announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Okay, I’m off to my sister’s for dinner. Catch you later!

12 years ago

Bye-bye, kitteh.

12 years ago

Make sure you digest your dinner first.

12 years ago

Could someone post a link for Bob? I guess I missed that one.

Someone earlier in the comments reminded me of that government girlfriends guy too. I popped in to see if his blog had died yet, and saw that he posted a history of his (dating) life a few days ago. It’s way worse than I expected. It’s full of obsession and over-the-top melodrama, sure, but I wasn’t expecting the blackmail and being thrown in jail for death threats.

As for Troll of the Year and its various categories, I like Tom Martin for Worst Human, which he seems to have in the bag, and Some Guy for Most Tiresome. And the grand prize has got to be Steele.

12 years ago

Pell has my vote for troll of the year. Not being able to date your students is illegal, yanno.

Suz wins the Most Horrific Implications prize for her screed about her son.

On a more awesome note, from tomorrow I’ll be away on SummerHoliday! First is Gay Camp (seriously, google Vinegar Hill.) and then I’ll be tiki-touring around the North Island seeing family. Back on the 12th. Dont chew the trolls too hard…

12 years ago

How about a slightly pop topic but still relevant award, The Actual Activism Award: Given to MRAs for high profile failures (Sink Misandry, anyone? Elam starting a Subreddit where he could ban people – it’s currently unused)

12 years ago

Off, not pop. The poster campaign could also form part of the actual activism award

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Best silly chew-toy troll: Steele.
Best genuinely awful troll: Tom Martin.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Bodsworth, are you forgetting Steele’s 10 pages about how misandry is totally a word?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Translation out of sleep-mode — Steele is one of those industrial chew toys that stand up to all the chewing and keep bouncing back for more…long past the point at which you’d like to just tear the thing apart already (on that note, I truly fear the mess my father’s dumb ass dog will make with the candy cane shaped raw hide thing he got for christmas…if only we could find him a chew toy as durable as Steele!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Mum got my sister’s dog one of those hard chew-sticks that supposedly keep dogs happy for hours. He demolished it in about twenty minutes. We had a really nice night at my sister and BiL’s place, and had fun trying to take a group photo (they’re moving interstate in a month, we may not see them again). None of us is photogenic so the results were … interesting. Got a really good snap of my sister cuddling Mads, though – and Mads looks Totally. Pissed. Off.

Priceless 😀

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Actually, on further thought — The Troll that Just Keeps on Giving = Steele (thought really, Biggest Massacre of English should go to Steele)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kittehs’ — lol, should just go for silliness when photogenic fails, everyone can manage silly (even the people who try doing grimpy cat just come out looking silly!)

12 years ago

Nominate Tom Martin for making me nearly physically ill reading some of his posts. Also, because of penguin whores (seriously dude, wtf??)

12 years ago

I see I haven’t been mentioned yet so I nominate myself. I can motivate myself, but it is doubtful you’ll ever get or understand trolling.

(What is the Grand Prize anyway?)

12 years ago

I nominate Suz for sheer undiluted nastiness. (She seemed to have a hard-on for me, so perhaps I’m biased.) Not sure if her “letter to a prospective slut-bitch daughter-in-law” would qualify to support her nomination, since it was published on her own blog and not here, but it is a gem — one of the most vicious and inane pieces of writing I’ve seen on the Internet in a long time.

12 years ago

Sorry Talacaris, you are not in the running, too many other trolls are so much more awful and more funny and more persistent than you.

Tom Martin for Worst Person ever, Steele for English Language desecration.

12 years ago

I nominate Steele or Pell for top troll, they’re the most memorable to me.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“What is the Grand Prize anyway?”

Having highlights of your trolling quoted, and being mocked. Then again, you seem to enjoy being mocked, so maybe that is a prize?

I know he hasn’t been around for a couple months now, but can I nominate NWO for Worst Math Skills?

12 years ago

I know he hasn’t been around for a couple months now, but can I nominate NWO for Worst Math Skills?

In case anyone wants to see more of NWO, he’s trolling Slate’s Double X section under user name “Barro”.

12 years ago

This has been a “good year” for trolling, in that we’ve had a large number. Not many with real chops.. Bob was precious, but both a one-note symphony and a one thread wonder.

Otis had his moments, but lacked the stamina to make it out of the minor-leagues.

For serious consideration I think the real measure is steadfastness. Let’s look at the trolls (local definition is in use) of yesteryear; and what raised them above the rest.

