announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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12 years ago

I was going to say, ‘talacris? who the hell are you?’

I mean, you’re up against TOM MARTIN, pal. (Who, admittedly, is no NWO, but alas, we seem to be leaving the Golden Age of trolls.)

Personally, I think this fight would best be determined by troll mud wrestling. Or extreme pillow-fighting.

12 years ago

The art of judging trolls against each other is, of course, whine tasting.

12 years ago

Good one, Katz.

12 years ago

@Cloudiah: That quote, a thousand times. One of the most irritating things to me in any discussion of rape is how even feminists often fall into the trap of trying to come up with a justification why the woman was where the rapist was. And not just a token justification but an exceedingly persuasive one. Like, if the woman was out at night, it’s not enough that she was going to or from work, she has to be shown that she really needed the job, or something.

12 years ago

Something is strange with most peoples sense of what consists good trolling? F.ex Martin hard chair &c) or Mellertoad good trolling???Nah it is mostly disgusting. Contrast with D.s claim to be able to solve the Voynich manuscript in half an hour. That’s fun trolling!

12 years ago

Talacris, are you… trolling about trolling? If so, sorry, but the Metatroll Award is not up for grabs this year.

12 years ago

I think it’s because we go in responding directly to the exact arguments we’re given–which in the case of rape are often something like “If women don’t want to be raped, they should take precautions to avoid being targeted.”

12 years ago

Quick question: Do Canadians call 911 or do they have a different number?

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

I nominate Tom, Bert, and William for best trolls of the year.

12 years ago

What I especially liked in my trolling was the Declaration of Intent to Troll, the fundraising for the Cure of cooties infection and mangina, some silly shit about a weird interpretation of a Solanas quote, and some weird shit about contempt of court.

What I do not like was the willful misinterpretation of TKUH, that was over the line, so I’m sorry for that.

12 years ago

Talacaris, if you have to point out all the things you liked about your trolling, you fail as a troll.

Quiet now, the grown-ups are talking.

12 years ago

No-one ever gets my brand of trolling… 🙁

I nominate CWS for Greatest Reveal


We call 911

12 years ago

poor talacris: He thinks we can’t understand the motives of trolls. The problem, of course, is we do. We also understand they vary (hence my use of the local definition in my recap).

Some want to stir the pot, purely to revel in the fights they cause. Some want to be the center of attention. Some want to “Preach Truth to Power!”, in some misguided sense that 1: they have the truth, and 2: the audience they are boring with their second-rate attempts to be Jack Chick has “POWER!!!!!”. Some have a hobby horse they can’t avoid riding.

Some just want to yell at the objects of their ire/scorn. Some have a political agenda. Others are trying to count coup, so they can retire to the regions of the internet they normally inhabit, and boast of how they bearded the dragon in its den and emerged to tell the tale.

In short, trolls are people like all others, they just happen to have a hobby of going places where others are having a good time and trying, in various ways, to piss in the punch.

And we understand that.

12 years ago

is nobody gonna mention Skyrimjob? I thought he had the most artful community-to-troll-to-meltdown transition.

12 years ago

“Talacaris, if you have to point out all the things you liked about your trolling, you fail as a troll. ”

No way, this type of selw-awareness and appraisal is one of the finest qualities in the Ancient and Noble Art.

12 years ago

Talacaris: Haha, if any of you nuggets had any self-awareness, all you’d be writing would be apologies for the rest of your life.

12 years ago

Pecs: No way trolling is putting forth silly and stupid argumentz for the lolz. If you believe in or are invested in what you are writing, you cannot be a troll.

12 years ago

I hear nothing but wind whistling after hellkell’s 3:46 comment…

Katz, I believe that Canadians also call 911.

12 years ago

cloudiah: you heard that too? Must be nothing.

12 years ago

talacris: Ancient and Noble Art

Are you talking about The Sweet Science?

That might merit some, small, merit for wit. But if you are seriously trying to campaign for the title you problems are legion, the road long, and the hurdles many.

You were/are inept. Intermittent throwawaysl; after a self-declared status as a dishonest actor is pathetic; it’s like drinking Coor’s, or Coor’s Light. If you are going to self-declare as a troll you have to step up to the plate. It takes dedication, and drive, to keep people interested, and doubly so when we know you are in it for malicious lulz.

That’s why Tom Martin, Steele, even NWO and Bob are doing better than you in the jury’s estimation. You failed to live up to the hype; and you are the one who did the hyping.

12 years ago

Oh, SNAP. Being called the Coor’s Light of trolls is not good. Funny, though.

12 years ago

it’s like drinking Coor’s, or Coor’s Light.

O.o Damn pecunium, don’t hold back now, tell us what you really think.

12 years ago

” Intermittent throwawaysl; after a self-declared status as a dishonest actor is pathetic; it’s like drinking Coor’s, or Coor’s Light”
I dont understand this. Please explain.

12 years ago

Can I fling a slight de-rail in here?

Sorry for the randomness but I’d like to run an idea for a blog that I have past you guys, what with you all being such intelligent, rational and generally splendid human beings 😛

It’s an idea I’ve been toying with for a little while and the premise is that I’ll research and write a short profile on a really interesting and awesome person from history and do maybe one of those a week.

I’d have a definite slant towards awesome women from history but I’ll do both men and women and be mainly doing people that you tend not to learn about at school.

I’m not sure what I’d call it, I’ve thought of something like “I Wish I had Met…” but I’m open to suggestions!

What do people think? Would you read something like that?

Also how about some suggestions for awesome people from history that most people wouldn’t know about? I’ve got a few I’d do so far:

Empress Theodora (wife of Justinian I of Byzantium)
Tadamichi Kuribayashi (commander of the Japanese garrison at Iwo Jima)
Margaret Beaufort
Sir Seretse Khama

12 years ago

Historophilia, I would read the hell out of that blog. I could probably think of some suggestions, too, but more in the USian history realm.

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