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Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago


There are several legal brothels in Nevada IIRC.

12 years ago

What a cute fluffy tortie kitty! She looks big; is she?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The little moron was on about how he didn’t know how to approach women so that he’d know within half an hour whether they wanted a relationship with him or not.

But since David had reason to believe he was trolling, there might have been no truth in any of his claims – I mean, apart from the BS he was spouting.

It is all very Al-ish in retrospect.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

lowquacks – yup! She’s a big round kitty. Weighs more than five kilos. We call her Punkin sometimes.

12 years ago

Big kitties are best kitties. The larger kitty Chez Quacks is 7-8kg and got a good brushing today because she’d been getting a bit matted, which she normally dislikes but was very good about it. She’s forgiven us because she got a bit of cold roast beef when she poked her head over the table at hooman dinner.

Anyway she now just looks like a big fluffy silky ball of kitteh and it’s very cute.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Gorgeous! Is she a long-hair? Have you any pics of her you’d like to share?

Mads is a short-hair, but she has a very thick undercoat which came out in chunks when the weather warmed up. Luckily she loves being combed or brushed with those rubbery pointy grooming brushes.

12 years ago

Sorry to go totally O/T but I need a wee rant. Big abortion debate going on in my homeland at the moment. This is a superb article on the matter, but I needed to vent about one thing – why do so many men assume that they know what is better for women than women do? How can they disregard the life of the woman so blatantly?

ARGH. Choice for Irish women, please!

12 years ago

Yep. Both the kitties Chez Quacks are very large and fluffy longhaired tabbies, but one’s a very lean sleek regal brown friendly tabby with a lot of Maine Coon in him and the other one’s a cute ditzy shy fatty grey tabby, so it’s confusing that so few people can tell them apart.

I can’t find any pictures that I could link to without mum-doxxing unfortunately.

12 years ago
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

deezers – I read some of those comments. At least there were as many men who did know their biology and grasped the idea that it’s not their business to tell women what to do with their bodies. The obtuseness of the “but it’s murder!” mob was not surprising. Same garbage as anti-abortionists here and in the US spout, too. And the same source: women are less than human and belong to men.

lolquacks, that’s a pity about the pics!

Maine Coons are such beautiful cats. I’d love to have one but between the expense and the amount of grooming needed, it ain’t gonna happen. All our kitties have been rescues, including Mr Hadji who was an alley cat – all of three weeks old when Mum found him.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh, that fucking Ryan slime. He doesn’t seem to think human life is so sacred once it’s outside the uterus. He should call it the Sanctity of Men Controlling Women act and be done with it.

12 years ago

Both of mine are RSPCA cats too! FWIW, Maine Coons who aren’t purebred/pedigree can groom themselves pretty well – my half-Main-Coon and a friend’s full Maine Coon have both gone their entire lives with the current owners without a single human-led bath and only occasional brushing, and they’re both very pleasant and clean kitties. And enormous kitties. And very fluffy kitties with very fluffy tails.

12 years ago

There’s no such thing as a “single-celled embryo”, anyway. That’s a zygote and menstruation and most male masturbation involves getting rid of the things.

Under that bill, not only would abortion and many forms of contraceptive be banned, but ejaculation would be mass murder, menstruation and a lot of attempted conceptions manslaughter, stillbirth probably criminal negligence, and identical twins would probably count as one person. You could legally travel in a carpool lane while pregnant with kids. Monty Python weren’t too far off with “every sperm is sacred”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I think women have already been imprisoned for trial for having miscarriages in some states in the US. The Handmaid’s Tale is far less speculative fiction than one might think.

Our kitties were from various places – the RSPCA, the Lort Smith Animal Hospital, the Lost Dogs’ Home, the Australian Animal Protection Society, and a Carlton carpark. 🙂

12 years ago

That Paul Ryan guy! What the fudge is his major malfunction? He is the worst.

Yeah Kitteh, I was heartened to see how many wonderful Irish men were truly understanding and vocal about the fact that this is primarily a WOMAN’S issue.

Re: Stam.
I thought he was really funny just then. You just couldn’t make it up. From the first sentence, where he talks about “denying men sex” as though it is their penis-given right. Imagine though, if he didn’t exist – we would not have seen Cloudiah’s superb Pierre script!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That’s what I thought, deezers – something that makes stam’s presence worthwhile!