Mr. Al. A persistent level of cluelessness, coupled to an earnestness which encouraged people to take him at either face value; or as one who merely needed a bit of direction. The last may have been true; save that one has to want to change. He didn’t really. What he wanted was someone to validate his opinions on the shallowness of women and coddle his insecurities about his looks.

Since his general attitude wasn’t as horrific as some; and generally less foul than the subject of the discussion he was taking part in, he was able to linger for some past his welcome. †

TS: Dogged. Able to twist anything which isn’t someone saying that he is completely right; or which is in any way at odds with his pet theory of how the world (and in particular feminism) works into that person personally attacking him. He will lie, misrepresent, distort and abuse any argument made directly to his theses. He has no qualms about using a separate platform to continue his campaign; in the sure and certain knowledge that the hatred of “feminists” will keep his followers from actually reading the parent posts. As a result we have had several “satellite trolls” come in from his blog to tell us how horrible we are for things we have never said.

Ruby Hypatia; Someone who is completely blind to her own hypocrisy, as well as clueless about the ways in which both the world of science works, and the dynamics of argument here; though she has been an habitu&eactute; of Manboobz for what… two years?

She is able to both praise the rape of prisoners (they deserve it, because they were convicted of something; and it pleases her to think about them being raped), and make smarmy comments about how evil rape is when it happens to people whom she doesn’t feel “deserve” it: and make those comments in a way which is so absolute that it contradicts her other praises of rape.

She also has that blindspot so many others§ have of conveniently forgetting that she is involved in a dispute in another thread, on the same topic, or that the demands made in other threads (re supporting evidence, coherence of argument, etc.) will be applied in the new thread.

Brandon: Probably, IMO, the most successful troll to ever come to Manboobz, His blasé surety of superiority, lack of concern for having ever said something else in the past; even so recent a past as five minutes before, the levels of self-revelatory blather he engaged in while attempting to display versimilitude (who can forget the, “Subtle Test for Feminism” he used?) and his pet theories on side-subjects which could always be exploited to derail him into looking foolish (I confess, I set him up a couple of times to go off about economics. I was bored; he was an easy target, and far more enjoyable to poke than Meller or NWO; because they were so earnest in the ways they came back to hating on women; no matter the subject).

And he was persistent. He probably put more words in several threads than Bob did (the “defend yourself from “false rape claims springs immediately to mind) as well as having an amazing consistent idea that women are both conniving, and stupid.

He was also steady. While he was allowed to be here, he was a regular.

He has also taken the show on the road; where he gets shorter shrift, in part because he was so effective a troll here that manboobzers who spot him in the wild slap him around and call him Sally when they see him; which acts as an antibody in other blogs (which are less prone to tolerate that sort of bullshit than Dave/we are).

We don’t really have any who are quite that class. The only real contenders (IMO) are Torvus, The Naïf, and, to a lesser degree, Tom, I blew £36,000 to bitch about hard chairs” Martin (his banning knocks him out of serious contention, in my book).

NWO has been phoning it in. Meller has become a craven skulker; haunting ancient threads in the hope HellKell, myself, or Ithiliana won’t notice, and both mock his arguments, while reminding the world he things women who are murdered by their partners 1: deserved it, and 2: were really using their wiles to commit suicide by DV.

Next year may bring a better crop, or perhaps some of the present day trolls playing in AAA will step up their game, and make the move to The Show.
† I would also argue his attempts to return are because he was welcomed, and then tolerated; with some friction, because he kept showing signs of redeemability. That’s because, at root, we are a pretty tolerant bunch, and we like kittens, puppies and other helpless, less than completely formed creatures.

§Steele, Diogenes etc.

12 years ago

I kind of forgot about Ruby as a troll. She gets the Shut Up award.

12 years ago

In Terms of Christmas, I am enjoying mine (It’s a twelve day Feast, so for me it’s not over yet). I got a lot of fiber (about 2 lbs of alpaca, in various interesting colors). I’ll be spinning for a while with this. I need to find people to buy it.

I also have books on spinning/wheels/fiber so my theory ought to improve. Practice is all I can do to translate theory into working skills.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

pecunium — perhaps I’m being clueless here, but who’s TS? And Pell didn’t make your list. I had fun with Pell!

Also, ABNOY, in the category of “Aw, can we keep him?” // “Aren’t you just precious?”

12 years ago

Merry Christmas, everybody 🙂