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Battle of the Banned (Man Boobz trolls)

An army of miniskirted shooterers prepares to oppress men with their legs.
Miniskirted cyclists prepare to oppress men with their legs.

Feeling nostalgic for some of the Man Boobz trolls of yore? Well, head over to the Men’s Rights subreddit, where two of the greats most terrible are having a battle of wits. It all started when Man Boobz Troll of the Year 2011 NWOslave offered his opinions in a thread discussing Swaziland’s recent banning of “rape-provoking” miniskirts.

Most of the Men’s Rights regulars in the discussion seem to understand that blaming women’s clothing for rape is a bit backward, and rests upon the notion that men are slavering beasts who can’t control their violent and sexual urges when “provoked” by women who aren’t completely covered up.  (Funny how the Men’s Rightsers seem to forget this every time a Slut Walk gets mentioned.)  But NWOslave, who hasn’t posted much here since I put him on permanent moderation, has a slightly different take on the whole miniskirts-causing-rape issue.


As you can see, his theories on the rape-causative properties of miniskirts did not go over well with the regulars.

But NWOslave perservered, explicating some of the implications of his theories.


And who needs logic or proof when you have “reality” on your side?


Despite all the downvotes, NWOslave managed to find a couple of allies, including prolific  r/mensrights regular MaunaLoona (whom we discussed only yesterday), who offered this sarcastic response to those downvoting Slavey, before moving on to outright rape apologetics:


He also got some support from someone going by the name of Pecanpig.


Then someone else very familiar to long-time Man Boobz readers arrived on the scene, and the battle kicked into full gear. By which I mean it degenerated into bitter namecalling and weird accusations.

That hero for truth and righteousness against NWOslave’s backwards notions? None other than the prolific and infuriating long-banned Man Boobz troll Eoghan, who posts under the name Sigil1 on the Men’s Rights subreddit. Sigil1 started off his attack with one word:


Yes, that’s right. Apparently unaware that Sigil1 is a fellow former Man Boobz troll of great repute, NWOslave assumed that he was one of those miniskirt-wearing harlots.


But Sigil1/Eoghan had an accusation of his own:


Perhaps it’s time to reveal my grand secret: I am NWOslave. I am Sigil1/Eoghan. I am Paul Elam, JohnTheOther, and GirlWritesWhat. I am WF Price. I am Tom Martin. I am Roissy/Heartiste. I am RooshV. I am every gropey PUA. I am every MGTOWer. I am every teenage boy who calls women “cunts” on XBOXlive, every angry OKCupid dude who hurls threats and invective at the women who turn them down. I am every Anita-Sarkeesian-hating video gamer, every Rebecca-Watson-hating atheist. I do not merely mock misogyny; I am misogyny!

And I am really, really busy.

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12 years ago

Night, all! Big day tomorrow, gotta get in my beauty sleep.

12 years ago

You know, with NWO going on and on like that about “animals in heat”, I’m starting to suspect he’s a closet furry.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I KNEW IT! Hey David, is Misogyny one of those symbolic roles, like Batman? Because although you’re cool and all, I’d really love to ask Joseph Gordon Levitt about segregating the genders to either side of the Mississippi and his years on 3rd Rock from the Sun.

Also, does anyone know of any good Eoghan threads? I have no memory of that troll at all. Was his run in 2010-11?

12 years ago

Hey Futrelle, got any drinks? Some Shirley Temples and red wine would be lovely. I need to drown myself in alcohol after reading NWOslave’s rape apologia and slut-shaming – he is beyond repulsive.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Oh shit, it’s that time again where my dogs are dressing up un short skirts and putting on makeup to attract male dogs. GUYS THERE ARE NO MALE DOGS AROUND! STOP!

12 years ago

Ugh he sounds like any other youtube/tumblr asshole I’ve bitched at quite a few times. I have to wonder if these people actually believe the shit their spewing or if they just want attention or both.

12 years ago

See, it’s shit like this that makes me kinda miss the little stinker:

Men have to work for sex. It’s in all the newspapers.

It’s IN THE PAPERS, guyz! Appeal to authority and all that! Brilliant!

But Eoghan … he was a ridiculous stupid fucking asshole. I’m a little surprised to see him kind of make sense in a way (sort of) here.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Tulgey – I just had a brief look at this post from 2010. Eoghan’s all over the place in the comments, but it’s all walls of text and not even amusingly strange, just the usual slimy shite of not-very-imaginative trolls, as far as I could see (which makes it all the more curious that he’s taking on Owly at the moment). Not sure if those posts were transferred from David’s previous blog, but they have no paragraph breaks and are hard to read.

12 years ago

This is what females do, they cause males to turn against each other!

12 years ago

Oooh, are the males fighting? Just let me grab some popcorn ….

12 years ago

Since this will go to moderation, allow me to take the opportunity to say I think this is a great blog, both entertaining and informative. My first large scale exposure to misogyny was through atheism and skepticism. I listen to the podcast Rebecca Watson co-hosts and it turns out elevators are a thing, so through my following of those movements a whole bunch of MRAs exploded across my internets, by turns baffling and disgusting me. I’ve since been more active in understanding feminist issues. It’s rather depressing the number of subtle, pervasive issues within society, the extremes of which you highlight, but said extremes serve only to highlight the problem to most reasonable people which makes for a greater number of feminists (that’s my optimistic spin, anyway).

