announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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12 years ago

Diogenes: The problem isn’t P┌Q.

It’s this So, now hatred of women is somehow defined as being disliked by The Kitteh.

Show me how you got to that. Because while it’s true that she said you were a misogynist (and as I said, the evidence is moderately strong that you qualify), I don’t see her dislike being a part of the equation.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

pecunium — Diogenes is trying to out formal logic you, enjoy that! Also, I missed Steele because I was playing with frogs, I totally blame you for this XD

12 years ago

Varpole Butthorn, Puppet of the Sockmasters: My dear boy, I see you feel neglected, and suffering for a lack of attention; as such you have deigned to set me a challenge (in that you’ve yclept me tedious&dagger. I am flattered, it’s rate that someone who has been obdurate, otiose and obtuse, manages to recognise that people have chosen to repay him in his own coin. I understand, naturellement this was a fortuitous insult; that you are, almost without question, so lacking discernment, detachment, and deliberation, to have made that connection by grace of intellect, but even a blind cat can sometimes catch the mouse.

I should however like to point you to a small error in the extrapolation you have made from your fortuituity§. You said you were in moderation to protect me from your eviscerating me in real time. You forget that even were you not in moderation that you would not need to react in real time. There is no way for anyone who reads your words to know what the delay was between your reading the comment and your reply. It is also clumsy to impute that I have no better thing to do than to be sitting at my desk, frantically hitting “refresh” in the fear that I shall miss your perfection of persiflaginously purple prose. Once it has moved from the crystalline realm of thought; after the sparking of the synapses have tripped your neurons, activated by your hypothalmus; shifting your state of mind into one of reactive emotion. Then, of course, in the thrall of your priapic passions you put digits to keys and then trips forth the repetitious reminders of the remonstrance your teacher (perspicacious though she was, and self-fulfilling as you insist on making her critique) your words are permanent. At that point they are fixed. From that point forward I am either eviscerated, or amused.

If Dave thought I was in need of protection, he wouldn’t be worrying about the speed of your response, but it’s very existence. Were I so weak, fragile, mewling and defenseless being as you seem to think (though why; from our previous interactions, you should think I am at all devastated when you take the effort to make me, rather than some other member of Manboobz Acadamy of Rhetoric and Logic, is beyond me). But he lets you post; not with the speed your hungry ego craves; no you are forced to the frustration of being kept waiting. You must wonder if what you say will be lost, swallowed up by the pace of interaction which you are presently denied.

Sucks to be you.

† forgetting that in a social setting such as this one, where conversation is also performance art, tedium is a function of the entertainment value (or lack thereof) each poster provides to the community. Some are amusing for their wordplay, or the delicacy of their repartée, others make their contribution in the form of setting themselves up to the be butt into which others send their darts. There is also the category who provide nothing more than material for mockery; the skeletons of future in-jokes; ways in which the old hands can show the bona fides which only come of having been present for some epic meltdown, or perhaps merely the risible efforts made by those who are flailing in their failure (though to be honest, there was a soup¸on of brilliance in Torvus Butthorn, and so I use that nom de la chaussette to commemorate your singular rise to brilliance)

§ one which, dolorous though it is to relate, undercuts the scope, power, and range, of your aspirations to le mot juste and the truly cutting turn of phrase; of the sort which makes one’s interlocutor’s step back with well-deserved respect, and the audience who happen to see it thrill to the grace, the stylistic charms and the delicacy which which the insult is moved past the defenses of the victim, so the sting comes later. Not the brutal slap of the thug, but the slender poinard of the assassin.

12 years ago

Guys… did I manage some semblance of “tedious”? I’m not sure it managed to rise past tendentious; but there is a limit to how Varpolean I manage to force my thinking to be, much less my writing.

12 years ago

Steele, that is not what “toe the dogma” means. You really can’t write or bullshit your way out of a bag. Nice try.

He’s only been back for a few posts, and I wish he’d go away already.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Lol, I see we were typing at the same time, excellent [insert mad scientist laugh here]

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@jennydevildoll – I thought that too!

12 years ago

Pecunium: that wasn’t all that tedious. I don’t know how you’d get yourself to Butthorn levels of language abuse, it’s hard to unlearn how to write (which is why socks always fail).

