announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Historophilia, sign me up! I would totally read that blog and follow it and comment and stuff. I have NO idea what to call it. I can write screeds but when it comes to titles for them, my brain goes blank.

12 years ago

talacris: You told us you were trolling.

Ergo you aren’t being honest; you are here to amuse yourself by engaging in provocative behavior.

That’s setting a high bar. To make that work you have to be interesting/provocative enough to make us rise to the bait. You don’t do that. So that’s a failure.

You also don’t actually work at it. You swan in, every so often, and make some weak-assed comment (like the one about how you deserve to be TOTY, just because you told us you are trolling), and then leave it lie. You don’t commit.

That’s weak. It’s sad. It’s pathetic.

You promised us trolling. We are used to some pretty serious trolls. Guys who believe what they say (Tommy Boy believed in it to the tune of losing a court case and owing Her Majesties Gov’t £36,000. That’s dedication). But you failed to deliver. You can’t even be arsed to stake out a coherent position on anything. No consistency (say what you like about Ruby, her assholish beliefs are steadfast).

That’s why you are like Coor’s Light. It tells you it’s beer, but it’s not. It’s mildly alcoholic water which was, at some point in it’s past, introduced to a little bit of barley. If you were expecting beer… you will be disappointed.

12 years ago

Histrophilia, I would read that blog.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

My vote goes for Hellkell

She somehow slips under the radar, and her contribution to post ratio is pretty low.

12 years ago

^This is how I know I’ve gotten to them, when they accuse me of trolling.

Now, now, chew toy. I know you’re upset because you’re not good enough, but such is your lot in this life.

12 years ago

I hate to give any of the trolls a reason to be proud. Maybe we could have a “most educated troll” for the one that actually evolves over time?

And I hope everyone is getting some relaxing in xxxxx

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Another piss-poor pretence of being a regular here, Dumbass. You make the same mistake every time you try having a go at someone. The regulars here, like hellkell, are LIKED. Trolls aren’t, except as chewtoys. Guess which category you come into?

12 years ago

Aw yay people like the idea!

Cloudiah I could use some American suggestions, it’s not really my area of expertise so my knowledge of slightly obscure awesome people is a tad thin on the ground.

12 years ago

Well then I nominate myself for weakest troll of the year.

12 years ago

Yoyo: we could, but they seem to devolve over time. I’ve seen plenty of meltdowns from a thin veneer of reasonableness, but never one who started assy and got better.

12 years ago

Oh, Diogenes (quick, what case is that in?), where is the sense of self-awareness.

What do you bring to the table? What is your “post/content” ratio.

What is Hellkell’s?

What is the metric you are using to make the comparison?

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I’ll admit this made me laugh:

What I especially liked in my trolling

It’s like when my cat falls off the table and tries to make it look like she meant to. She thinks she has dignity, so cute and funny. So what’s-his-face is like that, but without the cute.

12 years ago

” I know you’re upset because you’re not good enough, but such is your lot in this life.”

being called a coors light, sob. soon some will say bud-er or something like that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, they always end up burning out or going totally over the line. Like the old threads I’ve read (or maybe just one) where Mr Al was talking some sense and it wasn’t all about him and how hideous he is and how women spit on him. But then he devolved and got banned. I don’t know what for, but it must have been pretty bad, considering what it takes to get banned here.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Maybe talacaris does not think he has dignity…

12 years ago

Historophilia, I”m not even a huge history fan and I would read the shit out of your blog.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I wonder if talacaris has even read the older threads here? Has zie the slightest idea of the competition, or how seriously real Man Boobz trolls take themselves? Trolling here isn’t about being a jerk for its own sake, it’s a display of incoherent, frothing rage against anyone-not-cis-hetero-male-and-preferably-white for just existing. It may disguise itself briefly as someone oh-so-rational-and-logical, but that’s what lies underneath it, and no mere wannabe annoying person can come close to emulating it. (Well, unless Steele is the world’s most dedicated Poe, but somehow I doubt it.)

12 years ago

I do think we need something ‘individual’ or ‘personalised’ in the way of trophies, whatever the well-deserved award might be. Cups or wall plaques are just not up to the job.

The obvious one I can think of is for Steele. “The voile veil of vile” would be worn with real pride I reckon. Maybe “the voyle veyl of vyle” would have more style?

Whatever Tom wins (apart from withering scorn) should be in the form of a cushion.

Bit hard to know for the others until we finalise the precise name of award and its unworthy recipient.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hey, Historophilia, you know what’d be a good source (and totally worth reading for its own sake) if you don’t know it already? Kate Beaton’s “Hark, a Vagrant” blog. Lots of awesome people in that one.

old uncle elmer
old uncle elmer
12 years ago

Moreelenkhos4u or J0k3r4U both huge trolls. Likely the same person. Trolls Youtube incessantly. May be a false flagger. Issues threats and acts like a spoiled brat.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL mildlymagnificent, I’m hearing “voile veil of vile” as said by Kath and Kim (ie. in broadest Strine) where “voile” is how they’d pronounce “vile” anyway!

I thought Tom Martin should be awarded a hard chair. Just because he deserves to be even more butthurt than he is already.

12 years ago

I say theat if they take themselves seriously and are dedicated, they are not really trolls. Trolling should be displays of ignorance and lack of logic, not rage and no personal attacks.

12 years ago

I say theat if they take themselves seriously and are dedicated, they are not really trolls. Trolling should be displays of ignorance and lack of logic,

This presumes the two cannot coexist.

The “self awareness” is weak in this one.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Don’t bother with the dictionary-definition effort, talacaris. Fact remains that the trolls here are as I described, and you don’t cut it at all. The whole reason they come here is because they’re misogynists and they can’t keep it to themselves, or stand being mocked. Popping up every now and again and saying “Look at me, I’m trolling!” is just … gawd, it’s not even trolling, it’s just feeble.

12 years ago

It’s got to be Tom Martin.

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