(Stam … looks like a typo for Spam. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, lovely Spam, wonderful Spaaam.)

12 years ago

Spam is appropriate since he keeps spamming us with his hare-brained plan for what he describes as “government girlfriends”. Like most spammers he seems to think that if he gets enough people to read it someone will eventually bite.

Next time maybe we should spam him too, with links about the ongoing issue of the “comfort women” from WW2.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Or just spam him with squillions of kitty videos. Who knows, he might get a mental hairball. It’d improve his thinking.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hmm. I’ve just played a few games of Tetris. Does this mean that it’s a social media game, or that I was really watching a dude play it, or that it’s not a real game at all, or that I am spoiling a manly man’s game with my female cooties?

I am so confused.

12 years ago

Probably one of those plus you’re communist scum.

12 years ago

Is Tetris supposed to be a manly game? I always figured it must be more girly than a pink sparkly bra, since I’m so good at it.

12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

It’s probably been infected with girliness past all hope of redemption.

I first played it during the mid 90s. I worked with three guys (all in our late twenties or fortyish) and we’d disappear into the computer room – yes, a computer room! – for ninety-minute sessions of taking turns playing Welltris. Much screaming of “Turn it the other way! Not like that, Muzzey! Oh, what did you do that for? Argh, it’s the guy’s face, that’s it, doomed!”

They were fun times. 🙂

12 years ago

I almost wish that particular troll hadn’t been banned. He was sort of entertaining in his own demented way, at least when he wasn’t talking about murdering his parents.

I can understand why David banned him – using someone else’s name to peddle your own mega-creepy and paranoid fantasies is several degrees of moral wrongitude – but he was certainly one of the more original trolls we’ve had lately.

I was reminded of him when I read Varpole’s response to his Troll of the Year award – Stam popped up at the bottom to complain about him being banned. In fact, to save you following the link, his exact words were:

[David] did a similar thing to me back in August. I was posting under a name of a person who was defamed on the Internet (but with no links to blogs defaming him and talking about something completely different) and he immediately said I was using his blog to defame that person so he banned me. What a lying scumbag. When I sent him a very long e-mail explaining the situation he just said he didn’t read it and that I’m acting shady and entitled. My attempt to come back to Manboobz under a different nickname also ended in a ban because “I said my parents deserve to be killed”. Which is true, but I gave good and sound reason. Lying fat idiot.

Out of morbid curiosity, I followed the link he supplied to his own blog, which turned out to be to this intriguing piece titled ‘David Futrelle – a liar supporting murder while engaging in censorship’. Intriguingly, he links to his original appearance on Manboobz in the context of creating the impression that he was the reasonable one and everyone else (full disclosure: including me) was “intolerant commentators most of who have reading comprehension of 7-year-olds”.

This is a guy who, in the thread that he himself linked to (so he’s presumably stands by what he said), thinks that:

• the government should pimp women, not as prostitutes (perish the thought), but “willing partners”;
• such a service would not be available for women, because they wouldn’t need to apply (presumably because they can get sex with a mere snap of the fingers);
• his parents deserve to be killed for failing to fix him up with a girlfriend (though this isn’t a death threat);
• rape is less traumatic than celibacy (apparently you can just “get over” rape);
• Norwegian rape apologist and Anders Breivik fan Eivind Berge is one of the great thinkers of our time;
• if you don’t know within half an hour of meeting someone whether they’re a potential life partner, there’s no point even thinking about taking the relationship further;
• he took people’s advice to get therapy, but his therapist refused to fuck him, even outside office hours when it would apparently have been OK;
• he got laid twice in 2012, despite apparently being “incel”;
• his lack of success with various girlfriends is mostly their fault;

Oh, and inevitably:

• the word ‘creepy’ “is one of those feminist buzzwords usually used by ultra-PC people against anybody they dislike.”

I spin words for a living, and I can’t think of any word that describes Stam’s posts that’s quite as apposite as “creepy”. Unless he’d prefer “skin-crawlingly repulsive”, but that’s merely a less efficient way of saying the same thing.

And I’m normally very sympathetic indeed towards genuinely decent human beings who have difficulty hooking up with romantic partners.

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