Tom Martin top troll TROOOLLLL!! whaaaaa?

The Man Boobz Troll of the Year Award for 2012 goes to … MRAL! No, that’s not a typo.


The votes are in and the winner of the highly coveted Man Boobz Troll of the Year Award for 2012 is … MRAL!

Wait, you say, he wasn’t even on the ballot?

Well, no. The troll that got the most votes from you, my dear readers, was the verbose anti-Man Boobz crusader known as Steele —  also known as Mikhael Varpole and, briefly, as Torvus Butthorn. Indeed, Steele cruised to victory, getting 47% of the vote, as compared with the 33% received by Tom Martin, his only real competitor. (Dr. Pell came in third, with a mere 6% of the total.)

But as it turns out we’ve been played, big time. The troll we know and love as Steele turns out to have been MRAL all along.

Yes, that MRAL – the long banned commenter who cannot seem to walk away from this blog. We’ve uncovered and banned many of his previous sockpuppets, but somehow he managed to slip his boldest sockpuppet right by us.

Oh, sure. I and others here often wondered if Steele was for real; it seemed pretty clear to me that he couldn’t possibly believe everything he said. But it wasn’t until I went back  to some of “Steele’s” earliest comments here, in preparation for this post, that I discovered how justified these suspicions had been. Turns out that one of “Mikhael Varpole’s” IP addresses matched one used by an earlier troll, Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, who had been outed as MRAL a couple of months earlier.


“Torvus Butthorn” really should have been a dead giveaway. But otherwise the highly dedicated MRAL did a masterful job of keeping his troll character consistently ridiculous yet plausible enough to not be an obvious phony, and of hiding his particular obsessions in such a way that he didn’t give himself away.

So, congrats, MRAL, and you’re banned again.

After this, the rest of the results are a bit of an anticlimax.

Sunshine Mary wins the Special-est Snowflake award for Female MRA Trolls, with 52% of the vote. Driversuz comes in second with 32%.

Tom Martin easily wins the Worst Human Being award with a stunning 73% to David K Meller’s 22%.

Some Guy Bored With Your Schtick wins Most Tiresome with 58% of the vote; Diogenes is a distant second with 24%.

And JudgyBitch wins Most Pathetic Vote Beggar.

I hope they’re not all MRAL too.


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12 years ago

Can anyone explain why I am humming “I’m a little teapot, short and stout…” all of a sudden?

Rooibos is one of my faves, but lately I’ve been drinking a blend of chamomile and elderflower that is really nice.

When I want a black tea, I like PG Tips with just a spot of milk — not because it’s good, but because it’s a kind of nostalgic thing for me. When I was in college I had an English friend who had grown up drinking it, and we spent hours at his apartment drinking that, eating the terrible (because bland!) curries he’d make, and chatting and laughing.

12 years ago

Coffee is a manly drink! Feminists beware! Coffee is hard, bitter, dark, and makes you shit have a healthful bowel movement when properly prepared. No misandry there!

Um, except all female family members drink it and love it. Add chickory for maximum benefit. Texans know their coffee, and our women can shoot acorns out of trees.

Not sayin’ there’s a connection or anything, but Texas women drink coffee and are incredibly good shots. Also pie.

12 years ago

I am biting the bullet, putting on my fanciest jeggings, and going into public and meeting people.

Rock on!

Earl Grey tea is disgusting, like the aftertaste of barf. Keep your green and white teas, bring me ALL THE BLACK TEAS. Love them.

12 years ago

MRASteele. Wow. Both very well done and incredibly pathetic all at once. He has been loitering about this place deliberately upsetting other people for his own pleasure for something like 2 years now (I think? He was here before I ever was) so any sort of excuse about youth or ignorance is worn to nothing at this point.

Um anyway so I’ve been lurking for a while. I really miss you guys. I hope it’s okay if I start hanging out again. Did everybody have a nice New Year? I spent mine watching old episodes of The West Wing with my boyfriend and my dad in a cabin in B.C. and drinking truly terrible sparkling rosé. It tasted like the colour pink.

12 years ago

Hi Viscaria! Good to see you again!

12 years ago

Hi Visacaria, happy new year! Missed you.

12 years ago

Hi Viscaria. If the Boobzers can put up with me and my endless bulldogs, I’m sure you’ll be more than welcome. Hang all you like!

12 years ago

Viscaria! Yay!

