announcements kitties top troll TROOOLLLL!!

Merry Man Boobz Christmas and/or Happy Tuesday! (Also, nominate your favorite troll of 2012.)


Merry Christmas, to everyone who celebrates it. To everyone else, Happy Tuesday!

After you’ve finished off your Christmas and/or Tuesday dinner, please nominate your favorite troll(s) for Man Boobz’ Second Annual Troll of the Year competition!

Also, there’s no reason why we can’t have more than one category for the troll awards. Suggest some inventive categories!  Most Persistent, perhaps?

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12 years ago

Weeeee, Happy Festivus everybody!! I nominate Tom Martin, because he was the very first troll I ever met on this site. What a perv.

12 years ago

I second the nomination for Tom Martroll for Troll of the Year!

12 years ago

I propose a category for VILEST troll of the year, and nominate Steele/Varpole/whatever other socks he’s used. MISANDRY!!!11!

12 years ago

I’m nominating Abnoy for most pitiful based on his recent performance.

12 years ago

Dee, although incredibly recent, could be well in the running for most fucking passive-aggressive dipshit for next year if they keep it up!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I’m struggling to think who could be Troll of the Year, the performance has been substandard. Pell, DKM and Owly all disappeared after the election.

How about Bob for Best Sad Repetitive Troll? (He of the apocalyptic fiancee.)

Or Mr Al for Best Drunk Sockpuppet with whatsername the other week – the alleged female student who happened to get all excited about seeing other women’s bras in the laundry.

12 years ago

What about the guy who wanted society’s attitude to marriage to completely change because his fiance left him so she could be raptured? He was special.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

That was Bob!

12 years ago

I think honestly it was Steele. He was the most consistent and he actually talked to the other trolls which is pretty rare.

12 years ago

Yeah, Bob…he had a sad sack story, and he stuck to it. He shifted goalposts like crazy, but, well…yeah. And actually, he brought out the best in some of the regulars, who genuinely tried to tell him what he was doing wrong.
Then there’s Cynic, who reminded me of this boy in grade school who would periodically announce in the middle of class that he was a true genius — based on nothing except that he over-enuciated certain words (Like Dayton, where he was from in Ohio. He always said it Day-TON, making the TON weirdly harsh) and was a condescending jack-ass with a below average wit.
The other boys disliked him intensely. Whenever smartass said someonthing stupid, one boy would always reply, “Hey man, why don’t you go back to Day-TON?”

Naturally, when we played dodgeball in Phys-ed, he’d shiver noticeably.

12 years ago

Waddup family!! Just drive-bying to wish everyone a merry christmas!

12 years ago

Wow. There’s Bob, Steele, and that one dipshit who wanted the government to get him girlfriends. Diogenes the Annoying doesn’t deserve nomination.

I vote Tom Martin, the whore.

How about best FeMRA troll? SisterMarySunshine gets my vote.

12 years ago

Hey Shadow! Merry Christmas!

12 years ago

And I have to nominate Steele for being mind-numbingly dull and simultaneously providing laugh from your belly wtfery so consistently.

12 years ago

Merry christmas hellkell. Hope you and the Mister managed to find a good restaraunt

12 years ago

For most representative of the reasons the MRA isn’t taken very seriously I definitely vote for Tom. Sunshine Mary I vote for best example of why if Jesus came back he’d hate a lot of his own followers.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

I vote for Some Guy Bored With… unless he has another name and somebody else has already nominated him under his other name.

12 years ago

For Christmas this year, if any of you manboobzers is looking to join a martial art for the holidays, I tell you here and now- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the best one and I will find you the best school in your area

12 years ago

I nominate Steele, and possibly Sunshinemary.

Also, that picture is remarkably similar to a card I sent to one of my relatives this year.

12 years ago

Some Guy Bored With is the troll who always addresses David, right? Always questioning his journalsim? Or is that someone else?

12 years ago

Some Guy Bored With Your Schtick was the one always whining that David was not Super Journalist Extraordinaire (TM).

12 years ago

Shiraz, that’s Some Guy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, Schticky was the one who was always whining at David about journalism. He seems to have quit a while back after he was limited to three posts in 24 hours.(Wimp!)

I’m thinking Steele, for sheer persistence, wanton cruelty to the semi-colon, and for “vyle”. Though Tom Martin is up there for being a totally disgusting piece of shit. Oh and hard chairs. Yeah, I might go for him because of hard chairs and those predatory child prostitutes. ::barf::

The only feMRA I’ve seen this year is judgybitch, I can’t really compare her with Sunshine Mary in her heyday.

12 years ago

Ooh! Yes to FeMRA category! I want to vote for sunshinemary and one of the fellas. (I am so torn between Steele and Diogenes the Dull and Bob…. I just love to hate them all too much.) Can we have a category for best troll to pull the “You can’t handle my truth so I am giving you more of it” routine after having their first comment moderated? Those guys crack me up and there have been quite a few lately.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Offtopic, but does anyone know why WordPress takes away my capitals and spaces?

Also, Merry Christmas everybody!

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