antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

Problem of denying males sex goes further than opposing porn and prostitution. This problem is actually more complicated if you include involuntary celibates. I believe urgent action from the government is needed here.
However, both feminists and MRAs won’t do anything about it. Feminists are mostly women, which means they have likely never even heard of incel, let alone experienced it or thought about it. Also, most women, especially feminists couldn’t give a shit about males who can’t get partners or even sexual encounters.
As for MRAs, most of them also aren’t incel so they have problem understanding it. Many of them are libertarians/right wingers too so they oppose such government intervention.

But the main point is that there aren’t enough people recognizing this problem and incels are told they must be silent or else they’ll be exposed to ridicule and my dating government dating service idea is critized when it really could help. For example, if an extremely lonely and shy goes on a dating website his profile will be one among thousands of male profiles and he might never go on a irl date. Using governmental programs he would be guaranteed a date. That’s a huge difference.

People refuse to acknowledge this and the fact that parents should also try and find incels partners. If they refuse to and incels can’t stand their incel (as is in my case) these parents are murderers and deserve to be arrested. I’ve tried getting my parents arrested several times but failed and cops even threatened me.

These oblivious people are creating suicides and future George Sodini’s. If George Sodini could use my program he might get a girlfriend and not do what he did. Of course, liberal fools will mix cause and effect and say he was violent before he even did that, which is nonsense. This, and the idea that therapy solves everything, is why liberalism causes deaths,

I realized that I will never be trusted by any psychologists and will never get help from them. They could only harm me. I remembered the film Terminator, first part. In it humans and machines are waging a war in the near future. Since the machines are about to lose to humans led by John Connor they send out a terminator into the future, a machine with a mental skeleton under human skin and parts of tissue, to kill John Connor’s mother Linda so he could never be born. On the other hand, humans send Kyle Reese, a human soldier, to protect John Connors future mother from being killed by the Terminator. They both arrive to her at about same time and a shootout ensues. Kyle gets to Linda first but is unable to convince her of the truth before more shooting occurs and the cops get involved, capturing Linda and Kyle while the Terminator escapes. In police custody Kyle is laughed at by a shrink and most of policemen for claiming he is from the future. He says that no matter what that Terminator is out there, will wade from them and rip Linda’s heart out. Of course, that same night Terminator comes to the police station and kills all the policemen, with Kyle and Linda escaping and the film goes on.

That scene in a police station pefectly describes my situation. I feel like Kyle Reese. I understand that the shrinks think I am crazy for saying that it is the responsibilty of other people to find me a girlfriend just like they fought he was crazy for saying he is from the future and that there is a Terminator out there. But that Terminator really is out there , it is called involuntary celibacy and it is lethal.

Shrinks are my enemies, though I understand why they don’t believe me. That’s why I’ve even been institutionalized. They just don’t acknowledge the Terminator. They will eventually have to. Their only sensible solution is to either find me a girlfriend or lock me up forever and keep me in highest security department to prevent me from killing somebody because I know I will never get out anyway.
Same goes for every incel who’s hurting because of it.

Liberals don’t like these truths do I’m constantly censored for reasons which amount to complete lies.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

have fun playing with the sockpuppet/chewtoy, folks, I’m off home!

12 years ago

Feminists are mostly women, which means they have likely never even heard of incel

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Yay! The government dating service idea again. Forcing women to go on blind dates certainly isn’t misogynistic in any way.

12 years ago

He’s back? Does he post this crap on so many blogs that he doesn’t realize he’s been here before?

12 years ago

People refuse to acknowledge this and the fact that parents should also try and find incels partners. If they refuse to and incels can’t stand their incel (as is in my case) these parents are murderers and deserve to be arrested. I’ve tried getting my parents arrested several times but failed and cops even threatened me.

I feel another AVfP in the works.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

This is the greatest thing I’ve ever read!

That scene in a police station pefectly describes my situation. I feel like Kyle Reese. I understand that the shrinks think I am crazy for saying that it is the responsibilty of other people to find me a girlfriend just like they fought he was crazy for saying he is from the future and that there is a Terminator out there.