Some Gal Not Bored at All

You made sense and your grammar was correct. Long-winded? Perhaps. Tedious or, FSM-forbid, Varpolean? Never.
I mean, forsooth and forthwith, you never; toe me; could be as such and suchlike. 🙂

12 years ago

Toe the dogma? WTF do you think that means?

Toe the line is a term from the British Navy of the Age of Sail. On Sundays there were inspections (the men were “called to divisions”) and they were to stand in a rank, their toes on a line in the deck.

This is still done in the US Navy, though primarily during boot camp.

So to “Toe the ‘x’ (what ever one uses for ‘x’)” is to adhere to something, not to oppose it.

12 years ago

Toe the line or toe the mark
: to conform rigorously to a rule or standard

Typical Merriam-Webster dishonesty.

(I expect Steele will now try to tell us that ‘conform rigorously to’ means ‘challenge’. Actually, if he does try that, he gets my vote!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Steele, honey, there is no such phrase as “toe the dogma”. Toe the line means conforming. Toeing the dogma … well, if there were such a phrase, it would mean the same thing. You could have tried “bucking the dogma” (stolen from “bucking the trend” or some such, but you wrote the exact opposite of what you were trying to say. That’s got nowt to do with misandry or groupthink or anything else, it’s you mucking up a common phrase. Again.
Unless of course you think that writing standard, intelligible English is somehow being unfairly constrained by groupthink, which in your case is quite possible.

Seriously – do you read anything? Any books? I’m genuinely baffled (no snark involved) as to how anyone who does can write so badly. And don’t trot out the evil misandrist teacher line again. If you haven’t managed to educate yourself since then, there’s a lot more going on than one teacher pointing out (correctly) that your English needs a lot of work. Go do a basic writing skills course, for your own sake. You might learn something and who knows, you might even enjoy improving your skills.

12 years ago

Some Gal: Well Varpole does seem to think (and ponder) that verbiage is somehow related to veracity. So I had to resort to his level of mental awareness.

12 years ago

Also, kiki’s right, to “toe the line” means to conform to the standard.

Um… OK, how the actual fuck did you know I was going to say that 11 minutes into the future?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ninja’d by everyone! 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Um… OK, how the actual fuck did you know I was going to say that 11 minutes into the future?

OMG Pecunium is the Doctor!

Creative Writing Student

I love Steele and Diogenes the Pantsfish. They’re great writing models for characters who think they’re a lot smarter than they really are,

Also, my nose is bleeding. Bugger.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Pantsfish” LOL LOL!

12 years ago

Yeah, I’m loving “pantsfish” too.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

pecunium — your attempts at Steele-esque abuse of language strike me more as extremely well written purple prose, I’m not even sure it counts as purple prose, as each bit of it is slowly but surely edging towards Steele’s defenestration. Hm, eviscerate and then defenestrate? I seem to recall that having been a standard punishment for something or other…

Steele — please, please do not throw out “decimate” now. It means to kill 1/10th of whatever group is being referenced, contrary to popular usage, it does not mean to thoroughly destroy (try raze).

everyone — you know, that might’ve been my favorite moment of The Master’s chaos, when he did this —

The Master: Shall we decimate them? That sounds good, nice word, decimate.
[to the Toclafane]
The Master: Remove one tenth of the population!

Don’t think I ever cheered for The Master besides then.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I really enjoyed reading it, it was just made a bit longer by my muscle relaxant.

Steele is verbose, but more in the way a small bathroom is cluttered with stuff. You were verbose in the way a good museum is loaded with more treasures than can be admired in a day. It would be great if you got through to him, though.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

If it is not the case that I am a misogynist in reality, but accused of being a misogynist in the eyes of the community, then the premise “if p” does not stand.


I take a few people here seriously. Others are hatemongers, and its obvious who’s who.

BTW, who gets your vote?

12 years ago

Diogenes: If it is not the case that I am a misogynist in reality, but accused of being a misogynist in the eyes of the community, then the premise “if p” does not stand.

We have nothing but what you say to go by. What we’ve seen is, in effect; no matter what you think of it, misogynist.

You have also not answered my first question to you, nor explained how the accusation of misogyny = Kitteh dislikes you = definition of troll.

12 years ago

Also, my nose is bleeding. Bugger.

I read this as “Also, my nose is bleeding. Booger.” Which made sense, in a way!

12 years ago

Oh, look, water’s seeking it’s own level. Diogenes and Steele, a match made in obtuse purple prose heaven.

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