antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

Clearly there’s plenty of masturbating going on on r/mr right now.

12 years ago

I oppose the male orgasm. No bon bons, no, uh, insert clever-rhymes-with-bon-bons-and-means-oogity-splooge.

12 years ago

*So I’m not going to get too worried.

(Pressed Post Comment too fast!)

12 years ago

What do we want?

A redefining of male sexual pleasure into a paradigm that does not necessarily require ejaculation!

When do we want it?

Not before we’re finished!

12 years ago

MRAs, seriously: why? Why would we care about your orgasm? Why would we even be thinking about your orgasm? I mean, if you hadn’t brought it up. Now that you have, my only thought is that I’d like you to experience it well away from anybody who doesn’t want to be involved, but that shouldn’t be a problem for you, right? Everyone’s 100% okay with you enjoying yourself by yourself or with other willing parties, so there’s no issue, right?


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Given we’ve just had a Pellsplosion* on the other thread, shouldn’t the MRM be concentrating on mature male orgasms? I mean, they’re totally a thing.

*Unfortunate choice of word for this subject, I know, but I couldn’t resist.

12 years ago

Do gay men not count as “male?” Wait, just considered the source, don’t answer that.

12 years ago

So I’ve been doing various searches of the website. Everything alphabetpal says is completely true false! NOW is absolutely opposed to pornography coerced participation in pornography by adults and child pornography. NOW is completely opposed to prostitution sex trafficking and for greater protections for sex workers. NOW has declared that all heterosexual sex without consent, or between an adult and a minor is rape.

Feminists are terrible pretty cool most of the time.

Creative Writing Student

So are they saying they need to be sexually frustrated to win the Manly War of Manly Manly Manliness Rights or that feminists have been sexually frustrating them so we can send them off to die for our bonbons and scented fucking candles???

12 years ago

Except that the “all heterosexual sex” being referred to probably just means “totally normal alpha LMR-busting sex when she’s playing hard to get”, and porn and prostitution are probably more available to the average Western dude now then they’ve ever been…

12 years ago


I think it’s the second one and a reference to the “women send men out to die for their amusement, see white feathers QED” hypothesis which floats around these sorts of places.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

OMG at the topic this was under (is topic the right word? I’m uncool and not on the reddit.)

Was feminism hijacked by powerful people to divert us away from class struggle and instead make enemies of men and women (divide and conquer) sounds far fetched but maybe…?

12 years ago

Naturally there’s nothing wrong with doing away with women’s orgasms, else these guys would be up on the barricades in the name of true equality, right?

Female genital mutilation is just dandy, and women not getting orgasms during PIV (aka the only kind of sex there is) and/or with clumsy, hamfisted and penisgazing “lovers”, who learnt what “sex” is like from porn movies and expect their dates to explode from pleasure at the sight of their hairy and stinky peckers pulled out of piss-stained designer boxers… what’s that got to do with female sexuality, anyway? It’s about WEARING CLOTHES and preening like an animal in heat! Burqas, too, are an expression of female sexuality.

12 years ago

They masturbate every time they open their mouths. r/mr, AVfM, any other MRM site; it’s all wank, all the time.

12 years ago

Do gay men not count as “male?” Wait, just considered the source, don’t answer that.

It’s a little-known fact that, at the moment of experiencing sexual gratification at the hands (or mouth, or anus, or other body part) of another man, the male member immediately becomes a vagina.

Wait a minute.

That’s not true at all!

12 years ago

Fuck, equated vaginas and femaleness. I should try and not forget to not do that.

12 years ago

@Some Gal

Have we found the mythical left-wing radical MRA then? Because that sounds like something white cisdude trotskyists and the like say a lot.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago



Hey, expecting men to wear designer boxers is misandry! It’s a denial of manly manliness to suggest there’s something wrong with the used-to-be-white, saggy-elastic, skidmarked and piss-stained ones!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

MorkaisChosen – don’t worry, vagina = woman makes perfect sense in MRM terms. They see us as nothing else and don’t even know about, let alone c are about, anyone who doesn’t fit that reductionist binary.

12 years ago

hamfisted and penisgazing

Hamfisted Penisgazers is the name of my band. We are rarely invited to play anywhere, don’t know why.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

cloudiah – because MISANDRY, obvs!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“MRAs, seriously: why? Why would we care about your orgasm? Why would we even be thinking about your orgasm? I mean, if you hadn’t brought it up. Now that you have, my only thought is that I’d like you to experience it well away from anybody who doesn’t want to be involved, but that shouldn’t be a problem for you, right? Everyone’s 100% okay with you enjoying yourself by yourself or with other willing parties, so there’s no issue, right?


Correct. I think that is a problem for them though.

Wtf though? Feminist’s oppose male orgasm? Who the fuck cares if penis-havers (or other men) orgasm? I mean, I guess I give a shit if they want to but biological/psychological can’t but that seems like it’d turn into TMI with MRAs. I definitely do not give a shit if they, or anyone else, masturbate.

12 years ago

To be fair, lowquacks, I know a lot of white cisdude trotskyist feminists. But some of them did need to be dragged into it kicking and screaming.


12 years ago


I loled. And then I looked seriously at my life.

Do you know that today I was swaggering down the street, singing along to non-existent music, and I realized that since I’ve discovered feminism and broken out of that tiny masculinity box my life has been nothing but roses?

I mean, except the part about realizing that all the people I know and love believe total garbage.

But, um, part of that is in how feminism has improved my orgasms.

So, y’know. These guys are just plain clueless.

12 years ago

Yeah, it’s certainly not all privileged trots/radical leftists, but it’s a noticeable amount of them.

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