antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? entitled babies grandiosity imaginary backwards land irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MRA narcissism not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men paranoia playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit warren farrell

No Godwin’s Law here. This Men’s Rights Activist really IS a Nazi.

Great. Another Hitler baby.
Great. Another Hitler baby.

Well, now you’ve gone and done it, you evil feminists: you’ve turned 0bvious_Atheist into a Nazi!

We first met the Men’s Rights subreddit regular the other day, when in a fit of ingenuity he blamed the Newtown school shootings on, er, Title IX. Well, his strange political journey has continued, and on his blog, on Boxing Day, the Canadian MRA officially announced his conversion to neo-Nazism. Literally. Let’s let him explain:

I have grown impatient

I have lost my desire for conventional activism. We live in an era where men like Warren Farrell are run off campus by mobs of Femistasi, men like Keenan Midgley get maligned for trying to start Men’s Centres, JohnTheOther gets harassed in the streets and others like him get assaulted, Mr. Heimbach a white students advocate in the United States, is constantly maligned by the media and the intellectual establishment, and Jared Taylor, a meek and mild Yale graduate, is harassed at every turn by the establishment.

Huh. I have to admit I’m not completely up-to-date on all the examples of anti-white, anti-male oppression he lists here, but I would like to point out that Warren Farrell did not, in fact, get run off the University of Toronto campus. A number of students protested his visit, some of them quite rudely, but the police interceded on his behalf, clearing away protesters so he could go ahead and make his speech.

I also looked up that vague reference to “Mr. Heinbach,” and discovered that Matthew Heimbach is a student at Maryland’s Towson University who wants to start a White Student Union there. As part of his campaign for tolerance on behalf of America’s beleaguered white majority, he recently posed in front of Martin Luther King Jr.’s church in Montgomery holding a Confederate flag.

Gosh, how terribly unfair it is that some people might have criticized him for this.

Mr. Atheist continues:

I’m a young man. I don’t have the patience to go around asking for permission to exercise my inalienable, natural right to freedom of association. As Harold Covington said, Whites feel they need a permission slip from quote “the Jews” unquote to advocate for them. I feel the same thing can be said of Men’s Rights Activism. We feel that we need permission from Feminists, the intellectual establishment, and the state to self-advocate. Our entire movement has become a quest for permission from the left to self-advocate.

I’m pretty sure that not even a single molecule of that is even remotely true. What color is the sky in Imaginary Backwards Land?

We want a Men’s Ministry in the government. We want Men’s organizations on campus. We want White student unions. All of those things are politically toxic to the establishment and out of reach, and furthermore, if you look at what the “Men’s Ministries” in the Northern European welfare states have done you will remain unimpressed, and perhaps even alarmed, at how little they have mitigated the total alienation of young men from the respective societies of those countries.

Of course, the young men who are most alienated from society in the Northern (and Southern) European welfare states today are the immigrants who are so despised by Mr. Atheist and his fellow White “Nationalist” racist assholes. And these young male immigrants aren’t feeling alienated because of a lack of White Student Unions or the unimpressive actions of Men’s Ministries; they’re feeling alienated because of racism and a lack of jobs.

With this in mind we must recognize that productive organizations simply are not going to become a reality. If you doubt me, you can go look at what they did to Dr Warren Farrell when he tried to speak at the University of Toronto. I have absolutely no desire to be screamed at, spit on, expelled, fired, ostracized, and made into a pariah for simply asking to exercise my right to freedom of association.

So the fact that a couple of dozen students protested against a speaker on a college campus, delaying his talk for half an hour or so, means that normal political activity on behalf of your ass-backwards faux “civil rights movement” is impossible? Mr. Atheist, do you have any fucking idea what real civil rights advocates went through in order to get the same basic rights as everyone else, like the right to fucking vote? Do you think that feminists weren’t ever “screamed at, spit on, expelled, fired, ostracized, and made into … pariah(s)?”

What sort of strange entitled bubble do you live in that you think political activism should be painless?  Or that your political opponents should simply roll over once you express your opinions?

Congratulations intellectual establishment. After around 14 years of politically correct education at politically correct institutions run by politically correct professors you have alienated me, first as a White, and secondly as a male. I have got absolutely no patience for your goddamn processes, your forms, your organizational quotas and quorums required to get approval from the UVSS. I’m fed up, and I’m going elsewhere else to self-advocate.

If you’re really serious about going “elsewhere else,” might I suggest another planet?

