$MONEY$ cock blockade dozens of upvotes evil women evo psych fairy tales I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia playing the victim precious bodily fluids reddit spermjacking

Men’s Rights Redditor warns men: “Be careful with your sperm. Your very freedom is at stake.”

Men: Protect your Purity of Essence
Men: Protect your Purity of Essence

It’s official: Men’s Rights Activists are more obsessed with their “precious bodily fluids” than Dr. Strangelove’s General Jack D. Ripper. Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, many of the regulars are celebrating Boxing Day by sitting around on their computers worrying about evil predatory succubi burgling their sperm. Check out this little post, which has gotten 90 upvotes so far:


Yes, he really did just say “It’s as if your penis shoots magic IOUs every time you ejaculate.” If this is true, a lot of guys owe millions if not billions of dollars to a lot of old socks.

In the comments, other Men’s Rightsers shared their deepest concerns about the specter of spermburgling. SuicideBanana warns that the enemy may already be in your bed:


Reconstrucht worries about the money-hungry sperm-hunters lurking in bars:


And one future veterinarian contemplates giving up dating, in order to protect himself from the hypothetical women — sorry, soul sucking succubi — who might hypothetically use his future sperm in order to cash in big on his future vet money. Ca-ching!


Gentlemen: To fully protect your Essence, I suggest you ejaculate directly into a paper shredder, douse the results with hot sauce and arsenic, and pour the entire concoction into the nearest garbage disposal. Then flee the country.

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12 years ago

Thinker: But give us better number.
How many man and woman will abuse their power when they can?

It’s your thesis, you defend it.

Here is what I know.

1: You are an amoral asshat.
2: You seem to spend time with amoral asshats.
3: You think the world is made of amoral asshats.

This seems to be a personal problem.

What do you mean by, “power” in your misstatement of the Lord Acton quotation about corruption?

Because what you said was people will be shits if they get the chance, which isn’t a question of, “power”.

Now, based on my personal experience, most people (which is to say far and away the majority… more than 95 percent) won’t go out of their way to screw someone. They may engage in petty offenses (not correctly giving change), if the risk is trifling (but even then, I’ve far more often had someone correct me when I miscounted the money I handed them: Kant would, I think, count them virtuous, and he had a more delusional idea of “right” than you do of “wrong”, but I digress).

You, however, aren’t talking about that. You are talking about great levels of mendacity. Of engaging in things like spermburgling to steal money and deny someone access to children.

If you think 1/3rd of the world would do that, well… that needs some supporting evidence because I have a pretty wide experience in the world (a youth mis-spent in interesting ways, and an adulthood in journalism, hospital security work [one with a psychiatric ward] and the Army. One sees some pretty interesting slices of life in all of those), and your estimation of people’s basic meaness of spirit is at odds with mine.

I suspect it’s projection, as much as anything else.

12 years ago

I love spermjacking paranoia. It is among the most amusing of all MRA paranoias. Not only does it harm no one but the MRAs themselves, it’s so transparently ego-stroking.

After all, which is more flattering to believe about yourself?

a) I am single for the normal, boring reasons people are usually single.

b) I am single because I am so spectacularly attractive that when women meet me, they instantly become obsessed with having my babies at any cost. They chase me down the streets trying to milk my bits and get the babyjuice out, and they break into my house to steal my gym socks and used Kleenexes. And it’s not just because of my raw sexual magnetism, although that is mighty indeed; they’re also awed by my wealth and success, the like of which they could never hope to achieve for themselves. For my own safety, and, dare I say it, the good of the planet, I must swear off women, no matter how much they beg and plead for my body. IT IS THE ONLY WAY.

Come on, you know which is more fun.

12 years ago

Thinker: decided to not have kids because as a man it is possible (maybe 30% probability) that I will lose the custody of them.

Not in the US/Canada it isn’t. If a man petitions for custody, he wins about half the time. If he petitions for shared/joint custody he almost always wins some level of custody/access.

True story. Friend of mine was divorced. Husband had not asked for any custody. He had been sequestering money; which was making things hard for her; since he had,”no assets”.

