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Pierre Vs. The Manosphere: A Man Boobz-inspired web comic


Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not be aware of A Voice for Pierre, the hilarious new webcomic by regular Man Boobz commenter Katz, inspired by Man Boobz trolls and dopey Boobz more generally. Here’s the first strip, about a poor paranoid MRA afraid to take his sons to Canada lest they be attacked and possibly killed by wild feminists. Naturally, it’s based on a TRUE STORY.

You can find more Pierre at the A Voice for Pierre website.



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Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Sorry; should have said ‘woot stwucture’

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I recall someone who is not Morrisey from The Smiths publicly told David Cameron that he was not allowed to like The Smiths

David Cameron did say this was his one of his favourite songs on Desert Island Discs.

12 years ago

That’s because he’s a disingenuous, chinless little fuckbadger who’d set his own mother on fire if he thought it might gain him a vote.

12 years ago

I’ve tried to find some sort of positive quality in Cameron, just out of curiosity. No luck so far.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Nat, that’s one if the best insults ever — chinless little fuck badger. From what I know of Cameron, it’s fitting.

12 years ago

Careful now, I’m sure that calling a man chinless is probably misandry. They’ll register you for that.

12 years ago

@CassandraSays The one positive I can find is that he will hopefully die some day. Although the fact that Thatcher still hasn’t flown her broomstick off this mortal coil makes me suspect I may be wrong.

I’m from Yorkshire, Tories make my boots itch.

12 years ago

calling a man chinless is probably misandry

There’s not a single chin between the whole cabinet, including the women. Mind you, there’s only about two women in the cabinet so there’s that.

12 years ago

Tories make my boots itch

Out of a desire to throw said boots at the Tories, I assume.

I’m Scottish. I don’t understand why anyone votes for them.

12 years ago

Yep. The rich vote for them because they don’t want to share the wealth with the povvo workers, the middle class vote for them because they do so well spreading fear of other groups. Listening to Tories talk you’d think 90% of the country was filled with ‘scrounging immigrants’.

I’ve actually been banned from contacting my local (Tory) MP, after he responded to one of my emails about his support for abstinence-based sex education, on official House of Commons paper, to not answer any of my questions but instead call me ‘crude and pointlessly aggressive’.

I had it framed.

12 years ago

Even the rich Scots I know don’t vote Tory. Obviously there must be some who do, but damned if I know any, and I went to a very snobby boarding school.

I’ve seen reading British papers after a while of reading nothing but the Guardian and I feel like the rhetoric about scroungers etc has amped up since the last time I read any of the more Tory-centric papers a few years ago. Am I imagining things or is it actually getting worse?

12 years ago

Obviously there’s an element of birds of a feather there, since why would I have stayed in touch with anyone likely to vote Tory? And if any of my family did I think the rest of the relatives would disown them.

12 years ago

There’s only one Tory MP from Scotland. When Edinburgh zoo got the two pandas, there were lots of jokes about how there were now twice as many pandas as Tories in Scotland.

The rhetoric has gone up to obscene levels, it’s the government’s only focus at the moment – especially against people with disabilities. There was some research done last week about what people think about benefits, how much of the budget do they think goes to pay for JSA, what they think the levels of disability benefit fraud are etc., and it found people were overestimating it at least tenfold because of all the shit in the papers and from the gov’t every single day. The only two who actually report accurate statistics on it any more are the Graun and the Indy. Add that to workfare, the ATOS clusterfuck, Remploy shutting, the new Universal Credit Scheme, PIPs*, and every other bloody thing, people with disabilities are literally being driven to suicide by it every day. I’m getting really worried about some of my friends too, the stories you hear are just disgusting. Like, the government isn’t just fucking them over themselves, they’re using the media to get their friends and neighbours to see them as freeloading demons too. The chancellor was talking just the other day about ‘shirkers versus strivers’, it’s his new catchphrase, they’re freezing benefits way below inflation… it’s terrifying. It honestly is. Not only that but you have the erosion of workers’ rights, civil liberties, human rights, education and women’s rights… and to add insult to injury, did you know that the average fraudulent expenses claim (that they get caught for, there are many more obeying the letter but not spirit of the law) by MPs is 31 times higher than the average benefit fraud? Oh and mistakes by DWP officials cost twice as much as benefit fraud?

Gah gah rant rant. I have to stop now otherwise I could type all day.

(*if you don’t know what any of these are I can tell you but I thought if you do there’s no point in explaining them all in detail)

12 years ago

Okay this blasphemy is sickening
You all come to my country
We’ll have some poutine in Quebec and then you’ll see
Then we’ll follow me home to Alberta and we’ll have some Caesars (or virgin Caesars if you prefer)
You’ll see
You’ll all see

12 years ago

That’s what I mean, from what I’m reading they’ve crossed the line from standard stupid politician rhetoric into outright propaganda, and it worries me. It’s like they’re trying to get people amped up to actually attack their neighbors. Maybe that’s an unintended consequence, but reading some of the comments the things people are saying about both disabled people and pensioners are just shockingly vicious.

It makes me glad that my granny and my cousin who has a visible disability are living in the heart of Labour territory.

12 years ago

That’s the trick with Muse – they’re like most of Led Zep’s catalogue in which you have to slip back to being 12, silly, and full of hormones.

Funny, I always thought Muse answered the question, “What if Queen sucked?”

12 years ago

Have you heard the newest Muse? Mr C made me listen to it just because he wanted confirmation that it really was as crap as he thought it was.

12 years ago

Yes, I’ve heard it, and it is awful. MR. HK couldn’t believe it, as he really likes their older stuff.

12 years ago

OK, I’m starting to seriously wonder if we have a timeshare husband. Mr C is also a former fan – I think he was hoping I’d say it wasn’t that bad and change his mind. Sadly that is not how things went.

12 years ago

LOL, does he disappear for long periods of time?

Our disgust at Muse was sealed when the were on SNL recently. That fucked up touch screen bass just about broke Mr. HK’s heart.

12 years ago

I’m glad I didn’t see that. TVs are expensive and I’d hate for any projectiles to break one.

12 years ago

@Cassandra It’s definitely reached propaganda levels. I have friends with visible disabilities who’ve stopped leaving the house because they have been/fear being attacked.

It’s the slimy dishonesty that gets me. For instance, Iain Duncan Smith, the festering pustule in charge of the DWP, was caught last weekend saying that benefit payments had increased by 58% under Labour, when in fact it was 8% (in 13 years). They lie and lie and lie, and if they were honest and just said ‘yeah actually we hate poor people and we don’t give a shit about helping people with disabilities’ we could fight that, everyone would see them for what they are. But instead we spend all our time debunking the rancid bullshit that drops out of their mouths every time they open them. The House of Commons has turned into the Aegean stables.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Touch screen string instrument? Blasphemy!

How the fuck does one do…anything…on touch screen strings!

Then again, bass is already foregoing a bow…

12 years ago

I’m honestly finding some of the comments I’m reading on articles about benefits stuff a bit scary. I mean, there have always been some people like that, but for it to escalate to the point where there’s actual violence?

Super happy that my cousin is in Scotland, I’d be really worried right now if he was down south. And he’s a lawyer, he can’t just not go out.

12 years ago

It’s the iBass! Does it come in an array of rather bland colors?