As market Anarchists and Libertarians constantly must remind you crypto-Marxists, if you ban something the buyer will go elsewhere in the market to get it. That’s exactly what I plan to do. Rather than grovelling at the feet of professors, academics, pseudo-intellectual social justice warriors, and Femistasi, I’m just going to go join the Western Front, a quasi-Neo-Nazi, semi-illegal White Nationalist political organization that accepts me for what I am and understands my problems. You have driven a relatively well off, intelligent, middle class, White male, who used to vote NDP, into the arms of the very people you taught me to despise for the totality of my formative years.

Great. I guess the one upside of all this is that Mr. Atheist won’t be calling feminists “feminazis” from now on. Not that “femistasi” is much of an improvement.

Oh, and in case anyone needs visual evidence of how much of a racist fuck 0bvious_Atheist really is — not that there’s much doubt — here’s a link to a cartoon he stuck onto the end of one of his recent YouTube videos. But first, a TRIGGER WARNING for really really racist rape imagery. Link.

(Note: There doesn’t seem to be any information online about a neo-Nazi group called Western Front, at least not in Canada. There was evidently one by that name in Los Angeles at one point. Does this group, like the anti-white-male oppression he talks about, exist only in 0bvious_Atheist’s head? EDITED TO ADD: There is a group called Northwest Front; presumably that’s what he meant.)

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12 years ago

Yeah, that cartoon is messed up on several levels. Disgusting.

12 years ago

Shut up, Melissa.

12 years ago

Ah…yes. Because white males have, historically, been SO oppressed, precipitating a need for such things as white student unions and men’s organizations. Most of these MRA loons drive me up a wall.

12 years ago

Please just leave me alone

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Melissa, Daughter of Ruby.

12 years ago

He has “absolutely no desire to be screamed at, spit on, expelled, fired, ostracized, and made into a pariah…”

…so he’s becoming a Nazi.

Okay then.

12 years ago

I don’t undersand that. Who is Ruby?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Understand this, Melissa: if you come onto a feminist site spouting abuse-apologist lines, people aren’t going to forget all about it every new thread. This isn’t a schoolyard you can’t get away from; nobody is forcing you to be here or comment if you read. You’ve blotted your copybook pretty badly.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Ruby Hypatia is a troll here who thinks that prison rape is funny and spouts evo-psych bullshit about women marrying for money. I wasn’t here when she was at her height and she just does drive-by statements of the bleedin’ obvious these days – and gets told to shut up.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Please just leave me alone”

There is an easy solution here you know, go read a book, or any other corner of the Internet.

To be fair through, I thought the mockery of Ruby only followed her around after her pro-prison-rape statements. Maybe let Melissa say something dumb before mocking her?

12 years ago

“abuse-apologist”? That’s a bit over the top isn’t it?

I never suggested or implied that any kind of abuse is ever justified or acceptable. In fact I stated several times that abusers are responsible for their actions. I think you’re miss understanding my position.

12 years ago

I thought people were being too hard on Ruby at first, and then I saw her views on prison rape and pulled a quick U-turn into the “Shut Up, Ruby” brigade.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kitteh, afaik, Ruby always did drive by state the obvious comments, until she dropped one about prisoners deserving rape, and then dug in hard defending it, and got roundly mocked.

So while I think continuing to question Melissa’s abuse apologism is fair game (and justified), not everything she says is inherently wrong.

Of course, this isn’t a schoolyard, she could go play somewhere else.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Melissa, go answer the rest of those questions then. You did say you would.

12 years ago

I’m sorry, I am a bit new to this blog. What in the hell is a “Femistasi”?

12 years ago

Fuck! So now I’m being compared to someone who’s in favour of prison rape? That’s a bit messed up. I think you’re being unfair on me.

I admit that I can be a bit trollish sometimes in the sense that I like to get into discussion and debate. But I’m sincere at the same time. I don’t insult people, or mock them. I can be sarcastic sometimes but I try to reign it in.

12 years ago

Melissa, if you want to be left alone, leave.

I never suggested or implied that any kind of abuse is ever justified or acceptable. In fact I stated several times that abusers are responsible for their actions. I think you’re miss understanding my position.

You do realize we can pull up your previous posts, right? We’re not misunderstanding a thing about your positions, you’ve made them abundantly clear.

12 years ago

Melissa: you seem so surprised when you say assy things and get called on it. You’re under the impression that your bullshit will go unchallenged.

