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Pierre Vs. The Manosphere: A Man Boobz-inspired web comic


Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not be aware of A Voice for Pierre, the hilarious new webcomic by regular Man Boobz commenter Katz, inspired by Man Boobz trolls and dopey Boobz more generally. Here’s the first strip, about a poor paranoid MRA afraid to take his sons to Canada lest they be attacked and possibly killed by wild feminists. Naturally, it’s based on a TRUE STORY.

You can find more Pierre at the A Voice for Pierre website.



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Some Gal Not Bored at All


The cheese is from Trader Joe’s and it was my fave thing about New Year’s. (It was better than the gingerbread kahlua and the champagne!)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

…is Owly trying to sockpuppet us? Underpants is giving off lots of Owly’s standard hoots.

12 years ago

LOL, citing the Torygraph. It’s the lesser-known Daily Mail. Their online writers are judged on a monthly basis per hits. If they’re on the bottom for three months, they get axed. So their entire online content is basically outrage-trolling.

12 years ago

Some Gal: shit, there are no TJ’s here, as it’s the home of Whole Paycheck.

12 years ago

hellkelll they do coexist. Which is a relief, since I came to NYC. The TJ’s here aren’t as good as they are in Calif.

12 years ago

I vote that the cat be called Timmies. Trust me, if there’s one thing Canadians will call for first thing in the morning its Timmies.

Why Timmies hav no home delivery?

12 years ago

Pillow knows what’s up.

Full disclosure, though: I don’t even really like Timmies O.O

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::does quick Google of Timmies:: 😉

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That sucks. I hate Whole Foods. (Although, one year Whole Foods was the only place we could find a fruitcake, which softened my heart to them the teensiest bit.)

Creative Writing Student

If Timmies is what I think it is, WHY U NO IN UK? Seriously, holiday in Canada… I had a mouthgasm. I was like holy shit, cheap soup!

(I dunno…)

12 years ago

Well I’m only the leader of the Canadian Maple Syrup Cartel. Someone else is going to have to handle this shameful lack of appropriate Timmies love.

12 years ago

Too bad the MRAers are too busy minimizing the hideous crime in India to notice the the art work over here. I knew they’d get around to this sooner or later.

12 years ago

Pecunium: I’m about two miles away from the WH Mothership (they should sell day passes to that store like Disney World, it’s that big), and the only foray TJ’s has made into TX so far is in a fancy-schmancy neighborhood of Houston, which is about three hours away depending on traffic.

Some Gal: what’s the name of the cheese? Maybe I can order it through Murray’s.

12 years ago

@scarlett: The poor woman had her intestines ripped out with a metal bar but the dude is totally right: being forced to stand on a bus is the ultimate discrimination.

12 years ago

Fuck AVfM and their rape apologia.

12 years ago

re Timmies: When I visit Ottawa I am greeted at the gate with a dry and a four cream coffee.

It tastes of home.

12 years ago

Hellkell: Austin is apparently getting a TJ’s soon, though. Apparently the zoning went through near Seaholm, which is far enough to be annoying via bike from my place, but not too bad if I have the car.

12 years ago

Yeah, it’s slated to open 2014. I can’t wait. I think it’s gonna be in that messed up little cluster of condos off Lamar/end of West.

12 years ago

Yay Pierre!

Also testing: gravatar (whether or not it shows up on my new computer). Well, new way last fall when Medusa disappeared.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Sadly, it is just called Trader Joe’s Chocolate Cheddar Cheese, but they can’t be the only place that makes one. I hope you find some as it is heavenly.

12 years ago

Congrats, that captured the paranoid qualities perfectly, and the illustration are really pretty x

12 years ago

Swab AVfM — I hope they all get swabbed for chlamydia with swabs made out of legos and porcupine quills. Dude doesn’t mention that women (sometimes) have segregated areas on the buses in India because of the fucking harassment and groping they face. Seriously they are such entitled asshats on so many levels of fuckwittery that I am just boggled.

I can’t wait until they write about Steubenville.


12 years ago

On a cheerier note, I hope katz will tell us the cat’s name soon.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Doing a drive-by link, The Frisky just put me onto this…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL I love the kitteh with the paws over the hoomin’s eyes. So thoughtful, keeping the morning sun from waking them up!

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