antifeminism feminism hundreds of upvotes misogyny MRA pig ignorance rape reddit

This Just In: Reddit MRAs don’t know crap about rape prevention, but still have strong opinions about it

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the top post at the moment (with more than 370 net upvotes) is a link to this image:


If I might hazard a guess: that’s because IT HAS YOU NUMBSKULLS.

Sigh. Let’s look at a little chart showing the striking decline in the incidence of rape we’ve seen in the last 30 years.


This is based on data from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Some have criticized the survey’s methodology and say that it undercounts the incidence of rape, but even if that is true, the trend is clear: Rape has declined significantly over the past three decades, and I think it’s fairly obvious that increased awareness and understanding of rape, largely the result of feminist anti-rape campaigns, has contributed significantly to this decline.

Naturally, those who tried to point this out in r/mensrights found themselves downvoted.

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12 years ago

JimboSpice, go step on a lego. Kitteh’s was clearly talking about how creepy it is to reduce women to vagina + breasts. But yeah, teh feminists are mean meanies for pointing it out and you clearly have to resort to personal attacks on well-liked commenters for such an egregious slight.

12 years ago

Jimbo: I can see you’ve been hanging out a while. Now you choose to speak up, with the intent of being cruel.

Go get swapped for chlamydia. Twice.

12 years ago

Pecunium: wishing him the giant q-tip is evil, I dig it.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Oh god, swabbing. My vagina is cowering. You are evil.

12 years ago

oh god swabbing *curls into a ball and falls over sideways*

12 years ago

@Hellkell – I got bifocals when I was seenteen. When I was in my thirties my new eye doctor told me I’d been misdiagnosed but would need the bifocals in five or so years anyway, so I just kept wearing them. Adjusting to them is a drag at first – I hope they will get better for you.

12 years ago

Hippodameia: I’m adjusting. I no longer feel like I’m drunk when walking around with them on. As a bonus, my driving night vision is much better. I didn’t realize how off it was, not like it would make me stand out amongst the cornucopia of shit drivers here.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Go get swapped for chlamydia. Twice.”

*shudders* I think you just found a curse that trumps may your every step be filled with Legos

Kitteh, me, and others where discussing Louis XIII and period fashion on the New Years thread, so our Professor here might have seen that. In any case, Pecunium, go there, you’ll enjoy the discussion.

12 years ago

I’ve been swabbed once. Oh My God.

The only reason I didn’t puke was I was trying to pass out.

The only reason I didn’t pass out was I trying to puke.

I had a yeast infection.

12 years ago

I did, and there is more subtext in his comment than that thread really makes plain.

Actually, I smell sock.

12 years ago

The lurking bit does smell socky, as well as the goofy name.

12 years ago

RE: ProfessorJimboSpice

No, no, no, you’re going about this all wrong. I’M the one you should be saying that too, dumbass. Here you are, going after Kittehs, and missing me as the more obvious target. I mean, I made a fucking ZINE about my relationship!

*shakes head* Foolish trolls, always making the silly mistakes. Sorry, Kittehs.

12 years ago

Who else thinks we should just not talk to him on the offchance he’s you-know-who?

12 years ago

RE: katz

I naturally lean that way, but I have a dog in the ‘your relationship isn’t real because PLURAL’ fight. And I so rarely get to call anyone out on it in any social sphere…

12 years ago

Guys! We got a kitten, a 12wk old orange tabby boy with blue eyes. I’ll post some pics later.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Thirding the who-know-who guess.

Pecunium — swabbed for a yeast infection, is there any part of medicine that doesn’t hate you?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Hellkell — SQUEEEEE KITTEH!!!!!!

12 years ago

Argenti: Male symptoms of yeast infection are much like those of gonorrhea, so the swab wasn’t completely out of line. The other time there was a worry (chance of my having it… practically nil. The husband of a woman I was seeing caught it, and so a lot of us had to get checked. None of the women who had it and I had not used condoms) I went to the clinic, told them what was going on and they just wrote a scrip for erythromycin.

The Army is much more proactive, and I got an entire STD panel, and a prophylactic injection (which required an anasthetic). All negative.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’d think you could culture it from the um, symptoms. I should really call PP and confirm that no news is good news — I had the full set done a month ago. Fun motherfucking times!

Also, oh the joys of poly relationships, one person gets anything and everyone gets it. (You didn’t share the flu did you?)

12 years ago

There is now a blood test, but the exterior discharge has too much other bacteria to make a surface culture practical. A clean colony is almost never going to happen.

But the swab is isolated and urine is sterile, so the go rooting round in the urethra… scary far.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*shudders* yeah, I had a butterfly needle and the good old pee in a cup…in the dark. The whole block lost power, PP offered to reschedule if I wanted, I said I was there and medicated so let’s do it. Gotta give that nurse credit, she drew blood, in the dark, by flashlight, and I barely felt it.

After the vampire phlebotomist, it was a dream. The sex partners questions were interesting, I think you where right the other day about “we use condoms, always” being their real question. OMGS though on the medication questions, my list of fucking four >.<

12 years ago

All my doctor asked was, “do you practice safe sex”, She didn’t ask of I was in a relationship, had more than one partner, etc.

“are you sexually active?”

“do you practice safe sex?”

“do you smoke?”

and one we went.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I did get asked whether I have male/female/both partners, but then it was straight on with the other questions.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I’ve been vag-swabbed for yeast infection, quite recently. I also have vaginismus – nothing gets up (or, presumably, down) there without a fight. (I have a horrible feeling I’m going to get it sorted and three years’ worth of menstrual blood’s just gonna come gushing out.)

Anyone who’s been swabbed has my sympathy. *wince*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hellkell! Kitten! Joins the squees!

LOL to smelly sockpuppets trying to needle me about Mr K. It says everything about the sock, nothing about me at all. Seen it before, meh, these tossers are so unimaginative.

And high fives plus big smiles to everyone else!