Don;t want to be compared to Ruby and think it’s unfair? Stop acting like her.

12 years ago



Why on earth would anyone dislike such a nice white supremacist asshole?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Misunderstanding your position, am I, Melissa? Let’s quote you from that thread:

I do think though that some women make very bad decisions about who to get involved with however, and this may be part of the reason why domestic violence is such a major problem.

Yeah, totally not saying women should KNOW beforehand that a man’s going to abuse them.

I’m not suggesting people like her *deserve* abuse and murder, but they are putting themselves in situations where it is inevitable.

Ditto. Also not putting any responsibility on the abuser to, y’know, not abuse people.

When you know someone has violent and aggressive tendencies (and let’s be honest it’s pretty obvious a lot of the time) then choosing not to get involved with them doesn’t require great genius. I just a bit of basic sanity. Honestly though, a lot of women are subconsciously attracted to the aggressive and dominant types; I suspect you know it evwn if you have difficulty admitting it.

Like abusers start it on the first date, as I said at the time. Like they’re not predators who know very well how to entrap someone.

If I were to stick a metal rod into an electrical socket, that would not make me a bad person. I would not deserve the electric shock in any moral sense. But, the shock would be an avoidable consequence of my own actions, and a caring friend would gently and sympathically advise me on how to avoid shocks in the future. I do not consider this to be victim blaming; but perhaps you are using different definitions to me.

Ah yes, the old abuse is a force of nature, it just happens, y’know, like it’s there all the time and you just have to avoid doing something to start it. No suggestion at all that the abuser makes the choice to do it.

Nope, Melissa just dug in deeper all through that thread, I’m not having these wounded cries.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Songthe: It’s a variation on “Feminazi” coined by one Paula Kirby. You can read about it here:

Since its coinage, it has been used as a tongue-in-cheek self-description by feminist atheists and, of course, completely earnestly by shitlords to describe feminists.

12 years ago

You know how you can get people to give you a break Melissa? By learning from the feedback you’re getting, realising that you said some stupid fucking things rather than doubling down on them, educating yourself on why the things you’ve said make you an abuse apologist (or at least sound like one) by reading up on social justice, internalised misogyny and victim blaming rather than just blundering around on blogs like this thinking you know better than everyone, apologising for things you said or at least acknowledge they were fucking stupid, then shutting up until you can contribute something worthwhile to the conversation.


12 years ago

“Melissa, go answer the rest of those questions then. You did say you would.”

There were a heck of a lot of responses, and I was getting tired and feeling down from all the negativity being thrown at me.

I’ve been thinking. And I think that there are times when “it was a consequence of your actions”:-
1) Is gonna hurt someone a lot
2) Is drawing attention away from more important issues
3) Is a front for misogyny

I’ve never meant it in that way. When I’ve given my friends advice it was always been intended constructively, and the phrasing and timing has been sensitive. I felt hurt when people accused me of being a horrible friend. That friend I mentioned was even asking for my thoughts. Should I have lied to her?

Also people accused me of having no experience of abuse or abusive relationships. That isn’t true either. I suffered emotional and physical abuse from both parents. Some of it was pretty bad. As an adult I was once in emotionally abusive, fortunately it didn’t last very long. I’ve been sexually assaulted on two occasions, though both were very minor. Also, on two occasions I ended up alone in situations where I believed I was in danger of being raped; fortunately I was wrong both times, but it still left me shaken. Anyway my point is that I wasn’t coming from a place of ignorance or lack of experience.

After one those scary times when I thought I might be raped, I told my then-girl friend what had happened. I also told some other people; some friends and a family member. They told me I should not walk alone at night; and I DID put myself at risk by doing that. It was stupid of me. Do you think that was wrong of them to say that? No. They just care about me and don’t want me to get hurt.

I’m nearly crying now. Please don’t be horrible to me. It isn’t fair.

12 years ago

I read this today and thought of MRA’s. The author actually specifically mentions Nice Guys ™.

12 years ago

I’m very sorry those things happened to you.

They told me I should not walk alone at night; and I DID put myself at risk by doing that. It was stupid of me. Do you think that was wrong of them to say that?

Yes. You have every right to walk alone at night. If you had been raped, I can only imagine where they would take the blaming. It isn’t helpful, even though it looks like it.

I’m nearly crying now. Please don’t be horrible to me. It isn’t fair.

At the risk of sounding like a huge bitch, oh no you don’t. Own your shit.