A couple of years go by. He’s visiting the kids, irregularly; and jerking her/them around (shows up late, reschedules, cancels at the last minute, etc.). She met someone else. They are settling in, and they decide 1: to get married and 2: that they are going to move (better job for him, he owns some land in Georgia, etc.).

He suddenly has an overwhelming interest in the kids. Files a petition to forbid her to move; because it will harm his access to the kids. She has to move back to Calif. (because he filed the suit after they had actually moved).

This tied up eight months while it was sorted out (in the course of it a lot of his hidden assets were shown to exist, though he’d done it well enough they weren’t actually accessible, but a bunch of the stuff he’d kept; in the form of valuable stuff (the wine collection, furniture, the motorcycles, etc.) were dissolved/divided as community property).

So your ideas on how hard it is to be a man and how “easy” it is for a woman to “just take the kids” are also delusional.

12 years ago


Here are some evidence about how good or bad average human is:

The Stanford Prison Experiment –

Milgram experiment –

12 years ago

The more Thinker comments the more hilariously inappropriate his name becomes.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Ooh… Stanford and Milgram….

I’d never heard of those. Why it’s as if putting people in artificial environments, where authority figures tell them it’s ok to be assholes changed their sense of acceptable norms: Situational responses vary based on the situation.

Little bit of background, so you know where I’m coming from in my estimation of people.

I was an interrogator, and an interrogation instructor for the Army. I’ve studied (and taught, and lectured) on what is, and isn’t, acceptable practice. I am intimately familiar with both Milgram, and Stanford (and I’ve taken part in psych studies at Stanford, but I digress). Milgram was more relevant to my line of work; because I wasn’t teaching people to run EPW facilities (though Stanford was relevant in that I had to deal with/oversee aspects of EPW facilities.

I’ve taken part in studies on the mean/methods/aims of interrogation, in the interest of establishing baseline doctrines for US Federal standards (ca. 2009), as it relates to the difference between military and law enforcement methods, methodology and expectations.

I’ve done training/work with interrogators from more countries than I can really recall (though the larger number were Ukranian, German and British). I know people who have committed torture. People I worked with went to jail because they committed torture.

You are trying to teach me what I taught your grandmother… i.e. to suck eggs.

12 years ago


Do you really think that sperm-jacking is rare?

Do you think that it is rare when woman secretly stops using birth control pills when she really wants (maby at the time when it is her last chance to have kids) children?

Yes, I think it’s rare.

Why do MRAs have such shitty views on humans in general and relationships specifically? Dude, most people in functional relationships use their words and figure out big stuff like kids and break up if they can’t come to terms rather than rely on deception.

12 years ago

I also know the BBC did a re-running of Milgram (I want to say ca 2005-2007, but I don’t have the dates solidly in my mind), with random people. They got pretty much the same results.

What it tells us has nothing to do with, “power”, and nothing to do with peoples baseline tendency to cruelty§, but to do with their tendency to subordinate critical thinking when an authority figure tells them a given action is both legal, and proper.

§ and cruelty/empathetic reaction is what Milgram is studying, not peoples tendency to be selfish and manipulative, which is what you are talking about with your saying people will engage in lies and subterfuge to get what they want

12 years ago

There are plenty of situations in which Milgram is relevant, but spermjacking really isn’t one of them.

12 years ago

Oh, my. Spermjacking redux. Uh, guys? I don’t think this is really a thing. But if you fear it, have vasectomy. Yes it hurts for a few days, but after that you’re worry-free.

Hi again Boobzers. Hope everybody had a happy holiday of their choice.

12 years ago

Obviously neither of you have heard of the Milgram Sperm Experiment, where subjects were asked to impregnate themselves secretly with an innocent man’s sperm.

12 years ago

@Dani Alexis:

Yet I don’t feel like I’m seeing a big MRA interest in alternative birth control methods for men – but I may have missed them. Does anyone know?

