$MONEY$ cock blockade dozens of upvotes evil women evo psych fairy tales I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia playing the victim precious bodily fluids reddit spermjacking

Men’s Rights Redditor warns men: “Be careful with your sperm. Your very freedom is at stake.”

Men: Protect your Purity of Essence
Men: Protect your Purity of Essence

It’s official: Men’s Rights Activists are more obsessed with their “precious bodily fluids” than Dr. Strangelove’s General Jack D. Ripper. Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, many of the regulars are celebrating Boxing Day by sitting around on their computers worrying about evil predatory succubi burgling their sperm. Check out this little post, which has gotten 90 upvotes so far:


Yes, he really did just say “It’s as if your penis shoots magic IOUs every time you ejaculate.” If this is true, a lot of guys owe millions if not billions of dollars to a lot of old socks.

In the comments, other Men’s Rightsers shared their deepest concerns about the specter of spermburgling. SuicideBanana warns that the enemy may already be in your bed:


Reconstrucht worries about the money-hungry sperm-hunters lurking in bars:


And one future veterinarian contemplates giving up dating, in order to protect himself from the hypothetical women — sorry, soul sucking succubi — who might hypothetically use his future sperm in order to cash in big on his future vet money. Ca-ching!


Gentlemen: To fully protect your Essence, I suggest you ejaculate directly into a paper shredder, douse the results with hot sauce and arsenic, and pour the entire concoction into the nearest garbage disposal. Then flee the country.

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12 years ago

Seems these guys are getting worked up over nothing.

12 years ago

Melissa: it’s a bunch of dudes on Reddit (of all places) acting like this is a remote possibility in their sad lives.

Is this Dee with a new name?

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

Noooooo, Kittehs, you have summoned him! (unless he no longer shows up every time someone uses his name. Which I would be okay with.)

12 years ago

“Melissa, did you read the blog title and subhead? “Misogyny. I mock it.””

Yes I did. Hence my question about where MaunaLoona’s comment is actually misogynistic. Excessively anxious granted, but given that he cites an article which in turn cites legal cases where this has in fact his encouragement for men to be careful with their sperm reasonable.

“Accidental pregnancy is not spermburgling.”

Agreed, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

So where does it state in that first article that Smith ACTUALLY lied about being on the Pill, or was trying to become pregnant? That’s what Wallis claimed, there’s nothing cited in what I read to say it was true. And she wasn’t suing for support, only for recognition of paternity. And frankly – if he was so concerned about not being a father, wtf didn’t he use condoms? Does he say he was allergic to latex? Is a vasectomy out of the question?

12 years ago

There are no words to describe these sad fools.

12 years ago

Aren’t these the same guys who criticize women for thinking of men as rapist boogeymen?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Excessive anxiety based on extreme mistrust and dislike of women, an assumption that single mothers get shitloads of money, a dash of biological ignorance and sense of victimhood.

Yeah, not misogynistic at all.

12 years ago

I have commented on this blog only a very small number of times before today, always under the names “M” or “Melissa”.

12 years ago

David we really, really, really need a spermburgling teeshirt range – pretty please?

For the kiddies: “I was spermburgled’

Also thanks to Turley Logger on the Josephine thread for ‘Misandrocalypse’

‘Spermburgling my way to the Misandrocalypse’

Or the Star trek remix ‘Boldly Spermburgling where no woman has gone before’ (In the starship Misandrocalypse.)

12 years ago

They keep coming up with these stupid hypothetical situations that these things might not even happen. I mean other who goes to a bar to get a sperm donor and who the fuck takes the used condom to get pregnant? Are they now just associating all women as batshit crazy? If they hate women so much and are that sexually frustrated and paranoid they always have their hands to keep them company.

12 years ago

Sperm-jacking is how feminists control the global economy. True story.

12 years ago

Now there would be a novel use for a turkey baster.

12 years ago

These men simply have no idea how to relate to women as human beings. For insight, I would again recommend Victor Malarek’s book, The Johns.

