all about the menz antifeminism custody evil women facepalm I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men

MRA: It’s time for a Grandchildren Strike to show would-be grandmothers what’s what!

If you cut the baby supply off at the root, you can eliminate the grandmother problem entirely.
If you cut the baby supply off at the root, you can eliminate the grandmother problem entirely.

Among those who celebrate Christmas, the holiday is often (for better or worse) a time to celebrate family, and to bring usually distant family members together – parents and their adult children, grandparents and their grandchildren, and so on.

A proposal from the guy behind the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog would mean a bit of a change in this tradition: it would eliminate grandchildren from the equation utterly. Not just by excluding them from the holiday celebrations, but by eliminating them altogether – at least until his demands are met.

Upset that paternal grandmothers aren’t rising up en masse and joining the father’s rights movement to support their sons in custody disputes, Mr. PMAFT has proposed a Grandchildren Strike.

Here’s part of his stirring manifesto:

It’s one thing to not realize that divorce means that you can’t see your grandchildren before a divorce happens.  It’s another to be fine with it afterwards as paternal grandmothers appear to be.  This is an example of team woman in action.  It’s a particularly extreme example in that grandmothers are willing to never see their grandchildren again just to support daughters in law they will no longer have a connection with.

The only way to deal with this is a true grandchildren strike, denying grandchildren from potential grandmothers.  A grandchildren strike should not be necessary, but as we can see, paternal grandmothers don’t care when they can no longer see their grandchildren.  The only way to deal with this is to not have children in the first place.

In your face, hypothetical future grandmothers!

Usually, I advocate surrogate mothers in India for men who really want children in the current feminist climate, but doing so protects our mothers from the consequences of their actions.  That is unconscionable so perhaps we should all be on a grandchildren strike.

A brilliant plan, clearly. This “strike” is designed in such a way that it will have zero effect on the women Mr. PMAFT is angry with – paternal grandmothers. Instead, it’s aimed at mothers who aren’t grandmothers, whom I guess Mr. PMAFT assumes will sign up with the father’s rights movement en masse in order to support their sons in hypothetical custody battles over grandchildren that don’t exist.

It’s as if workers angry at their boss were to go on strike not against the company at which they work, but against a rival company on the grounds that some day they might conceivably work there.

Meanwhile, the plan neatly eliminates the problem at the root of Mr. PMAFT’s anger. Men can’t lose custody battles if they don’t have any children to have custody of in the first place.

Checkmate, feminists!

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12 years ago

Also, why would you deliberately choose to become a single parent (for example via surrogacy) if you already know that you’re either unable or unwilling to provide basic childcare? It’s one thing to use your family as a backup sometimes, with their permission, but quite another to be building your plans about how to care for the child that you’re going out of your way to get around the idea that you won’t be doing the childcare yourself and therefore someone else ought to do it for you.

12 years ago

And it’s not even like this guy isn’t able to perform basic childcare tasks – he could, he just apparently doesn’t think he should have to because why should he do it when there’s a woman around?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Dr Pierre really should give this guy that vasectomy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Makes me think he really does want to go back to slavery. He wants to breed (I don’t say “have children” because there’s nothing to say he likes children or wants to care for them or could love his own) but without the woman/women involved having any rights. They get to do all the work and he gets all the control. Gee, how unusual for an MRA to think that way. I wonder if he’d even bother to be the daddy who comes home from work and plays with the kids? Probably he’d be the daddy who comes home from work and tells his slave-wife to keep them quiet and get him a beer. And when they grew up he’d whine that they don’t respect him or love him.

12 years ago

I can’t believe he incorrectly referred to the current “feminist climate” in India. Asshole doesn’t know anything about India:

Total asshole.

Oh, by the way, Happy Holidays everyone.

12 years ago

India is too feminist for them? If that’s the case then there is literally no place on Earth where they won’t feel like they’re being oppressed by the evil ladies with their having opinions and stuff. Remember, Tom Martin thinks Saudi Arabia is too woman-friendly, so I guess that means Iran is out too. Sucks to be them.

Merry Christmas to everyone else!

12 years ago

@ Shiraz- Nah, he meant he recommended people outsource for breeding stock because apparently we western women are far too damaged. Oh, and India has recently gone about a throw down of ‘hells fucking no’ with that tragic recent gang rape- good for them. And happy Holidays to you as well!! I have drank several bottles of you in honour of the season!

12 years ago

I… what in the nine frozen hells did I just read? I am, admittedly, not firing on all cylinders after Christmas dinner at my grandma’s (she’s deaf, my aunt has a speech impediment, my baby cousin got a pair of shoes with seizure-inducing LEDs, and said grandma called a bag of Brazil nuts ‘n-word toes.’) but really, that really makes no sense.

12 years ago

Wow, I misunderstood a bad writer?
No, but you know what, if you’re making the case for how evil feminism is, then mention India, it still indicates ignorance on the part of the writer and head-up-the ass syndrome. It’s tacky and insensitive.

Oh timetravellingfool, you drank several bottles of me in honor of me? Hahahahahaha! I’m glad you enjoyed the wine! Your tongue must be very purple right now. 🙂
Hey cassandra, merry christmas!

12 years ago

Man, I love you guys! Happy Holidays!!!

12 years ago

*happy dance*

12 years ago

For those who’re nice and toasted by now I give you cat yoga.

12 years ago

Oh man, I love cats and I love yoga. And yes, Cassandra, I am nice and toasted by now. Wheeee!

12 years ago

Wheeeee! Just finished wrapping Miss Gingerandry’s prezzies and stuffed the stocking!!!

Santas on his way to St. Johns Nfld according to NORAD. Can’t wait to see my daughters face tomorrow morning!!

Merry Christmas!!!

12 years ago

Wow, Kathleen. That sounds…special.

I hope everyone has a great holiday, either because or in spite of the people you are with!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

OMG that kitty yoga is the best! 😀

12 years ago

Hey Kitteh, is it Christmas in Australia yet?

12 years ago

Hey NORAD keeps track of how many presents Santa has delivered so far!

12 years ago

Cat Yoga is great.

Well, we went for Chinese food, and we were going to go out to meet friends for drinks, but there’s some intestinal distress going down so that’s out. So kitties and Firefly it is tonight.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

12 years ago

Omg omg, I am half a time zone from st john’s!!

12 years ago

Firefly!! Yay, hellkell!! 😀

For those on the American east coast, it’s almost over (sorry), but “The Muppets” is on Starz now.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Shiraz – yup, Christmas is half over here, it’s nearly 3pm. (I am doing nothing at all for Christmas, which is why I’m hanging out here!)

12 years ago

Ah, it’s 10:47 pm here. Not quite Christmas. I’m low key when it comes to Christmas myself so, yeah, why not hang out here for awhile. I’m a big fan of Aussie film, by the way. Total respect for your country’s cinematic efforts.

12 years ago

Awww yeeeeaaaah:

12 years ago

Holy crap, folks- this is my walk-out song: