announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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12 years ago

Argenti: pecunium — your attempts at Steele-esque abuse of language strike me more as extremely well written purple prose, I’m not even sure it counts as purple prose, as each bit of it is slowly but surely edging towards Steele’s defenestration

You saw through me.

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago


Let it go. You probably are a misogynist. If you don’t want to be, change. You are a troll. If you don’t want to be, change.

And if you actually take anybody here seriously, you wouldn’t still be harping on this. It makes you look ridiculous.

Finally, please be friends with Steele. I so wanna watch each of your pretentions interact.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@Dumbass, you’ve demonstrated garden-variety, low-level misogyny here, and as I said, refused to even consider that you’re wrong on that and many other subjects. Pissant whining that you aren’t a misogynist doesn’t cut it. You also don’t know the difference between hatred and mildly amused contempt, which is the best you get, apart from when you indulge in rape apologetics and the like, when it hardens to scorn. But hatred? What makes you think people even think about you in their daily lives?

@Argenti – defenstration? Oh gods, did I miss that? Or are we getting to toss Steele out a window now? 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Um… OK, how the actual fuck did you know I was going to say that 11 minutes into the future?”

Um…I thought I’d seen you say something very similar to what you ended up posting? Idfk *sonic’s the thread”

Kitteh — “OMG Pecunium is the Doctor!” — that was me, but frankly, The Doctor is a bit much responsibility for me (I mean, unless we’re in “hiding in the clouds sulking” stage or something) And no, defenestration was not said until I brought it up, I don’t think.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Whoops! I thought it was Pecunium, my bad. Though yeah, I wouldn’t want to take on the Doctor’s job either.

I must say the idea of tossing Steele out of a (ground floor) window onto a muckheap is kind of appealing …

12 years ago

Steele continues to mangle the language in ways that are downright painful, like the pain that comes from a rotten tooth being chomped on through a mouthful of salt-water taffy….

But in Boobzland – to toe the dogma, makes one a troll. Since this is so, Manboobz has become a recursively radical community; any dissent is silence;

To toe the dogma is the subject of that clause (psssst, Steele, don’t put commas between grammatical subject and the main verb), but it makes no sense.

Toe the line is a common cliche (psssst, Steele, mangling a cliche doesn’t make it any better), but if that’s the meaning, Steele is saying that conforming to the dogma is what makes a person a troll–which is flagrant contradiction to the statement above: “to disagree is to be labeled a troll.”

“Recursively radical” has a nice alliterative ring to it, but it doesn’t really convey much more sense than “radical.”

Floundering, I grasp at the idea that the error in “dissent is silence” is a simple typo (i.e. he’s saying dissent is SILENCED — though the evidence seems to contradict this claim–it takes more than dissent–it takes over the top boringness/repetitiveness and personal attacks).

But given that toeing the dogma=troll, maybe dissent=silent. (Silence is assent? Can silence be dissent? It can be, but I don’t think that’s what SteeleTroll means).

*damn you steele for causing grammatical and syntactical pain*

12 years ago

Ninja’d by multiple people with a grasp of writing principles…..chastened, I shall return and read the whole thread.

But really: TOE THE DOGMA?????????????????????????

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Lol, the library in my HS was on the ground floor, with ceiling to floor windows, we used to threaten to throw each out that window. Really though, I was just playing off Steele’s claim of eviscerating pecunium.

“Whoops! I thought it was Pecunium, my bad.” — much like you didnt mind being mistake for cloudiah, don’t worry about it.

And now I really am going to bed, before I fall asleep with my mac in my lap. While it’s bounced off the floor from higher heights, I’d rather not risk it! (Hilariously, it’s bounced off a shot glass, shattered the shot glass, the mac just dented a bit XD )

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Niters, Argenti! 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Ninja’d by multiple people with a grasp of writing principles….”

Perhaps the more of us who say it the better the odds it might sink in? Probably not with him, but it’s worth a try!

Re: dissent is silence, he has it backwards, the only appropriate response to The Silence is dissent. And now I really am going to bed!

12 years ago

Aw come on:
“I have been placed on moderation to prevent me from eviscerating your comments in real time;”
Yeah, I could totally kick your ass but I won’t, ’cause, ’cause, ’cause your parents are probably watching us from the window, and if I kick your ass — they’ll sue me, and…

Um, cynic, I dunno if you’re a fully formed misogynist, but you defintely have the personality of a shit lord. As far as I can tell, you come here to talk down to everyone, and you want us to thank you for it. And you derail threads like mad. Just about everyone here thinks you’re irritating (anyone who agrees, give a shout out of Yay!). I’m just saying…

12 years ago

Yay, and +1 for “shit lord.”

12 years ago

I have to say he’s irritating, so yay, but in the grand scheme of irritants, he’s a pissant. It’s the pretension to education which galls. There is the hint of intelligence, in the service of… bupkis.

12 years ago

Yeah, pecunium…a pissant that thinks its a killer bee. It’s embarrassing.

12 years ago


12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yay! and especially to pissant that thinks it’s a killer bee. Condescension needs to have some basis in reality to work.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hey, I just noticed I made it to Steele’s “call them by the second half of the screen name ‘cos it’s totally a surname” list.


12 years ago

*thumbs-up gesture*

12 years ago

I’m definitely voting for Steele, since so far in this thread he’s already presented me with a real challenge in the form of deciding whether I’m more amused by his dogged insistence on mangling the language or by his hilariously overblown victim complex.

I’m leaning towards the latter. It’s just so adorable how he keeps whining about how he’s been banned, then realizes he hasn’t been banned and tries to cover his embarrassment by whining about how he’s surprised he hasn’t been banned, or something.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, Steele’s making a great late run, isn’t he? Must have come into extra campaign funds or something.

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago


It’s just so adorable how he keeps whining about how he’s been banned, then realizes he hasn’t been banned and tries to cover his embarrassment by whining about how he’s surprised he hasn’t been banned, or something.

Now all of the trolls are reminding me of my cat.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Some Gal, you must have an ebil kitty! 😀

12 years ago

Since NWOSlave hasn’t come back to defend his crown, I thought you all might want to see evidence of his latest activity on r/mr.

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago

@The Kitteh’s Unpaid Help

Part ebil, part goofy as fuck. (Also sweet and cute, but those parts aren’t troll-like at all.)

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