Anyway, re the post I’m actually commenting on, by NWO’s “logic” would not any man showing, say, arm muscle be displaying his strength, marking his dominance, thus responsible if another animal-man decides to maul the displayer in his face? Like a lion. Maybe he poops in the garden and buries it? Oh well, just instinct.

12 years ago

“If a man isn’t arouse no sexual activity can happen and reproduction cannot take place.”

“If an man isn’t arouse no sexual activity can happen”

“If a man isn’t arouse”

If a man isn’t arouse


Oh NWO, please, please come back. If you would just put some effort into your stupidity here again, this sort of shit would guarantee you troll of the year.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

How does a man become a rouse? And what is a rouse? Inquiring minds want to know!

12 years ago

In response to Dave’s grand secret:

No, I’m Spartacus!

12 years ago

I am chilli con carne!

12 years ago

How fucked up do you have to be to have Eoghan seem reasonable by comparison?

12 years ago

Captain! Good to see you, hope all is well.

To answer your question, extremely fucked up.

12 years ago

I actually really, really hope that last part would be true, because that would mean that misogyny isn’t a real thing but just one guy trolling the world. If only it was possibul!

I find this “men and women are different” bs extremely frustrating. There is always more differences within these groups than between them. I can’t give any credibility to things that I’ve never seen in action. Or are my entire family, friend and other social cirlces just full of freaks? (Granted, I think I’m the only normal person I know – everyone else are complete weirdos. By my standards anyway.)

Also it’s funny how feminism seems to be the only movement that treats men as autonomous human beings and not brainless sex crazed barbarians. We give men so much more credit than that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m Brian and so is my husband!

Hey, captainbathrobe, nice to see you! 🙂

Catfish, couldn’t agree more. And even if the “men and women are different” bit were true, since when is “different” an excuse to treat people as lesser? These guys make me think of the part in A Wrinkle in Time where IT says they have perfect equality because everyone is exactly alike, and Margaret refutes it with “Like and equal are entirely different things.”

12 years ago

It really bothers me how rape apologists with no knowledge of psychology, evolutionary biology or anything whatsoever try and pinpoint the reason why we wear miniskirts or perfume or whatever to some weird biological essentialist notion of “being in heat” or trying to “attract a mate”. Without citing any sources that show evidence of a heat cycle in human females (most animals that go into heat cycles don’t menstruate, which women do) or evidence that a human “mating cycle” involves rape.

Indeed, just by going out and witnessing reality, not even spending five seconds with your nose in some stuffy bio text, you can see that sexually frustrated men often do not run back and forth raping like mad, and sexually frustrated women often don’t even bother putting on a miniskirt and high heels whenever they go out. They go home and masturbate, or hell — even talk to each other and try to impress each other in hopes of having sex. I think that’s a natural part of the human mating cycle. I could even compare it to courtship in the same vein of a peacock splaying his feathers or a dung beetle rolling a big ball of shit.

Furthermore, as a woman, when I go out in a miniskirt and high heels, I usually do it because I think I look good in that outfit, and maybe someone will come and talk to me because they think I am attractive, which is what most normal human beings do when they have sexual or romantic feelings for someone else, unless someone has taught them that it is acceptable to just jump in and assault women for making them have sexual feelings.

I wonder what this NWOslave loser does at the beach or at the local pool surrounded by dozens of women in bikinis and men in speedos. Does he just sit there and cry? I’m tempted to ask him. I hope he comes to troll the comments.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cherabushka – Slavey’s pretty much given up here, I think, since he got put on permanent moderation. He hasn’t been around since the election (maybe he’s still crying over that, who knows?). He certainly freaks out at the idea of swimwear; I’ve never managed to find the thread, but longer-term members here recall him talking about little girls being like “pros” just because they’re in swimwear or capris or something. Truly creepy stuff.

Heheh “a dung beetle rolling a big ball of shit” pretty much describes the MRM, doesn’t it?

I wonder if it would make these clowns’ heads implode (or explode, I don’t mind which) to think that women can and often do dress with no reference to men at all? I mean, not only not asking, but not dressing with any men in mind. Not dressing to entice, or put off, or get any response from any man whatsoever. That there are women who don’t give a damn what some random man thinks about their clothes and dress to please themselves. I’m not only talking about all the women whose sexuality doesn’t include men, I’m talking about those who are heterosexual – partnered or not – who simply don’t give a hoot what dudes think.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I hope he comes to troll the comments.”

You really really don’t. He pulls this shit out of his ass, not evo-psych books, and his thoughts on children in bath suits are absolutely disgusting. I understand why you’d want the chance to reply to him, but trust me, it just isn’t worth it. At best he’d ignore you, at worst he’d pick some stupid shit to bring up every time you commented about anything (for awhile he replied to all my comments by demanding proof that 1 in 4~5 women are raped, while butchering math and accusing all my sources of having a “liberal bias” — it wasn’t much fun).

There is a collection of his BS. All the trigger warnings on that, and no, this is not a version of an ALL THE THINGS joke…he really is that foul.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

One of his rants about minors —

You’ll want brain bleach for this page of comments —

And for this whole mess — (that one has some Zarat to round out the stupidity)

Point here is that we, and everyone else, are better off without him.

12 years ago

I like that the ad for me on this page is the combat strategy game, because it means when I’m scrolling, I see this:

I am misogyny!

And I am really, really busy.

*picture of tank being hit by lasers*

Which, for some reason, made it really funny.

12 years ago

So Pierre goes to the beach, and ends up sitting on a beach towell next to nwo, who proceeds to rant about the girls. Working it like pros. I don’t have the dialog, just the premise.