antifeminism disgusting women evil women evo psych fairy tales I'm totally being sarcastic internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim rape rapey reddit TROOOLLLL!!

Battle of the Banned (Man Boobz trolls)

An army of miniskirted shooterers prepares to oppress men with their legs.
Miniskirted cyclists prepare to oppress men with their legs.

Feeling nostalgic for some of the Man Boobz trolls of yore? Well, head over to the Menโ€™s Rights subreddit, where two of the greats most terrible are having a battle of wits. It all started when Man Boobz Troll of the Year 2011 NWOslave offered his opinions in a thread discussing Swazilandโ€™s recent banning of โ€œrape-provokingโ€ miniskirts.

Most of the Menโ€™s Rights regulars in the discussion seem to understand that blaming womenโ€™s clothing for rape is a bit backward, and rests upon the notion that men are slavering beasts who canโ€™t control their violent and sexual urges when โ€œprovokedโ€ by women who arenโ€™t completely covered up. ย (Funny how the Menโ€™s Rightsers seem to forget this every time a Slut Walk gets mentioned.) ย But NWOslave, who hasnโ€™t posted much here since I put him on permanent moderation, has a slightly different take on the whole miniskirts-causing-rape issue.


As you can see, his theories on the rape-causative properties of miniskirts did not go over well with the regulars.

But NWOslave perservered, explicating some of the implications of his theories.


And who needs logic or proof when you have โ€œrealityโ€ on your side?


Despite all the downvotes, NWOslave managed to find a couple of allies, including prolificย  r/mensrights regular MaunaLoona (whom we discussed only yesterday), who offered this sarcastic response to those downvoting Slavey, before moving on to outright rape apologetics:


He also got some support from someone going by the name of Pecanpig.


Then someone else very familiar to long-time Man Boobz readers arrived on the scene, and the battle kicked into full gear. By which I mean it degenerated into bitter namecalling and weird accusations.

That hero for truth and righteousness against NWOslaveโ€™s backwards notions? None other than the prolific and infuriating long-banned Man Boobz troll Eoghan, who posts under the name Sigil1 on the Menโ€™s Rights subreddit. Sigil1 started off his attack with one word:


Yes, thatโ€™s right. Apparently unaware that Sigil1 is a fellow former Man Boobz troll of great repute, NWOslave assumed that he was one of those miniskirt-wearing harlots.


But Sigil1/Eoghan had an accusation of his own:


Perhaps itโ€™s time to reveal my grand secret: I am NWOslave. I am Sigil1/Eoghan. I am Paul Elam, JohnTheOther, and GirlWritesWhat. I am WF Price. I am Tom Martin. I am Roissy/Heartiste. I am RooshV. I am every gropey PUA. I am every MGTOWer. I am every teenage boy who calls women โ€œcuntsโ€ on XBOXlive, every angry OKCupid dude who hurls threats and invective at the women who turn them down. I am every Anita-Sarkeesian-hating video gamer, every Rebecca-Watson-hating atheist. I do not merely mock misogyny; I am misogyny!

And I am really, really busy.

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12 years ago

I bet these men would be the first to call a woman in loose/body-covering clothing frumpy and act like she’s personally oppressing them by not being sexy enough.

By the way, what is with this idea that women have it so easy because men just offer them sex wherever they go? I’m a woman and yet somehow I have yet to receive multiple offers of sex while grocery shopping or riding the subway. I see this assumption a lot and it makes me wonder if other women are leading vastly different lives.

12 years ago

It really is funny to watch Slavey taking his “wearing clothes is women’s sexuality” show on the road. Has he shared his theories about the Disney channel yet?

12 years ago

Well, I guess that little revelation explains why there’s sometimes a bit of a gap between posts.

Carry on.

12 years ago

David Futrelle, I absolutely love your sense of humor! Also good to know that not all MRAs are rape apologists…

12 years ago

I don’t know, from what David has here it doesn’t seem like NWO was really putting his effort into it. Did NWO really explain his entire theory of womens sexuality? Including how we wear see through clothes at the shoppiing malls?

12 years ago

I want him to tell them all about his theory about how the reason there were eunuchs in ancient China is the old-timey ladies enjoyed sexually torturing the eunuchs by getting them aroused and then not having sex with them. He should share the theory about how 12 year olds wear capri pants specifically to sexually frustrate adult men too.

12 years ago

I think the problem is that MRAs may be prone to staying silent when the really nasty shit gets posted, which to anyone reading implies a tacit acceptance.

On the other hand, some MRAs seem to be politically and socially savy enough to see how society at large responds to the shit the movement says. I’ve been noticing a slight increase in MRAs who want things toned down so that their viewpoints become mainstream. The fact that their views are mainstream and the real difference is to what degree people are willing to own up to seems to get missed.

12 years ago

I am totally creeped out by Slavey’s comment about how he “keep[s] his sex in the bedroom” because for some reason that makes me think he is keeping someone imprisoned.

Mainly, though, I wanted to make sure everyone saw katz’s newest Pierre cartoon, so I am spamming this new thread with a link to it. It is a thing of beauty, and a joy forever.

