antifeminism MRA reddit top troll TROOOLLLL!! whaaaaa?

Drama! On Reddit, “Mikhael_Varpole” denies everything

Those following the strange tale of Man Boobz’ recently crowned Troll of the Year for 2012 will be intersted to know that someone calling himself Mikhael_Varpole has done a self-post on the Men’s Rights Subreddit claiming that he’s not MRAL after all and declaring me a liar. Here’s his explanation, FWIW.


I’ll be keeping him banned, in any case; even if this serial liar and sockpuppeter is telling the truth about this (highly unlikely, in my opinion), he’s still a serial liar and sockpuppeter.

Also, for the record, he wasn’t using a “similar” IP as Scooby Doo/MRAL; it was the same IP. And he was using the IP before I called him out for sockpuppeting as Torvus Butthorn — which is what he’s referring to, dishonestly of course, when he talks about doxxing.

He’s clearly just trying to stir up more shit, but it looks like the folks in r/mensrights aren’t biting.

Anyway, I guess we can consider this his Troll of the Year acceptance speech.

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12 years ago

Frankly, you should be, to be frank.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Frankly, my dear … If he thinks he’s channelling Rhett Butler, FAIL.

12 years ago

I am really fed up with MRAs talking about feminist censorship and silencing. I have never had ONE SINGLE comment of mine published on any MRA blog, youtube channel, article etc. They instantly delete and block me.

They are the ones who won’t confront criticism. They are the censors. They are the ultimate projectors.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*dies* I just read part of this to my mother and noted that this thread was about to go to the birds, her reply? “I think it already has, frankly” XD

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL Argenti’s Mum!

12 years ago

How nice to see he’s gone professional as a crank.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

He won’t have nearly as much fun with the MRAs as here. They’re not noted for having a sense of humour, individually or collectively. Whereas Steele did at least prompt some hella funny threads here.

12 years ago

What a pathetic person.

What did he do to finally get his main persona banned here, again?

12 years ago

Oh, Mr Al, you sad bastard. Even other MRAs don’t want to be your friends.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Didn’t he get banned for making really nasty personal attacks on people here?

12 years ago

He posted as steele for how long and never successfully defended a single point when people were talking with him. In what universe does that constitute “not engaging”?

Also I’m pretty sure on David’s blog he can ban anyone at any time with impunity. He doesn’t need an excuse. These guys just cannot accept that there are personal websites in the world where they can’t dictate what they can and cannot do (and what the site owner must write about, etc.)

12 years ago

Didn’t he get banned for making really nasty personal attacks on people here?

Was that him? I thought that was what NWOSlave ended up on moderation for.

Then again, it’s not as if we’ve ever had a shortage of trolls making nasty personal attacks.

12 years ago

“But frankly I don’t give much a rip.”

Much a rip? Is that an expression? I think “I don’t give a flying fig” or “flying handshake (yep, Buckaroo Banzai reference)” would have better suited his need to sound square, super mad and unconvincingly earnest.

12 years ago

What did he do to finally get his main persona banned here, again?

I think he was just super annoying and kept going between being kind of nice but intensely clueless and super RAGEY and even more clueless than that. Also, he said his therapist thought it would be better if he didn’t spend all his time posting here, but then he never stopped being obsessed with Manboobz and continued to spend all his time here. Then, he admitted to trolling and said he was going to stop, in a huge emotional outpouring where everyone told him how happy they were that he was kind of, finally, on the road to not being a complete asshole; but then he continued being a huge asshole.

Something like that.

12 years ago

So, we’re this guy’s version of cocaine? Huh.

12 years ago

I don’t actually remember why he was initially banned, other than that there was a clear consensus that a. he had overstayed his welcome and b. being here wasn’t helping him either.

12 years ago

You denied him your audience and by so doing you have silenced him? Another Inego Montoya moment from a member in good standing of the abuser lobby.

12 years ago

I laughed through the whole thing. That sentence “How man others has he silenced this way?” written in italics for emphasis… perfect! It’s like you’ve committed some kind of atrocity by banning horrid commenters.

12 years ago

You know, thinking back, he never did respond to the comments I made saying that I thought he was a Poe. If nothing else he’s finally learned some self-restraint.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Learning to fly more below the radar isn’t exactly a great skill for someone with his views to have. Ick.

12 years ago

Yeah, that’s why I wish people would stop congratulating him. Why encourage him to keep doing this shit?

12 years ago

In David’s defense, he’s only congratulating him on being king asshat.

12 years ago

Not David, I mean there are comments that seem to be impressed that he pulled it off more than appalled that he would do something so completely batshit. I don’t get it, but I’m sure the little creep is patting himself on the back as he reads them.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I don’t know if I hope that he’ll be frustrated he provoked so little anger (which shows he’s mega-fucked-up or that he’ll be encouraged by our laughter to try this shit again. The more I think about it, the more the initial “Holy Shit” becomes the only good thing and the more the creepy overshadows even the pleasure of a surprise. The length of time he was at this when he could have been growing the fuck up is distressing. (Although event that assumes his age was right initially, which is reasonable but still just a guess. If he’s in his forties, that brings up a whole lot of other distressing things.)

12 years ago

Yeah, I definitely did not want to congratulate him. Realizing he was back AGAIN was just all sorts of creepy. It’s like a really shitty and unenjoyable horror film with an awful villain that does manage to have that one unsettling twist.