Am I a police officer if I am laughing my ass off?

Then it gets a bit threatening-y and almost ruins the whole thing.

12 years ago

Wank on wanker, you are not entitled to other people’s body parts.

12 years ago

Oh perfect! Pierre on the phone with the incel wanker.

12 years ago

Well fuck, got thrown in moderation for speaking the name of the troll. Howzabout I link to him instead?

12 years ago

He wants the government to provide comfort women? Creeptacular.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Let’s say we do a government dating service, stam will still be incel because I can’t imagine any woman going on a blind date with him, learning he’s responsible not just for this bad date but all the bad government dates she’s been forced to go on, and not leaving. Immediately.

12 years ago

“I have long, strong hair (strong enough to embroider with)”

@kitteh Don’t know if Spawn has been channelling your Mum, but have you actually embroidered with your hair?? (I’m an aficionado of the needle arts)

12 years ago

Pierre: Police Department, what is your emergency?
stam: I need you to arrest my parents.
Pierre: Have they injured you, or threatened to injure you?
stam: Yes.
Pierre: I am sending squad cars to your address. Do you need an ambulance?
stam: Could you send a girlfriend instead?
Pierre: [pause] Did you say girlfriend?
stam: Urgent action from the government is needed here.
Pierre: What action?
stam: My parents refuse to even try to get me a girlfriend, which is basically the same as murdering me.
Pierre: You want the police to get you a girlfriend?
stam: I believe that is what I pay taxes for.
Pierre: Have you tried just … dating?
stam: Why should I keep trying and failing? The government owes me a girlfriend!
Pierre: Sir, you should not be calling 911. This is not an emergency.
stam: My parents won’t help. Feminists won’t help. MRAs won’t help. Now you’re telling me the police won’t help?
Pierre: MRAs?
stam: You just need to get me one date! It’s a totally reasonable proposition!
Pierre: Please hang up the phone. I am canceling the call for squad cars to your address.
stam: You are causing me to both kill myself in the future AND kill other people, like Sodini.
Pierre: Are you making a threat?
stam: I know I am just like Kyle Reese.
Pierre: Are you threatening to kill people?
stam: You just refuse to acknowledge the Terminator!
Pierre: I am reactivating the call for squad cars to your address. Please remain where you are, and follow the officers’ instructions when they arrive.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


It’s the first AVfP that is totally true! Just like the Terminator.

12 years ago


12 years ago

A little too long, maybe. Feel free to prune.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Interesting sidenote: my autocorrect knew Terminators and not Terminator. Now, I’m not normally into crazy theories, but is Skynet starting and wants to make sure that I know their army is full of Terminators?

12 years ago

Standing O for cloudiah! Whose very name I adorable.

12 years ago

Man, I keep missing the trollsplosions these days. While this troll was mildly amusing when he first showed up, it’s really not worth a rewatch. OTOH, I think Sticky’s boarded the SS Feministe Poor fella musta been homeless for a while

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I don’t know what could be cut. It’s all awesome.
*joins standing O*

12 years ago

Aw, you guyz! [blushes]

12 years ago

stam: Problem of denying males sex goes further than opposing porn and prostitution. This problem is actually more complicated if you include involuntary celibates. I believe urgent action from the government is needed here.

This shit again?

How is the gov’t supposed to get guys laid?

Why should the gov’t be in the pimp business?

Feminists are mostly women, which means they have likely never even heard of incel, let alone experienced it

Cause any chick can get laid at any time, right?


But the main point is that there aren’t enough people recognizing this problem and incels are told they must be silent or else they’ll be exposed to ridicule and my dating government dating service idea is critized when it really could help.

Oh, it is you again. You were banned. Buh-bye.

12 years ago

Did his blog get decommissioned and replaced, or did he honestly pimp a blog and then never post anything at all?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


My guess? Never posted. What would he post? All he’s got is the bit he used to pimp the blog. It isn’t like he’s started a We the People petition or something.

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