Among those who celebrate Christmas, the holiday is often (for better or worse) a time to celebrate family, and to bring usually distant family members together – parents and their adult children, grandparents and their grandchildren, and so on.
A proposal from the guy behind the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog would mean a bit of a change in this tradition: it would eliminate grandchildren from the equation utterly. Not just by excluding them from the holiday celebrations, but by eliminating them altogether – at least until his demands are met.
Upset that paternal grandmothers aren’t rising up en masse and joining the father’s rights movement to support their sons in custody disputes, Mr. PMAFT has proposed a Grandchildren Strike.
Here’s part of his stirring manifesto:
It’s one thing to not realize that divorce means that you can’t see your grandchildren before a divorce happens. It’s another to be fine with it afterwards as paternal grandmothers appear to be. This is an example of team woman in action. It’s a particularly extreme example in that grandmothers are willing to never see their grandchildren again just to support daughters in law they will no longer have a connection with.
The only way to deal with this is a true grandchildren strike, denying grandchildren from potential grandmothers. A grandchildren strike should not be necessary, but as we can see, paternal grandmothers don’t care when they can no longer see their grandchildren. The only way to deal with this is to not have children in the first place.
In your face, hypothetical future grandmothers!
Usually, I advocate surrogate mothers in India for men who really want children in the current feminist climate, but doing so protects our mothers from the consequences of their actions. That is unconscionable so perhaps we should all be on a grandchildren strike.
A brilliant plan, clearly. This “strike” is designed in such a way that it will have zero effect on the women Mr. PMAFT is angry with – paternal grandmothers. Instead, it’s aimed at mothers who aren’t grandmothers, whom I guess Mr. PMAFT assumes will sign up with the father’s rights movement en masse in order to support their sons in hypothetical custody battles over grandchildren that don’t exist.
It’s as if workers angry at their boss were to go on strike not against the company at which they work, but against a rival company on the grounds that some day they might conceivably work there.
Meanwhile, the plan neatly eliminates the problem at the root of Mr. PMAFT’s anger. Men can’t lose custody battles if they don’t have any children to have custody of in the first place.
Checkmate, feminists!
Miss Gingerandry bought me TWO scented fucking candles. One is mulberrY the other wildberry.
I didn’t get any scented fucking candles, but I did get some Kiehl’s Original Musk scented fucking bath gel and lotion. That’s way beyond misandry.
I got my mother and sister SCENTED FUCKING SOAPS. Quite nice actually. We just finished our traditional breakfast of coffee grog (vanilla ice cream whirled in a blender with instant coffee and bourbon), I’m amazed I can still type.
I just realized that my mother has lots of throw pillows. And no train sets at all. MISANDRY!
Nap time.
Bah, this dude is full of it. In the most acrimonious custody case I know of, the grandparents of the NCP (in this case the mother) have court mandated visitation despite them repeatedly refusing to give the kids back and reporting exSil for non existent abuse.
In my bourbon-haze, I made the mistake of looking at AVfM and JtO has a post up with an illustration that is pretty WTF I don’t even… I didn’t read it because he’s just going on about his hate crush on Amanda Marcotte, poor Amanda. Now really nap time.
Oh, and one of my bros got Mum a whole pack of scented fucking candles, which I find amusing only cos mum hates them.
Oh ABNOY, you’re such a kidder.
Also… wow, that was a pretty surreal read.
I am just ignoring Christmas. It helped last year, and dammit, it’s helping this year. I’ve spent mine thus far finishing a Christmas story about giant flesh-eating maggots, drawing a commission, and hanging around you guys.
Now I’m imagining festive flesh-eating maggots in Christmas hats.
I’m awake from my bourbon stupor! LBT, we’re glad you’re here (and I’m hoping that Christmas story is illustrated).
… AWESOME. *sparkles with glee*
RE: katz and cloudiah
…I admit, I actually WAS going to draw one of the maggots in a Santa hat.
(And yes, I am happy to be here. Thankfully, I have two roommates around, one Jewish, one also estranged from family, so at least I’m not totally alone. Just nicely insulated in my WHAT CHRISTMAS THERE IS NO CHRISTMAS HERE LALALA bubble.)
::waves:: Hi LBT! Christmas is over here and I totally ignored it. Well, Mum and I had roast chicken and Christmas pudding, but that was it.
I’ll be thinking of Abnoy and how sad his life must be for him to want the whole separate planets thing later on when I’m snuggling Mr C and watching the Dr Who Xmas special after dinner.
I am totally drawing a flesh-eating maggot with a Santa hat being cuddled now. Thanks, you guys.
Is it OK to ask you to post it here, if you can, please? I think that would be adorable. 😀
The sketch? Sure. Might take a bit though, I’d have to unearth my cantankerous scanner, which doesn’t work with my Internet computer. (My computer situation is complicated.) I’ll link the story too, if you like.
Is it a Cantankerous Canon, LBT? I had a Canon that eventually decided it was permanently locked even though it wasn’t, and just stopped working.
RE: Kittehs
IT IS TOTALLY A CANTANKEROUS CANON. I’ve had it since ’03 or ’04, I think, and it likes to put up a royal fit every time I use it, as though to make sure I know just how hard it’s working for me. It takes a while to scan, and I have to fiddle with it or it does this bizarre thing where it rotates an image somewhere between .1-10 degrees and then lops off the corners.
However, it HAS survived two trans-Pacific voyages, so I can’t deny its durability. (And the years have had absolutely no impact on its performance; it was just as grouchy out of the box.)
@Abnoy: A better idea would be if males and females lived on separate planets with sexbots and used reproductive technology via artificial wombs, in-vitro fertilization, gene-splcing, and cloning to reproduce.
So you and the separate ’em all by the, erm, what river was it? Mississippi? dude would get along great.
And wow, you need to read some science fiction–you don’t really think this is some sparkling shiny new idea, do you?
I suggest (heh) starting with Joanna Russ’ The Female Man
If I was kinder, it would be Lois McMaster Bujold’s Ethan of Athos.
LBT – cor, that makes my stupid one look tame! It just stopped working, never did any of that weird stuff. Seems to be a fairly common problem with Canons, though the whole locking thing. I even reloaded the drivers but nope, no good. Ended up buying a new one. Only good thing about the old one conking out was that it meant I started exploring photoshopping pics instead of just scanning my own drawings. I wouldn’t go back to drawing now, I like playing with photos better. 🙂
Speaking of drawings, love your banner for Cloudiah’s blog. And did you see the gorgeous cartoon of Pierre and the MRA that Katz did? There are calls for Pierre to have his own strip now.
My haul was awesome this year and I even got a SCENTED FUCKING CANDLE in raspberry. We had a day to exchange them at work.
RE: CWS, cloudiah, and katz (how alliterative)
BEHOLD! My sketch got out of control once I moved digital, but here is a doodle of a giant flesh-eating maggot wearing a seasonally appropriate hat, plus the story!
RE: Kittehs
Yeah, I think my canon is just eccentric. I mean, it generally gets the job down, and it’s lasted far longer than its behavior would’ve suggested. It’s never locked or anything, at least.
And aw, I’m glad you like the banner! I’ve been doing a TON of portraits lately, so it was really nice to do something completely different. And I did just see that Pierre one! (I was wondering who this ‘Pierre’ guy was.) It did indeed give me a kick.
Whoa, that’s a lot more than a mere “doodle” in my book! Cool drawing.
RE: Kittehs
Thanks! It was just a quick rough pencil doodle, and then I went berserk on GIMP to pretty it up a little. It was fun to play around; I’ve been so buried in commissions, I haven’t drawn something loose for fun in a while.