Among those who celebrate Christmas, the holiday is often (for better or worse) a time to celebrate family, and to bring usually distant family members together – parents and their adult children, grandparents and their grandchildren, and so on.
A proposal from the guy behind the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog would mean a bit of a change in this tradition: it would eliminate grandchildren from the equation utterly. Not just by excluding them from the holiday celebrations, but by eliminating them altogether – at least until his demands are met.
Upset that paternal grandmothers aren’t rising up en masse and joining the father’s rights movement to support their sons in custody disputes, Mr. PMAFT has proposed a Grandchildren Strike.
Here’s part of his stirring manifesto:
It’s one thing to not realize that divorce means that you can’t see your grandchildren before a divorce happens. It’s another to be fine with it afterwards as paternal grandmothers appear to be. This is an example of team woman in action. It’s a particularly extreme example in that grandmothers are willing to never see their grandchildren again just to support daughters in law they will no longer have a connection with.
The only way to deal with this is a true grandchildren strike, denying grandchildren from potential grandmothers. A grandchildren strike should not be necessary, but as we can see, paternal grandmothers don’t care when they can no longer see their grandchildren. The only way to deal with this is to not have children in the first place.
In your face, hypothetical future grandmothers!
Usually, I advocate surrogate mothers in India for men who really want children in the current feminist climate, but doing so protects our mothers from the consequences of their actions. That is unconscionable so perhaps we should all be on a grandchildren strike.
A brilliant plan, clearly. This “strike” is designed in such a way that it will have zero effect on the women Mr. PMAFT is angry with – paternal grandmothers. Instead, it’s aimed at mothers who aren’t grandmothers, whom I guess Mr. PMAFT assumes will sign up with the father’s rights movement en masse in order to support their sons in hypothetical custody battles over grandchildren that don’t exist.
It’s as if workers angry at their boss were to go on strike not against the company at which they work, but against a rival company on the grounds that some day they might conceivably work there.
Meanwhile, the plan neatly eliminates the problem at the root of Mr. PMAFT’s anger. Men can’t lose custody battles if they don’t have any children to have custody of in the first place.
Checkmate, feminists!
Titianblue has won the internets but Katz, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease do a cartoon of Dr Pierre and this guy!
Seconding cloudiah about Pierre needing his own strip and titianblue on having a crush on him.
-reads original post-
Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
*wipes away tears of laughter*
Aw, thanks David. I can’t be the only one who really needed that.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
@hellkell it was inspired by this comic:
Historophilia, I thought maybe you were thinking of this comic.
Yes, I support this grandmother strike. The fewer kids these guys have the better.
Ranter – yeah, me too. These losers shouldn’t be breeding at all.
I suspect the only reproduction that would really satisfy them as far as the children are concerned is if they could clone themselves. No genetic or any other input from a woman at all. Of course that would leave them with the problem of actually having to, you know, raise children and change nappies and clean up puke and do all those things that are wimminz work (even though they’re not really work at all, amirite?)
But that would also leave them without a woman to bully, and where’s the fun in that?
Yeah, I left out the bit that inflicting childbirth on unwilling women and harassing them is also their favourite hobby/raison d’etre …
Okay, totally OT, but I’ve been working seasonal retail for the holidays and I have many lovely co-workers who gave me Christmas gifts. What cracked me up?
#1 Gift: Scented Fucking Candles. We are all up in this misandry, yo.
And I’m just sitting giggling to myself, more scented candles? HEE! Because y’all will get it, but not so much anyone I know IRL.
Oh, MRM! You can’t organise a meeting of more than four people, but you can totally create widespread strikes and boycotts of marriage, western women and now grandchildren.
You’re like the Little Engine that Could, only without any wheels,tracks or controls and a family of possums living in the engine.
“Usually, I advocate surrogate mothers in India for men who really want children in the current feminist climate, but doing so protects our mothers from the consequences of their actions. That is unconscionable so perhaps we should all be on a grandchildren strike.”
Huh?! Punish their own mothers for not siding with them on custody disputes over the kids they haven’t had yet? I’m confused…
BTW, about Pierre: He doesn’t really merit his own comic until there are at least three strips…
@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help –
Ah, but they already thought of that – according to the OP (in the comments section):
to clarify – the “her” in his quote refers to his (or the reader’s) mother.
I want to write a fanfic about Pierre now.
So, wait, is this a potential girlfriend test, or are random women on the street supposed to help him change his kids’ diapers? Also, what if she wants her own children just like he does? Do they then set up two separate households, and does he come over and help her diaper her kids too?
@Rahu, holy crap! And what is the “correct” reaction? If your mommy doesn’t swear to change your child’s diapers for you, she’s a horrible person, right?
OK, so…why should your mother do your childcare for you? Since he doesn’t trust women enough to get married he expects his mom to take over all the wifely tasks? Is mom supposed to come over and make him dinner every night too?
These guys are pathetic.
Ak, I missed that, Rahu! Gawd. So he thinks his mother should have to raise another child? Being a single mother is soooo wonderful and easy according to these guys, and yet they can’t do the single father bit, oh no, they have to draft their own mothers into another generation of child-raising. Shite, they have one son who’s a permanent man-child, why would they want to start over?
And this twerp thinks men’s mothers will automatically side with their daughters-in-law in a custody dispute. I WONDER WHY.
If I was this guy’s mom I’d probably side with his exes just on principle.
Walt Disney would be a part of this meeting,
But seriously none of what they’re whining about or the solutions make any sense. Holy fuck I hope they do never have kids, poor child.
I swear, every week it’s a new boycott or strike with these guys, they take their ball (or balls, in this case) and go home and nobody notices they’re gone.
So they’re going to shit-test their own mothers? Ewwww.
If I raised one of these guys, I would feel like I failed as a parent.
Same here, hellkell. And the ex DiL would have to be seriously bad news for me to not take her side in a custody dispute. This jerk would just be on his way to being cut out of his parents’ wills.
I suppose it all follows, though. It’s not enough for them to look at women in general and hate us, or to look at little girls and think they’re legitimate sex targets. They’ve got to turn to their own mothers and start blaming them and putting them into the Evil Women category as well.
Which makes me wonder, are they now claming to be the products of those AWFUL single-mother households they blame society’s ills on? I don’t see much complaining about Granddad in this. Is he not around? Has Grandma poisoned his Ovaltine? Or was he a tosser who took off just like his son … ?