12 years ago


12 years ago

Hi Viscaria! I am largely a lurker but I read this daily so I’m still happy to see you. 😛

I am going to try posting the picture of this cat both ways because I am so dubious the clickable thumbnail will work…

If that fails (check him out, he’s cuuute):

I failed to video him kneading. He’s pretty settled in. <3

12 years ago


12 years ago

Daawwww…cloudiah…You give me a happy!

12 years ago

I missed all you guys. <3

All of my favourite tea comes fromDavid’s Tea and I shamelessly shill for them whenever possible.

12 years ago

What a handsome tux. I hope he finds some nice people.

12 years ago

Kitty! And squeaky little potatoes puppies!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Viscaria! “Um anyway so I’ve been lurking for a while. I really miss you guys. I hope it’s okay if I start hanging out again.”

Nobody minded that I did the same!

12 years ago

I’m never quite sure whether outside cats are completely unusual in the US or not but a vast majority of cats here are… this is a BUSY road though, I’d never let my cats out around here. O_O

So he’ll have a home but I’d rather he was in here with me for the day. :/ He looks like a cross between two of my cats, and he is altogether too friendly!

12 years ago

Do you have an English Bulldog freitag, or you just a fan? 😀 I’m not really a fan of them being bred but I’m a fan of them, if you know what I mean. My partner got one after a client rehomed him to a co-worker and he ended up with this stubborn little brat that didn’t like him much. Loved him more than anything after a few months though, naughty boy (he’s gone now).

This is him with his “little” brother, who is an American Bulldog:

Molly moon
Molly moon
12 years ago

Do the shortened links work for embedding? I guess I’ll find out in a second

12 years ago

@hrovitnir, I have no dogs at all; I am a cat person. But Sibling A and Sibling-in-Law have bullies, and they are wonderful. If I were going to have a dog…no, I’m lying, it would be a shelter dog that picked me, but I do love the bullies. They are very sweet-tempered dogs, and very good with kids. They don’t look it, but they are very gentle and patient. And the puppies are made of 100% pure love. Most puppies are, but these fat little pups…they just get me where I live.

12 years ago

Molly Moon: The Avalanches really need to put out another album.

12 years ago

I have written down all the tea suggestions, BoyFantastic is being sent to the organic shop with the aise of tea shelves clutching a list tomorrow.

12 years ago

Viscaria: You are more than welcome; others have told me they missed you.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Damn commuting time lag! All those interesting sex and tea comments and I didn’t have time to participate.

Pecunium – I can’t abide Earl Grey either. It’s sort of greasy to me (I gather that’s the bergamot) and I just don’t like it. I drink Orange Pekoe at the moment. It’s the only black tea I’ve tried that I can drink without milk, though I seldom do. I used not to like herbal teas at all, it was like drinking hot fruit juice BLECH. But I tried some with ginger and peppermint for various ailments, and they’re not bad, though I don’t generally drink them just for preference.

Any Aussies here tried the Australian Afternoon Tea Kevin Rudd came up with? I did and was very disappointed, didn’t like the flavour at all.


I’ve seen these men actually cry, real tears and all, from sheer frustration. I’m not saying their wives don’t have a difficult time between work and kids…but I find it very hard to believe they can only have sex 2 to 5 times a year.

Again, I absolutely don’t approve of forcing someone into having sex, and I 100% recognize that the wives have difficulties to contend with…but is it really so hard to give your husband sex once a month? Or reverse it too, is it difficult to give your wife sex once a month, if you don’t allow any other outlets?

There are a couple of really nasty implications in this. First, it’s saying that someone (and it’s usually the woman, though as you said, not always) should “put out” even if they feel no desire at all, no arousal, nix. Now obviously I can only speak from my perspective, but I find that a horrifying idea. Not only because it means having sex with someone I don’t want to – a man I do not want inside my body – but because for me it would hurt. The whole ‘put out’ idea plays right into a rape scenario, where true choice and consent are removed. It also says that the partner who wants the sex is utterly blind to this, and doesn’t actually give a shit about the person being coerced into it. What sort of person has sex with someone who doesn’t want to do it, who’s acting out of a sense of obligation or societal pressure or to shut up the incessant whining? A rapist, that’s who. Oh, they’d never use the word, but that’s what it’d be.

Second, were those men crying with frustration because they hankered after an orgasm or because they wanted to make love with a woman they loved? If it’s the former, were they church brainwashees who had huge hangups about masturbating? If it’s the latter, wtf weren’t they talking to their wives and trying to work out whatever was wrong? Because that whole situation sounds like the lack of sex was symptomatic of something very wrong with the marriage.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

PS nice to see you back again, Viscaria! 🙂

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