antifeminism MRA reddit top troll TROOOLLLL!! whaaaaa?

Drama! On Reddit, “Mikhael_Varpole” denies everything

Those following the strange tale of Man Boobz’ recently crowned Troll of the Year for 2012 will be intersted to know that someone calling himself Mikhael_Varpole has done a self-post on the Men’s Rights Subreddit claiming that he’s not MRAL after all and declaring me a liar. Here’s his explanation, FWIW.


I’ll be keeping him banned, in any case; even if this serial liar and sockpuppeter is telling the truth about this (highly unlikely, in my opinion), he’s still a serial liar and sockpuppeter.

Also, for the record, he wasn’t using a “similar” IP as Scooby Doo/MRAL; it was the same IP. And he was using the IP before I called him out for sockpuppeting as Torvus Butthorn — which is what he’s referring to, dishonestly of course, when he talks about doxxing.

He’s clearly just trying to stir up more shit, but it looks like the folks in r/mensrights aren’t biting.

Anyway, I guess we can consider this his Troll of the Year acceptance speech.

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12 years ago

@ Some Gal

Yeah, that’s what I meant. I don’t even know if a word exists for whatever the hell is wrong with that guy.

12 years ago

@shiraz. Yep, “Nice Guy Syndrome” all the way. That whole “women just want to be dominated” line of thinking. It’s the worst.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

The 50 Shades stuff has lots of rape, but since her inner goddess loves it, I guess that makes her verbal no meaningless. smh

50 Shades: Ana’s inner goddess kinda likes it. The rest of Ana is (rightfully) terrified of Christian Grey.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@Creative Writing Student

Someone said that 50 Shades is one of the few stories that is scarier when you take the monsters/vampires out. It is so much less horrid as Twilight fanfic.

12 years ago

Stories where the writer has written rape or abuse without even realizing that that’s what they wrote are a special kind of creepy.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

They also pretty much prove the existence of rape culture, not that anyone here doubts it.

12 years ago

I’m actually really glad that we had this conversation. I was trying to pinpoint what exactly bothered me so much about that movie and trying to explain it to other people made it clearer to me – it’s the removal of the women’s subjectivity that it from “this horror movie is more twisted than average” into “my flesh is quite literally crawling” territory.

12 years ago

Especially not after that… what was it called… Stubenville High School or whatever incident. That was deeply disturbing to me. The fact that so many did participated or did nothing to help that poor girl.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

@Some Gal

The common ‘complaints’ (lol mummy porn!) also come off as rape culture too – “haha, women aren’t supposed to enjoy porn! especially not old hags! haha!”

I mean, the fans… well from what I’ve heard the fantasy is Christian Grey pampering them, “I guess I’d just have to put up with the weird stuff”… but you don’t fight rape culture with more rape culture.

12 years ago

I don’t see why the 50 shades book come as such a shock to people. Haven’t they ever walked down the romance section of their local book store? Abs… abs everywhere.

12 years ago

Yeah, atomicgrizzly, I read some of the message boards. One idiot commented, “I judge a woman a lot based on how she behaves drunk.” Now, mind you, this poor girl was passed-out the whole time. Errr, wouldn’t it make more sense to judge the behavior of the person/people who aren’t completely UNCONSCIOUS? There was another video where this punk kid kept saying “so what?” when asked by an off-camera person what he would do if that happened to his daughter. “So what, she’d be dead.” He shot back. The disregard, hatefulness and sexism is absolutely chilling.

12 years ago

Exactly. They place no value placed with any woman’s life or well being. They just see sex objects.

“I judge a woman a lot based on how she behaves drunk.”

Really? Because I think the man raping a woman who is passed out should be the first person who is judged.

12 years ago

Since when is “unconscious” a behavior?

12 years ago

Since the rapists decided to get rid of their pesky cognitive dissonance.

12 years ago

I don’t understand where the mindset came from that it’s fine to judge someone who was raped when they were passed out. What about women in a coma? “But it’s not their fault they’re in a coma?,” you say? Okay, what if they ended up in a coma because they were driving drunk? Do they deserve it then? What if I fall asleep at a party and someone takes advantage of me? Was it my fault for sleeping? Shouldn’t I have known better than to be tired around dudes?

But no, it’s only ever drunk people. Because one form of unconsciousness is inherently immoral or something.

12 years ago

Part of it is the idea that women shouldn’t be drinking at all.

12 years ago

I think they are fine with women drinking; it makes them fair game.

What they don’t like is women as autonomous actors. Therefore anything which has personal agency is a “risk factor” and mitigates the rapists responsibility.

12 years ago

I didn’t mean the rapists. Obviously they’re in favor of anything that might help them to incapacitate their victims. I mean that there’s an element in society that thinks that it’s unseemly for women to get drunk because getting drunk is a Man Thing and unladylike, and those people seem to love tut tuting over cases where women were raped while drunk because they see the rape as a punishment for breaking the rules of proper feminine behavior and hope that talking about those cases will help them to shove women back into the nice little boxes that they’d love to keep us in. Rape is often a mechanism of social control.

12 years ago

Another double standard. “Women should drink so I can have sex with them, but if they get taken advantage of, then sad day for them. They shouldn’t be out drinking like that.”

12 years ago

As an example think of our friend Mary Sunshine. She doesn’t seem to have any desire to rape anyone herself, but if she can use the fear of rape as a way to manipulate women into acting the way she thinks that they should? You know that she will.

12 years ago


Holy crap. That’s a good point. More than a little disturbing too. Kinda like the skimpy clothes thing. “Unless you dress that way society wants you too, you’ll have no sympathy if you’re raped.”

12 years ago

“Since when is “unconscious” a behavior?”

Exactly. But like lauralot and others are pointing out, they’ll just try the old, “Well, why did she drink so much? Huh? What does she expect?” It’s depressing as shit. But at least these idiots and their idiot friends stepped in it when they decided to post all this shit. Oh, thank god for that navel-gazing urge.

12 years ago

Stemming from this discussion,on New Years Eve, there was girl who I didn’t know but was a friend of a friend who was completely off her face.

She arrived like that and everyone noticed and commented on it and I still had to step in a pull two, TWO separate guys off her who were trying to kiss and grope her when she clearly was not in a condition to be doing anything of the sort.

Ick. Ick. Ick.

I knew both those guys and will be keeping a close eye on them around my friends from now on.

12 years ago

The fear of rape has been used as a way to control the behavior of women for a long, long time. That’s the reason why I have absolutely zero tolerance for the “but if women just took some precautions…” arguments. Part of the purpose of rape culture is to limit women’s ability to move freely in society.

12 years ago


Damn straight! Thanks for pointing that out.