I’ve seen MRAs complain about a feminist conspiracy, led by Betty Friedan, to keep a men’s birth control pill created by Dr. Elsimar Coutinho off the market. Of course, there are other scientists working on other forms of male birth control that don’t have the horrific side effects of Dr. Coutinho’s drug (permanent sterility included, I believe), but his drug is most attractive to MRAs because it allows them to fantasize about an evil feminist conspiracy, so this is the one they want.

What MRAs don’t grasp is that many women, if not most, would be thrilled if men would take a more active role in contraception. I sure as fuck would. After I started taking birth control several years ago I gained 10 pounds and lost my sex drive, so if I could have avoided that, it would have been brilliant.

I suspect, however, that MRAs who are outraged that Dr. Coutinho’s pill isn’t available yet are more interested in pointing fingers at evil feminists and whining about how privileged women are because they have more birth control choices than actually paying for and taking a pill every day.

12 years ago

katz: It’s obvious there was no such experiment… the “innocent man” is a myth, perpetuated by The Patriarchy.

All men are guilty, and deserve what they get; it’s just that those Gynocracy has put into their (proper) place as wageslaves unable to do more than barely support themselves because of the money they have to pay to keep the women who have elected to have children (and the greedy women who have displaced them in all the good jobs, like Bottle Machine Maintenance Tech at PepsiCo) aren’t enough.

Some men have managed to maintain their freedom, and they are still secure in their manly vigour: the only way to repress them, break their spirits and grind them into the dirt; keeping other men from seeing what they could become, is to trap them. If we manage to trick them into impregnating a Good Feminist, she can steal his child, abscond with his money and crush his spirit.

The Courts will keep him from every again being able to provide a Role Model of Manliness to the proles who are being subjugated by the Overlords of the Femilluminous, (who secretly control all the men in the Gov’t). Those bills to attack BC, and abortion rights are actually a plot at the highest levels of Feminism, to make it impossible for men to escape from SOS (Secret Order of the Succubi).

12 years ago

Dani: If that pill (IIRC it was a 1 in 10 chance of permanent sterility) were released… the side effects would be used as PROOF that women want to do away with men.

12 years ago


I am not MRA or any other kind of activist.

I think that there is both good and bad in everyone of us. To me there is no difference if someone is male, female, black or white. I treat everyone the same way.

To me there is not much difference between MRA or Femininist.
Both want more rights for their own gender.

12 years ago

Boring troll is boring.

12 years ago

So you think everyone is shitty. Got it.

Yeah, this is a personal problem.

12 years ago

Projection seems to be a common problem among trolls.

12 years ago

Did he just try to say that MRAs are in any way activists? I mean, I know they put it right there in the name, but they also claim to care about Men’s Rights, because reasons…

12 years ago

@amandajane5, of course they’re activists! Didn’t you hear about JtO’s heroic battle with a violent mob of boxcutter-wielding feminazis?

12 years ago

Poor Mr. Otter, I hear there’s even video showing just how horrifically violent said mob was. And didn’t they get like four protesters together to take a picture of sometime last year? Activism central they are, erm, I mean, I totally take them seriously and do not spend hours a day at a site that makes fun of them. *whistles innocently*

12 years ago

(new here) (big fan)

At the risk of stating the obvious, it seems the MRAers haven’t considered finding a different, non-certifiable sex partner if this is an actual concern (though I recognize that in MRA land we are all soul sucking succubi and they’d have to venture outside Western Women to find their ideal walking doormat-incubator combination).

Also, maybe someone should clue them in to the legal reality that child support obligations belong to the child and not the mother. That is, they have nothing to do with the virtues or vices of the mother but are based solely on the needs of the child. Again, I recognize that confronting them with facts and or logic can cause confusion.

Anyway, back to work (until I find a sufficiently rich dude’s sperm to steal, that is).

12 years ago

I don’t think this is the right video. Not a boxcutter in sight.

12 years ago

This Spermjacking paranoia is nonsense. I’m going to go be paranoid about a goat falling from the sky now. Derail: Anyone shoveling out in the northeast US or Southeast Canada after the storm? I hope everyone in those areas is ok and it did not disrupt their holiday plans greatly.

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