announcements comics funny MRA

Pierre Vs. The Manosphere: A Man Boobz-inspired web comic


Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not be aware of A Voice for Pierre, the hilarious new webcomic by regular Man Boobz commenter Katz, inspired by Man Boobz trolls and dopey Boobz more generally. Here’s the first strip, about a poor paranoid MRA afraid to take his sons to Canada lest they be attacked and possibly killed by wild feminists. Naturally, it’s based on a TRUE STORY.

You can find more Pierre at the A Voice for Pierre website.



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BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>We’ll have some poutine in Quebec and then you’ll see

Let me know when. Best poutine is in Montreal btw, so ya’ll need to come over here. 😉

12 years ago

poutine is yummy, if you ask me.

And the cheese is (for, “classic” poutine) cheddar curds (also sold as, “squeakers”), though there are a lot of poutine variants (The Palo Alto Creamery probably still makes the one with parmesan and truffle salt).

You can get squeakers at TJ’s. They are like cheddar, but a little moister,and not as dense.

Quick foray to cheese making.

When the acidulant/rennet is added, the cheese clumps. Those are the “curds”. For different cheeses these are often quite different.

In cheddar the curds are large (between 1/2 and 1 1/2 inches). They taste like cheddar but are a bit less dense. This is because one of the steps in making “firm” cheeses is, “cheddaring” done to all sorts of non-cheddar cheese)., which breaks up the curds, and makes them a lot smaller,so they will compress into a uniform block, rather than a lot of lumps which a loose association.

Things like “marbled” cheddar are made by washing the curds in a liquid (say wine/Guinness) and then compressing them, without “cheddering”.

So, to sum up, if you like cheddar, the cheese ought not put you off poutine.

Worst case, go to a place that makes it, and invite someone along who like poutine, try theirs,and see what you think.

12 years ago

@BlackBloc: Yeah, I definitely wasn’t going to invite everybody down to Cowtown, Alberta for some poutine. Anything we have here is a poor imitation of yours, at best.

Poutine party at BlackBloc’s!

12 years ago

I’m fond of the Poutine I’ve had in Ottawa.

12 years ago

I’ve heard Ontario poutine can be pretty good! never tried any, myself. Of course, Ottawa’s about… 2600-ish km closer to Montreal than Calgary is, though*, so it’s no surprise that the quality would be higher.

*I think? Man I’m terrible at geography.

12 years ago

What with Quebec being right across the river, I suspect that has a lot to do with it.

12 years ago

That Beck letter was… wow.

I wish I could leave well enough alone and just be quiet…
…but I’ve had recurring nightmares that I was loved for who I am

I can see where that might be terrifying for him.

12 years ago


Pfft, i have done better art and issues wise,

How wonderful to see you, too.

Oh and good job at this having a man bare the problem’s and not having women in it even though its woman’s issues.

Pierre’s a guy because the whole concept grew out of a script in which an average guy encounters full-blown MRA conspiracy logic.

MRAs affect men, too. There are plenty of women in the commentariat here, but plenty of men, too (and plenty of neither/both/what-have-you).

In the time of muhammad women were ARGUING with him, telling him its not right to make everyone believe woman are stupid and compare them to donkeys.

I’m no scholar of Islam, but how do we know this? How do you know this? I’m not automatically doubting you, but I’d like to see a source.

The witch burnings, woman were the wise woman, and the church didn’t like it when wise women warned people to stay away from sugar because it ruins the teeth, so the church killed most woman, and only stopped because they were running out of women to make more male babies(the french said that),

I’m almost 100% certain it didn’t happen like that. The Church burned women because they threatened the sugar trade? And only stopped because of impending extinction? Gonna need a source on that, too.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I know it is way back now, but I have to stick up for jargon in specific contexts. (Like postmodern English articles). Really brilliant articles don’t take twenty words to say what could be said in one jargony word.

Also, I reading “But She Said,” the feminist theology book that coined kyriarchy and it is jargony to the hilt, but beautiful. (And I’m not sure if it should fall under jargon or something else, but that woman loves her some hyphenated ideas and they are really clear, but also…um…jargon.)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m almost 100% certain it didn’t happen like that.”

I’m entirely sure it didn’t happen like that, but let’s see our newest n00b explain it away.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I’m reading. (Grumble grumble)

12 years ago

It’s cute when they pretend to be feminists.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Another n00b who doesn’t even bother looking at numbers. Modern scholars estimate the number of executions for witchcraft in Europe between 1450 and 1750 at between 35 000 and 50 000. 75 to 80% of the victims were women. Hardly a threat to breeding numbers, even with Europe’s population numbers substantially lower in 1500 than 1300 (thanks to the Black Death, mostly).

12 years ago

@Argenti: I was allowing for my privilege to have blinded me to some nuance or something.

I’m guessing sugar was Big Money, back in the day, but I’m not sure the Pope would have ordered people burned because some countries weren’t maximizing their profits.

12 years ago

And the Salem witch trials were fairly clearly about land and exercising political power. IIRC, the judge in a trial at the time was awarded the convicted’s real property, if not personalty.

Bad idea.

12 years ago

It is annoying that the Pierre concept must needs be basically all white dudes (hence why I made Diogenes Asian), but aside from it being based on a single stand-alone script that featured a male Pierre, the comedy value would largely be lost if I switched to the distaff counterpart.

Many of the scripts would be altogether unworkable, because they hinge on MRAs taking a conspiratorial tone towards Pierre and assuming he’s an ally, which doesn’t work if he’s a woman (eg, Paul Elam would never interview a woman for an editor under any circumstances). The rest would lose most of their humor because, if Pierre were a woman, all the aggression would be directed at her, rather than obliquely, and the bemused responses that are the funny part would no longer make sense.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“@Argenti: I was allowing for my privilege to have blinded me to some nuance or something.”

Nawh, I was just snarking at the n00b — no point saying you’re nearly 100% sure when 2 seconds on google would confirm that your right (that’s still not coming out right, sorry, I’m running on lots of caffeine).

Hey Pecunium / better than salt money — was sugar ever treated similar to salt? I don’t recall that being the case, but my brain has about 1,000 years of history that sums to “and there was the plague”.

12 years ago

If it helps, katz, Pierre reads as part First Nations to me due to his coloration. But yeah, he does have to be a dude.

12 years ago

If it helps, katz, Pierre reads as part First Nations to me due to his coloration.

Ooh, I will have to make that canonical. I guess he is French/Native American, then?

12 years ago

French/Scottish/Native American with a surname like that ….

12 years ago

Decided to have a little fun. Should I?

The picture’s Katz’ icon-sized Pierre.

12 years ago

lowquacks, the browser tabs really made the whole thing.

12 years ago

Oh, you know, just the things I had open at the time. Pretty usual stuff for me.

12 years ago

Love it! Pierre is so very blatantly misandrist.

12 years ago

Laughage! So much laughage!