12 years ago

Even if this was a thing, the chances of sperm being viable from a condom (especially with spermicide) and it being the right fertile time of the month are vanishingly small.

These guys have a better chance of wining the bronze in women’s gymnastics than of being spermburgled.

12 years ago

Disturbingly, there was one case where a man was passed out and unconscious, and the women obtained sperm by raping him in his sleep. He was still liable for child support.

So, do you think the problem with this case was the sperm theft rather than the rape?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

These guys have a better chance of wining the bronze in women’s gymnastics than of being spermburgled.

Being made to compete against women? MISANDRY!

12 years ago

The Kitteh’s Unpain Help,

I don’t think the question of whether or not Smith did or did not lie was ever even addressed. The point is that legally it makes to difference whether or not she lied.


Multiple cases are cited demonstrating that:-
1) It doesn’t matter if the mother has lied about her fertility or use of contraception
2) It doesn’t matter if the father was a victim of statutory rape
3) It doesn’t matter if the mother deliberately impregnated herself with sperm from a used condom
4) It doesn’t matter if the sperm was obtained via nonconsensual sexual acts.

I would say that this demonstrates that legally the man his held accountable for his sperm, even when he is being tricked, deceived, or raped etc.

I actually don’t actually disagree with the courts judgements – the needs of the child must come first, and the child needs financial support. However this is a harsh situation for men, and justifies their caution regarding where their sperm ends up.

Granted it is a very rare event, and their anxieties are excessive.

12 years ago

That is the thing that freaks me out, Amnesia.
In 31 states a rapist is entitled to visitation rights, so I guess the courts don’t have a problem with rape. They just want to make sure there are two parents for every child no matter how abusive those parents may be.

12 years ago

So if you agree, Melissa, what’s your point other than you don’t think we’re being nice enough to the poor dudes?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

stillivefallen — “Are they now just associating all women as batshit crazy?” — now? Haven’t they always been? (In other words, yes)

kitteh — “I just read this to the boss and we both laughed our heads off. “Have they never heard of condoms?” he asked. I told him about the used-condom notion and spermburgling and he asked if they think blow-up dolls are also trying to impregnate themselves.” — one of our old regular trolls accused me of being misandrist for saying “dude, they’re called condoms!”, I’m going to guess it was Steele just because he really loves to call people misandrist.

pecunium — what’s the source of you glitter “citation needed” gif? I want one that says “dude, they’re called condoms!” Also — “If she got him that souped up… well he’s not going to perform very well, and why doesn’t she just tell him she’s got an IUD and forgo the condom… it’s far more likely to lead to pregnancy.” — I’m not sure these fools would even know what an IUD is.

12 years ago


“So, do you think the problem with this case was the sperm theft rather than the rape?”

I’m surprised you feel the need to ask, but I regard rape as a vile crime quite different and more disturbing than things like theft, assault or fraud.

Obviously multiple wrongs were done to that poor man. Since it came up in a discussion of paternal child support responsibilities, I discusses it in that light. I had no reason to go off on a tangent, and don’t feel that would have contributed much to the discussion.

12 years ago

@M: Second result on google search on “strict liability” of sperm came up with a major legal article, by a WOMAN, arguing that there are problems with this legal theory (which, I’d hasten to add, was clearly created by a legal system dominated by men until very recently), and also arguing that feminists should challenge this use of strict liability.

But as far as I can tell after skimming the first ten page or so, the article isn’t really dealing with the issue of SPERMBURGLING, but statutory rape and sexual assault of men by women and the issue of the ensuing pregnancies: I know few feminists who deny that men can be raped/sexually assaulted (most of the ones I know just refuse to accept the contorted evidence from the misogynists that claim women are JUST AS LIKELY to rape men, as men are to rape women).

As usual, the MRA dudes seize up on what is, at core, an actual problem men can face and hyperbolize it to death, adding in all all their foolish folkloric (stealing used condoms to impregnate self) ways, and pose themselves as the quivering damsels in distress tied to the railroad tracks of feminist/wimminz’ oppressive society in a way that manages to distract from, you know, the actual problems.