announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

To anyone here who can knit/crochet — alpaca is amazingly soft, I’ve been repairing the same pair of alpaca gloves for about 5 years now, they’re just that awesome. Pecunium I’d totally buy some of you if I could do anything with it >.<

12 years ago

*nominates Pecunium for archivist and reviewer of Troll Droppings*


12 years ago

I think Steele Butthorn knocks it out of the park on this one (hey look! women are awarding you things!) and Mr. Slave won last year.

Mr. Al should win some sort of “most sockpuppets” and I think Ruby should get a “most oblivious” though the FeMRA should go to Ms. Sunshine or Suz.

12 years ago

TS = Toysoldier. He’s been gone since before your time.

Pell… Pell’s iffy. Mostly because Pell’s MO is a bizarre one-trick pony. Come in, make outrageous claims; pretend to obviously false authority expertise; flail, scream, get banned.

It’s amusing, but not really all that ept.

It is, in it’s way, no better than a Nomless, or a talacris. At his best it’s amusing, but there isn’t even the saving grace of Eurosabra’s steady-state worldview. Whatever Pell thinks is going on, it’s all about Pell. A good troll manages to make it about the subject at hand; as a device to drive the conversation to what he want’s to talk about.

Pell doesn’t want to talk, he wants to browbeat. Since he’s pathetic; in both set-up, and execution, he’s never going to make it TO the Grapefruit League, much less breakout to play with the big-boys.

If he were more subtle, could take the time to do some research, establish a plausible cover story, and then exploit it, then he’d be a contender. But he doesn’t. I don’t think he’s managed to go a full-page before being sniffed out.

There is a case to made that his semi-regular attempts to storm the castle are worthy of some consideration because, of late, any apparent sock-puppet (or proto-Poe) is suspected of being Pell (viz. Mr. Al in his Josephine Persona; which because of it’s obvious falsity had people barking up the wrong tree; rather than noticing the differences in the backstory).

I’m not a great troll-sniffer (though I am a pretty good troll-whisperer… they tend to rise to the baits I put on the hook), but I’ve noticed Pell did make people a lot more suspicious.

12 years ago

ithiliana: Shucks… It’s part of what made me a good interrogator/journalist, and makes me a decent salesperson/instructor.

I like people, and I remember them as individuals. It also helps that I

1: Take them at face value on initial appearance.
2: Engage them on their own terms.
3: Have a pretty good memory.
4: Have been dealing with this style/type of debate for close on 30 years.

12 years ago

As regards Alpaca. It’s fun to spin, but I’ve been doing a more worsted yarn on the wheel, and it seems (from my recent readings) that alpaca isn’t as well suited to that. On the upside, spinning “woolen” takes less fiber, so one gets more yarn at a given grist (the technical term for the bulk of yarn; sort of).

On the downside, I need to practice doing woolen before I am willing to spin some of my really pretty alpaca.

I suppose I shall start tonight, as soon as I have the present number 3 skein of the worsted wool I have on the bobbins spun on, and plied off.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


You deserve a round of applause. That was amazing and quite the nostalgia trip. (I’ve been lurking since Mr. Al was mostly welcome and, I think, since before his first meltdown. I was silently rooting for that kid back in the day. What a waste.)

12 years ago

It’s also stronger than Wool, though it’s not as good for warm when wet (though it’s not bad; it’s just not as good as wool’s 60 percent heat retention… cotton has negative heat retention when wet).

I have some alpaca top with tussah to spin too. I think I’ll aim for a sockweight, and then cable it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pell would get the Most Entertaining Meltdowns or at least recognition for letting people do accurate countdowns to meltdowns. I missed most of his stuff but was here for a couple of his sockpuppet efforts that rapidly went from “who’s this strange troll” to “hi Pell” and him going into frothing rage. They were fun.

I was looking at an old thread with TS in it and he was just being one-note boring. Granted the subject was a real one (his own abuse) but his repetition that feminists aren’t interested in male victims of priests was just nonsensical and “la la la I can’t hear you” dreary.

I reckon Steele is Troll of the Year, if only because he’s the only long-term one around, or was until he got sent to the corner. Otis got banned fairly quickly and only tried socking once, I think. Tom Martin certainly gets Most Disgusting (or should that be Vyle?).

There needs to be an award for Best At Just Toeing The Line, though none of the truly memorable ones has managed it. They all tip over into totally unacceptable territory sooner or later.

Dumbass the Yapper is just too mediocre and boring to be worth any recognition, he’s just a time-waster who fancies he’s one of the community.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“TS = Toysoldier. He’s been gone since before your time.” — ah yes, I had the “pleasure” of stumbling onto his blog before I came here, and had to seriously reconcile “always believe the victim” and “I hate assholes”

For actual Troll Of The Year — Pell, or Steele. Every sock seems like Pell now, but 10 pages on the definition of misandry! Long rants about how he wasn’t sock puppeting when he totally was! Anti-manboobz!!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Re: alpaca — yeah it isn’t quite as heat retentive when wet, but you know what? I try not to get my gloves dripping wet, it’s just not fun to have wet hands. And I find wool to be itchy, but absolutely adore though gloves (to the point mine are slowly being converted to embroidery thread as I repair them!)

