antifeminism feminism hundreds of upvotes misogyny MRA pig ignorance rape reddit

This Just In: Reddit MRAs don’t know crap about rape prevention, but still have strong opinions about it

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the top post at the moment (with more than 370 net upvotes) is a link to this image:


If I might hazard a guess: that’s because IT HAS YOU NUMBSKULLS.

Sigh. Let’s look at a little chart showing the striking decline in the incidence of rape we’ve seen in the last 30 years.


This is based on data from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Some have criticized the survey’s methodology and say that it undercounts the incidence of rape, but even if that is true, the trend is clear: Rape has declined significantly over the past three decades, and I think it’s fairly obvious that increased awareness and understanding of rape, largely the result of feminist anti-rape campaigns, has contributed significantly to this decline.

Naturally, those who tried to point this out in r/mensrights found themselves downvoted.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I like Sherman. Makes me think of Sherman T. Potter. 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Or if he had dark whiskers you could call him Pierre … say, Pierre’s cat is ginger!

12 years ago

Pierre needs a cat!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

My cat has three names so I heartily support that. (Her name links to my real name or I’d share.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pierre has a cat! Did you see the happy new year comic?

12 years ago

I missed that comic. Love the hat.

12 years ago

A dear friend of mine had a beautiful orange kitty named Sherman, who was as dumb as a rock but incredibly affectionate and fluffy.
Here’s Shermiepie not too long before he died, poor dear.
And here’s my sister holding Molly, my girl tabby. Yes, that is the kitchen wallpaper I grew up with. This may explain many things about my personality.

12 years ago

Kitties! Wow, that wallpaper is deafening.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Whoo, kitties and super 70s paper!

::fetches sunglasses::

12 years ago

Since he has almost the right coloring you could name him after this little guy from The Great Yokai War.

(I know we were talking about issues with Miike the other day, but Yokai War is awesome. It’s for kids so there’s no creepy weirdness.)

12 years ago

You should have seen the wallpaper in my bedroom. No pictures, sadly.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


Sounds like the “How do you get to sleep with that?” variety.

12 years ago

I wanted Star Wars wallpaper for a while but my parents very sensibly limited me to a duvet cover, pillowcases, and curtains.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh my!

I was lucky, the bedroom I had longest as a kid had wood walls, so I was able to stick stuff all over them without wrecking paint. Maddening thing about the house we’re in now is that the lease says no pictures stuck or hung up at all. I tried those suction-cup picture hooks but they just fall off. 🙁

12 years ago

^^^ That drives me crazy, Kitteh! You want me to pay stupid money to live in your stupid house and I can’t even adorn the stupid walls with some beauty?????

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“At this point we should probably respond to any new troll with a silly name and an obvious desire to upset people with “Hi, Mr Al. You’re still banned”.”

Lol, YES!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kitteh — I’ve had good luck with these —

Don’t bother trying near anywhere humid though, the ones by my fish tank lasted only a matter of days (the ones holding up art elsewhere work great though)

12 years ago

I missed that, and seem to have closed that thread. I’m assuming it was Al, and he was his usual clueless self?

12 years ago

For lighter objects you can try the adhesive putty they use for museums. Museum Tack, and it’s ilk.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium, it’s this thread, go back a page 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“For lighter objects you can try the adhesive putty they use for museums. Museum Tack, and it’s ilk.”

Ah yeah, the blue stuff, works great on posters and papers and the like. Not so much for mounted canvas, hence my use of command strips.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pecunium, it was the twit trying to have a go at me and Mr K – you answered him. It was worth having that jackass (whether Mr Al or not) show his ass so badly to read all the responses! 🙂

Thanks to you and Argenti re: the wall hanging stuff, I’ll see if they sell those or equivalent products here. If it’s something I can peel off easily, I can pull stuff down when we have our *&^%^%$ six-monthly house inspections.

I’ve found one way of getting some stuff up is putting a drawing pin or similar on top of a door or pelmet and hanging it from a cord or chain attached. Rather necessary for calendars (and one has to have calendars because kitty photos).

12 years ago

What I didn’t see was him getting banned.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Dave didn’t post about it, I just dropped him a line.

12 years ago

Ah…. All is now clear.