’s more than that, it’s that they want everyone to agree that they ought to be entitled to rape people and expect others to express sympathy about the fact that it’s neither legal nor socially acceptable for them to do so.

12 years ago

Thinking about it a bit more, the reason I find Stam more amusing and less disturbing than some of the other trolls is that the shit he’s peddling is so absurd that there’s no chance of mainstream society taking it seriously. No modern government is going to agree to provide comfort women for citizens who aren’t very good at dating. That is not a thing that is going to happen. The only time that anything vaguely similar has ever happened was a. during a war and b. confined to the military, and even though the nation responsible still refuses to apologize, it’s rightly seen as a war crime by everyone else. So Stam’s flailing, though horrifying on many levels, isn’t scary in the way that some of the other trolls can sometimes be, because nobody is going to take him seriously.

I completely agree. He’s creepy as hell (the mere fact that he clearly doesn’t have the remotest clue how creepy he comes across to a typical reader is evidence of that), but he’s not remotely threatening, as his ideas are so unworkably ludicrous.

Even his many references to violence seem to revolve around him committing suicide and others (such as his parents) then getting blamed for his “murder”. A worrying attitude, certainly, but one that affects him more than anybody else. I’m even pretty unfazed about his comments about rape versus celibacy, because they’re more stupid and ignorant than actively malevolent.

The silly thing is, despite his endless whining about how lonely he is, it’s never been easier than now to get a sympathetic hearing about almost any subject, even if it’s only online. As he himself demonstrated: after all, during his recent visit, he got to chat to several real live women… and proceeded to alienate and repulse them pretty much from the off. But that was his decision.

12 years ago

This is a thing that always vexes me about these guys – OK, so you don’t know how to relate to women or form relationships with them, and this is a source of distress to you. And now here you are talking to a bunch of women, some of whom are attempting to explain precisely what it is that you’re doing wrong. A useful learning opportunity, right? But no, every damn time they respond by trying to rationalize away the advice that they’re being given and insist that their (already demonstrated to be unsuccessful) approach to dating is more valid and realistic than what all the women, and the men who have experience successfully dating women, are trying to tell them.

12 years ago

Aw, I missed the creepy incel? I wanted to ask him about the time he blackmailed a woman for sex. If you read his blog post about his dating history, he comes across as a budding abuser. But no, he’s not the one with the problem…

12 years ago

Also! What Wetherby said about the suicide threats reminded me of the other thing that always jumps out at me about those guys. They all seem to be unusually lacking in emotional maturity for their age. What I mean is that that kind of “yeah well I’ll kill myself and then you’ll be sorry!” idea is something that I tend to associate with tweeners or early to mid teens. It’s not the way that adults usually think, even very young adults. So part of the issue seems to be arrested development in an emotional sense, which is why I don’t think that it’s in any way helpful to these guys to be forming communities full of others who’re suffering from a similar lack of emotional maturity.

In a weird way the incel communities remind me of pro-ana communities – the same sort of deliberate exclusion of anyone who might point out the flaws in people’s rationalizations or attempt to force them to confront how completely divergent from the norm their way of seeing things is.

12 years ago

@ Starterlifesydney –

I read it despite your warning. I think the part where he blames sexual and relationship deprivation for males who are not alpha males as a cause of violence is my favourite.

That and all the outright lies and lack of any evidence, obviously!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

“Futrellian factotums looking to smear you”

It seems that Mr Steelebutt has created a new adjective.

Beyond that, it was rather amusing to see some MReddit people asking “what online activism???”

And Government Girlfriends Guy is seriously creepy. Like, the kind of guy who you should never accept a drink from. No wonder he’s “incel”.

12 years ago

I am failing to see the reason for using the word ‘factotum’ there…

12 years ago

Although I don’t think that GovernmentGirlfriends is Mr Al, wouldn’t it be funny if he was? Like, he tried really hard to make friends with the other trolls but they weren’t having it, so he decided to create some imaginary friends (who are all trolls too) instead.

Ladies and gentleman, I present The Saddest Man In The World.

12 years ago

I have, sort of, fiber paralysis… I see nice roving and I want to spin it. That and various tools… ooh Shiny! and I’m lost looking them over for hours.

12 years ago

These oblivious people are creating suicides and future George Sodini’s. If George Sodini could use my program he might get a girlfriend and not do what he did.


It’s this fucking attitude right here, this toxic masculinity* that leads certain people to believe that they are ENTITLED to kill, torture and maim people. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You think you are the center of the fucking universe, and that no one feels the pain that you feel. And then you turn that shit outward and you take other people with you. You are responsible for your actions. And FUCK YOU for rationalizing this shit and upholding this bullshit patriarchal status quo that holds that men are obligated to respond with violence when they are not placed in their “God given” position as head and ruler of the household. You are owed NOTHING in this world. And you certainly are not justified in hurting other people for ANY FUCKING REASON.

I don’t think I even have the words to express how infuriating this shit is.

*and by “masculinity,” I mean our cultural narrative that demands a certain set of behaviors and attitudes from male-identified people, not the male sex itself.

12 years ago

I am failing to see the reason for using the word ‘factotum’ there…

Now now, criticizing Steele’s purple prose is the very definition of misandry. At least his definition.

I have to say… most people’s prose is “purple” because it’s flowery and overdressed. I think his prose is purple from bruising.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Apparently it means “employee who does a wide variety of work”… I wasn’t aware snark, kitties, and literature/craft derails were employment, but y’know. Where can I submit my CV? 😛

12 years ago

Leftwingfox – brilliant, hahahahaah!

12 years ago

On the incel thing again…I know some guys who’ve spent long periods of time single and/or celibate, and not by choice. None of them have ever expressed a desire to go shoot up a jazzercize class, or expected the government/their parents/the universe to provide them with a girlfriend.

This is because they are reasonable adults. The incel guys should try it some time, it’s a lot more fun than being a whiny adolescent for the rest of your life.

(Seriously, adolescence kind of sucks, I’m not sure why anyone would willfully trap themselves in that developmental stage.)

12 years ago

As I recall it was because he was impersonating someone else with his rants about how he needed to have the gov’t force women to fuck him.

The way in which he was doing it was worse than just, “real persons name attached to ridiculous theory on forcing women to fuck, “incels” (and yes, is was force, if a woman went on too many dates without putting out she was punished), it’s that he was alleging this person had committed crimes (rape, IIRC).

He also sent me a long e-mail trying to elaborate his thesis.

He’s more than deserving of being banned, and he’s creepy as all fuck.

12 years ago

The “zygotes are people!” crowd just baffles me. They do know there’s more to legal personhood than just, your mom can’t do anything on purpose that causes your death…right? How are we supposed to keep track of all these undetectable cellular citizens?

12 years ago

The taking on someone else’s name part screams Poe, but I can’t figure out WHY anyone would want to do that. Especially since he seems to believe most of the crap he spouts.

12 years ago

Wait, the Spearhead is exiling controversial posters now? How’d that happen? (I don’t really want to know, I just… can’t look away).

Also, if you ever do requests, David (I know, probably not), you could maybe take a look at David Collard’s blog. He posts on Sunshinemary’s blog often. Lots of material there. I made the mistake of reading his blog and now want others to share my pain…

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