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

First thought upon reading the Men’s Rights redditors reactions to Slavey: Oh honey, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

12 years ago

Loved this thread! Hilarious! Can there be more? Is there more of MRAs arguing?

12 years ago

See, I was thinking that by “sex” he meant “penis” (he is after all rather literal) and he’d decided not to flash the children at the jungle gym no matter how much ankle they exposed. I was actually rather relieved.

12 years ago

Do you think he keeps his penis in his bedroom? That reminds me of this not very good song:

12 years ago

Hey David, thanks for banning that guy. *shakes head slowly*

12 years ago

Even female animals that go into heat (not all animals go into heat/estrus, and humans do not, otherwise women would get huge ass-swellings once a month when we were ovulating) get to CHOOSE their mates. In fact, by and large, in the animal world, if a male attempts to mate with a female animal, she’ll practically bite his face off. And most mating practices involve males displaying themselves or looking attractive in order to ATTRACT a female. There are some animals that resort to gang rape (ducks….*shudder*) but even in that instance, female ducks actually have the ability to inhibit the depositing of rapist sperm, and actually have been observed and studied as “choosing” sperm she wants to fertilize her eggs with.

Of course, the whole “hypersexualized” animal argument falls flat on its face anyway because humans are sentient, intelligent beings with morality and reason. I find it utterly disgusting that MRAs will on one hand argue that men are paragons of logic and intelligence but then on the other hand somehow ALSO sweaty lust-filled apes who can’t stop themselves from raping everyone in sight. I mean, seriously, which is it?

One of my friends said it best when he said that even if the average guy were in the middle of having sex, if his mom walked in the door, he’d have pulled out and have somehow put on his shorts in less than .5 of a second. The whole “but I *had* to rape her because short skirts were involved” thing is a crock of shit.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I can’t search it out at work, but Slavey with detachable penis makes me think he’s actually the apprentice in the Oglaf cartoons – that happened to him once! (I spent hours yesterday laughing myself silly over them. I blame Falconer.)

I have a terrible feeling David is building up to revealing that HE IS CEILING CAT.

12 years ago

“False ditchomy.” HAHAHA. Never change, NWO. Stay classy mofo.

I wonder if he’s shared his thoughts on Russian and Spanish sharing an alphabet. Or superdogs. Or any of his other crackpot theories.

Damn, he was pretty good in his troll prime. A massive asshole to be sure, but this new crop is really beat in comparison.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Owly typically plays into something addressed by Waleed Aly in The Age this morning. He’s talking about the latest Indian gang rape and the protests, and more generally about power and dispossession, but this part is particularly relevant:

The most central misogynist flaw here is to present rape as primarily sexual – as a kind of aggravated sex – rather than as primarily violent. That obscures the fact that rape is an expression of domination and dehumanisation. Such mischaracterisations of rape are easily critiqued, but there’s a bigger theme that drives them: the preservation of power and privilege.

Sexualised understandings of rape come overwhelmingly from men with cultural or political authority. That is, they come from the very people they exonerate. That’s what being disempowered is about. It’s being denied the means even to describe the problems you face. Whether it’s women in India, or asylum seekers in Australia, their problems are defined for them, complete with solutions that aren’t in their interests. That’s why the rich define class war as the envy of the working class, rather than the dominance of the ruling class. Problems are defined to suit the existing power structure and allow it to avoid accountability

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh yeah, ditchomy! I want to know what a ditchomy is. Is it a ditch superdogs like digging around in?

12 years ago

Just think of all the joys that the Redditors have yet to discover! He hasn’t even started talking about the New World Order yet. Someone should post the Book of Larnin for them as a primer.

12 years ago

A ditchomy is when two different things enrage you, so you throw them both in a ditch.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


12 years ago

+1 for Oglaf! ๐Ÿ˜€

I actually for real winced while I was reading NWOslave’s comments. (I kind of want to know if he might be allowed to come off of moderation just for this thread, but I don’t want another 1000 comments….)

12 years ago

(I spent hours yesterday laughing myself silly over them. I blame Falconer.)

Guilty as charged! Can’t remember what I posted, though ๐Ÿ™ And I can think of far worse things to be blamed for than turning someone onto Oglaf.

My sibling was surprised to discover that I knew about Oglaf already this Christmas. We discovered it independently of each other, and xie thought I would be too prim for it. Xie amused and mildly shocked. Meanwhile, I never thought xie would ever discover it. It came up when we were discussing Beowulf, and I mentioned this one.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m not surprised you don’t remember the thread! I’ve been trawling ones from early last year, so it was probably May ’11 or thereabouts. I think someone had mentioned MGTOW and you had a link to the one about the barbarian (can’t recall his name) whose tribe has been untainted by women forever, and who’s shocked when his son is a daughter. Newborn baby promptly tears up a few wolves and daddy says she really is his son. ๐Ÿ˜›

If someone had told me what Oglaf was, I probably wouldn’t have read it, or expected to like it. But it’s a hoot!

That link only goes to the main page, btw.

Okay, I’m off, talk later if anyone’s still around!

12 years ago

Huh, that link goes to the strip “Beot” for me. ??

That “Throw the baby into the pit fight” strip was a lot funnier there than when Warren Ellis did it in Nextwave, for some reason.

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