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Pierre Vs. The Manosphere: A Man Boobz-inspired web comic


Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not be aware of A Voice for Pierre, the hilarious new webcomic by regular Man Boobz commenter Katz, inspired by Man Boobz trolls and dopey Boobz more generally. Here’s the first strip, about a poor paranoid MRA afraid to take his sons to Canada lest they be attacked and possibly killed by wild feminists. Naturally, it’s based on a TRUE STORY.

You can find more Pierre at the A Voice for Pierre website.



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12 years ago


In the time of muhammad women were ARGUING with him, telling him its not right to make everyone believe woman are stupid and compare them to donkeys.

Citation please? I’m not denying there’s misogyny in Islam (where ISN’T there misogyny?), but this doesn’t gibe with what I’ve read about Muhammad. His uncle Abu Bakr was a raving sexist, yes, but Muhammad is on the record as telling him to knock it off. Compared to much of the thinking of his time, he was practically a feminist.

12 years ago

Fixed the typo.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@emilygoddess – Nah is another troll who’s not on speaking terms with citations, references, or any facts other than the brainfax variety.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

In completely random things, my loaches are trying to violate the laws of physics and occupy the same spot, silly fish!

The manboobz castle needs fish tanks, lots of them, because some fish really can’t go together.

12 years ago

And to give the inevitable many kitties something to watch!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

…from a safe distance…my mother’s cat keeps trying to attack my fishies through the glass, they are not amused (well, mostly not amused, the loaches seem to be more perplexed than frightened)

12 years ago

Falconer: And the Salem witch trials were fairly clearly about land and exercising political power. IIRC, the judge in a trial at the time was awarded the convicted’s real property, if not personalty.

Salem was a lot more complicated. The complaining/denouncing parties were awarded things. The judges got to dispose of the property of the condemned (and there were several judges).

There were no burnings in Salem, they hanged the ones they executed; save one man, who refused to plead, and was pressed to death in an effort to make him.

Since he hadn’t pleaded, his goods, and land, weren’t forfeit.

There was a huge aspect of class to it as well.

Religious figures from Boston had reservations very early in the proceedings, but Salem was out of the way, and communications were slower, so it was able to get out of hand a lot more thoroughly than otherwise, because it took some time for anyone in Boston to actually go out and see what was going on.

So much about the Salem trials is congruent with later events in US history (as a pattern) that I am amazed it’s not studied more.

12 years ago

Argenti: Pecunium is the handle, the other is commentary.

No, sugar was never as important as salt. Salt was a life and death commodity, sugar was just profit.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Argenti, I’ve made some forward/back buttons and a banner and I’m working on a background image now. Maybe you could start by incorporating those. And, yes, formatting the tables better would be good, with rounded edges and a little more padding. And the row of links at the top more like tabs: rounded edges at the top, flat bottoms?

If you’re game, you can create a Comicfury account and I can add you as an author and then you can go wild.

12 years ago

“The manboobz castle needs fish tanks, lots of them, because some fish really can’t go together.”

Yes! I would love for one fish tank to be full of freshwater angels and silver dollars to remind me of home.

12 years ago

And Underpants troll is also throwing word salad at me on this thread:

Hi thenatfantastic

I agree with you. It is like a wheel that is blue and red at the same. But be sure the it is because the wheel is misogyny in the wrong way by being red. Longways if the wheel was blue at least I could she care about the women right, but red what is tat u4 ue4mv;

Looking forward to read you answer.


12 years ago

“A wheel that is blue and red at the same time.” So purple, then?

12 years ago

Purple is the colour of anarcha-feminism, so…

Fuck it, I give up. It’s like the Poundland version of The Da Vinci Code. The Dogs Playing Poker Code.

12 years ago

No, we can do this! I’ve been a fan of the Riddler since I was five; there’s got to be a way to work this out!

12 years ago

Well he also commented saying this in the other thread:

Hi thenatfantastic

I agree with you. When I was not born, I was thinking that the world is a very bad place, and then oups I was born.

So we have birth, purple and U4UE4MV;

The 4 could be a substitution code, which would lead to YYIQZ…

Nope I got nothing.

12 years ago

I’ve got it! It’s a ballpoint misandry banana!

12 years ago

I’m thinking it’s a lost Prince song from the early 90s.

12 years ago

Maybe Diogenes can decode it for us.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Oups is a spelling I have never seen before. I’ve seen oops and opps and variations with number of o’s and p’s (ops is a fun one), but never oups. See something new every day.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Argenti: Pecunium is the handle, the other is commentary.

No, sugar was never as important as salt. Salt was a life and death commodity, sugar was just profit.”

Sorry for the confusion on Pecunium / better than salt — it was meant as an explanation why you might know, and thanks for the answer!

Katz — I’m off to the psych, I’ll get that account set up when I get home (and am this @gmail if you want to send me those images)

Claire — and a loach tank for me!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Katz — sign up success! Same nym as here (and everywhere else for that matter)


12 years ago

Argenti, I can’t find you; Comicfury has no user search. Can you drop me a message? You can find me by comic.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago


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