I must warn y’all though — they’re apparently Very Yummy to puppies, which is what started the need for repair (pecunium, if you ever see these gloves, you’ll probably fall over laughing at them, but I love my Frankenstein gloves!)

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Since I have now had two comments supporting Diogenes for some award eaten, I am going to conclude that the universe agrees with this:

Dumbass the Yapper is just too mediocre and boring to be worth any recognition, he’s just a time-waster who fancies he’s one of the community.

12 years ago

I am not a night owl, but I stayed up until almost 2 am yesterday (i.e. this morning) talking to an old friend who came to our xmas dinner. I am wiped out! He is the divorced father of two teenagers, and is definitely slightly bitter about the divorce but being decent human beings he and his ex-wife have decided that the welfare of his kids is more important and have worked out custody, etc. like adults. It’s really nice to remember that MOST ADULTS ARE LIKE THAT, AND NOT LIKE MRAs. I also got to spend time with a sweet rescue dog who has a problem with her legs that causes her to hop like a bunny.

Also, I hope everyone enjoyed and/or survived the holidays.

On to the important troll nominations:
I love the idea of having a feMRA troll category, and think they’ve already been named.
In fact, I think everyone has already been named. Most odious character has to be a tossup between Tom Martin and Otis the Racist. Most boring is Some Guy… Most persistent is either Mr. Al (sad…) or Pell. Pell was in the running for troll of the year for me, but his initial blaze of glory has been so tarnished by his subsequent pathetic entries. I think I’m going to have to go with Steele: the socking, the “hey, I’m semi-successful, and my girlfriend is semi-attractive” schtick, the blog, the terrible grammar and language usage. I don’t even care if he’s a Poe. I’m not sure what category to put The First Joe in. He has inspired some hilarity, and coined some good phrases (“got-born privilege” has already been mentioned, right?) Honorable mention? Runner up?


12 years ago

I’m going to go ahead and say Steele was the best troll. He always tried his hardest, but our misandry kept him down. It’s high time we recognised his achievements.

12 years ago

I have my coffee in a big mug so I’m less frantic now and will settle down to actually read the whole thread, in which I have undoubtedly been ninjaed many times over.

I don’t know if anyone has shared this already, so my apologies if it’s a duplicate, but Kavita Krishnan’s statement on the status of women in India and the right to live in freedom is really powerful:

This most recent incident is of course the most obvious contradiction — it did not occur late at night, the girl was, in fact, with a male friend — but that is not my argument. I believe even if women walk out on the streets alone, even if it is late at night, why should justifications need to be provided for this, like ‘she has to work late hours’ or ‘she was coming home from a BPO job or a media job’? If she simply wants to go out at night, if she wants to go out and buy a cigarette or go for a walk on the road — is this a crime for women? We do not want to hear this defensive argument that women only leave their homes for work, poor things, what can they do, they are compelled to go out. We believe that regardless of whether she is indoors or outside, whether it is day or night, for whatever reason, however, she may be dressed — women have a right to freedom. And that freedom without fear is what we need to protect, to guard and respect.

12 years ago

My evaluations:

Steele for Most Persistent
Pell for Most Entertaining
Sticky for Most Tiresome

But in the all around Most Trolly category, Tom “Whoriarchy” Martin, hands down. Because seriously, wtf dude, wtf.

12 years ago


…but it is doubtful you’ll ever get or understand trolling.

This is one thing all the trolls here seem to have in common.

“You don’t understand me. It must be because you’re stupid!”

Yeah, that’s totally it.

Creative Writing Student

No-one ever gets my brand of trolling… 🙁

12 years ago

Talacris, you’re one of those people who no one even remembers exists except when we’re actually talking to you. You’re like The Silence.

12 years ago

Maybe we should have a category for Most Forgettable Troll; talacaris could be in the running for that one, since I didn’t even recognize the nym.

12 years ago



12 years ago

Exactly! XD

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m not sure what category to put The First Joe in. He has inspired some hilarity, and coined some good phrases (“got-born privilege” has already been mentioned, right?) Honorable mention? Runner up?”

I completely forgot that time Joe went ranting about how non-binary people support nazism because some founding school of feminism was nazi based and feminism is behind the trans* // cis terminology and idfk because I ended up needing an anti-oppression baby animal.

Joe has had some epic trains of “thought” in other words, and managed to be both offensice and persistent.

katz — *dies* they’re way too much of a big baddie to be gone, they’ll be back (or maybe they already are and The Doctor keeps forgetting it?!) *sonic’s the thread* …yes, I got a sonic for Christmas, and yes, I am pointing it at ALL THE THINGS

12 years ago

I liked the time Joe went off on me for not recognizing humor or satire when it was his own fail that was rather epic. That may have been his International Men’s Day shitfit, they all start to bleed together after a while.

12 years ago

Second Ruby’s nomination for the shut up award

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