antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

The “government should run my love life” guy again? He’s boring and one-note and, I believe, was banned before.
I’m off to bed, but I leave you with something more interesting, an article about Feline paralysis – The condition in which a person is unable to move due to the presence of a cat on her or his lap

12 years ago

What the hell? With all the Kyle Reese shit. Sock Puppet. huh? OK, but um, you really should be embarressed anyway.

“Their only sensible solution is to either find me a girlfriend or lock me up forever and keep me in highest security department to prevent me from killing somebody because I know I will never get out anyway.
Same goes for every incel who’s hurting because of it.”

Wow. Even if you’re fronting and trolling, you should of had second thoughts before you clicked the “post” button. Giving sex as a way of keeping men from murdering. Yeah. Who wants to volunteer for that duty? Anyone? No?

And never invoke the name George Sodini in a empathetic tone in my presence. EVER.
I mean, if you’re just fucking around and trying to instigate emotional responses from regulars by going extreme, you are still a major fucking asshole. That dude shot women because he couldn’t get a trophy girlfriend much younger than him to overlook his obvious fucked-up-ness. That you would invoke any of this shit just to troll makes you pond scum.

You sound like a PUA or some other lower life form, trying to promote your site. You’re a piece of shit. A piece of shit.

12 years ago

Thank you, David.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@Myoo thanks for the link. I also have knitting paralysis and crocheting paralysis, especially when I’m doing any colourwork. 🙂

12 years ago

Did you think we’d forgotten the last time you posted this stuff, dude who wants his parents murdered for not finding him a girlfriend? Unfortunately you’re rather memorable.

(At least he’s not using someone else’s name this time, I guess that’s something.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Myoo – that article is THE TRUTH. 😀 😀

Cloudiah – ditto about the standing ovation! And Pierre will look cute in police uniform. 😉

Heathenbee – *cough* it gets a bit weird about what I actually embroidered with hair. Let’s just say it represented … hair.

12 years ago

I’m guessing it represented a Van Dyke?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Um … nope.

I’m gonna feel like I’m channelling DKM if I say what it was! 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Or rather, sound like I’m channelling him.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh noes! I haz killed the thread!

12 years ago

Or rather, read like you’re channelling him.

12 years ago

I almost wish that particular troll hadn’t been banned. He was sort of entertaining in his own demented way, at least when he wasn’t talking about murdering his parents.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I thought you meant DKM for a moment there, Cassandra!

Never mind, at least Gummint Girlfriends troll has inspired a Pierre thread. You could say his life has not been entirely in vain. 😛

Lowquacks – you mean you don’t hear voices with Manboobz comments? Oh the technology! 😀

12 years ago

I forget who did that. Was it the one that rhymed with “grabtoy”, or Mr Eating Sounds?

12 years ago

No, but I do hear voices with Pierre comics. Do we have a Quebecois Boobzer or more? Black Bloc, I think? It’d be cool to have some acted out audiobook-style, I feel. I’d volunteer to read Redfield except my voice is somewhere between Hugo Weaving and Julian Assange, so probably both too posh and too mumbly. Apparently I also sound Kiwi or South African to a lot of people too?

12 years ago

He was never actually specified as Quebecois though, was he? So there’s always aworldanon and probably other people I’m forgetting if BB isn’t keen.

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure that aworldanon and BlackBloc are both located in Quebec, but I’m not sure if either/both are Quebecois. My tragically plummy version of French wouldn’t work even if I could convincingly fake a male voice, which I can’t.

I’m trying to remember why GovernmentGirlfriends was banned. It can’t have been just for being fixated on the one thing or we’d have no trolls at all.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I forget who did that. Was it the one that rhymed with “grabtoy”, or Mr Eating Sounds?

They must have been before my time, I don’t know the names.

Pierre wasn’t specified as Quebecois, just that he’s First Nations-Scots-French. Though he might be, given his cat is Poutine!

Did you see cloudiah’s new script?

Ha – thinking of you reading a Pierre script sent me on a tangent of

1. lowquacks looks like Inigo Montoya
2. Pierre has a spiffytash like Inigo’s
3. we don’t see him without his hat


12 years ago

It would fit the First Nations thing…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Even swoonier, that hair!

Cassandra, I just scrolled through the thread (Katz linked to it a page back here) on why this troll got banned. David said: “I was uncomfortable enough with where this discussion was going. Now someone’s given me information that makes me think “Robert” is a troll, or that the person behind the account is using that name to smear a real person by that name.

So “robert” and his alter-ego are banned, and I’m banning any mention of his last name.”

I notice that people had got to the point of calling for a ban, and you mentioned that if David didn’t want to ban him, we should ignore him because he was potentially dangerous.

It’s only the repetition of the exact same stuff today that makes me think this wasn’t another Mr Al sock.

12 years ago

I said approximately this recently on another board:

Okay, let’s assume for the sake of argument that a man is in fact owed a woman. However, at the same time, women aren’t obligated to go with anyone they don’t want, and even if they do, they have the freedom to walk out if they don’t like the terms. Which means the “debt” is meaningless.

Corollary: Even if she is asking for it, she doesn’t necessarily want it from you.

12 years ago

There are women who are willing to have sex with incels. They are called sex workers. Has the troll explained at any point why that’s not good enough for him?

Coincidently, this documentary was just recommended to me – Scarlet Road, made by an organisation called Touching Base.

“Touching Base Inc is a charitable institution, based in Sydney Australia, that has been active since October 2000. Touching Base developed out of the need to assist people with disability and sex workers to connect with each other, focusing on access, discrimination, human rights and legal issues and the attitudinal barriers that these two marginalised communities can face.”

I realise this isn’t as feasible in countries where prostitution is illegal. That is what needs to change. Is there anywhere or anyway that sex work is legal in the US and considered a legitimate profession?

12 years ago

I think it was something about true intimacy and love and blah blah, ie. just the sex isn’t enough. But keep in mind that I seem to only remember the funny parts of that conversation.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Kim, if you’ve the stomach for it, the link Katz provided to the original thread (on the previous page of this one) gives pages and pages and pages of why this creepy specimen thinks nothing less than government coercing paying women to date “incels” is good enough. Also why his parents are murderers for not getting him a girlfriend, why it’s perfectly understandable that men will go out and commit mass murder because they haven’t got a sex slave girlfriend. This from someone who claimed to be 24 and to have had sex some six months before … yeah, really “incel”.

Gah. I need a kitty video after skimming that lot. Behold Maddie the Shoe Queen!

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