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Clearing my head of MRAs, with Friends!


Ok, so I didn’t do a real post today. I’ve sort of been working on my own little best albums of 2012 list, because I am an indredible dork, and I thought I’d share some videos from a band that’s definitely going to be up near the top of it. The band is Friends, and their album is Manifest! (with an exclamation mark). They remind me a bit of YACHT and maybe Santigold mixed with some old school punk-funk along the lines of ESG and the Bush Tetras.

Here’s their sparkliest video, with some funny lyrics:

This one seems to be a poly anthem of sorts:

And this one is one big genderfuck:

Oh, and while I’m at it, here’s a video from YACHT. Be careful: this video might just move you.

And one from the Bush Tetras: creep shaming put to music!

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12 years ago

Except you’ve got your answer–you just don’t like it. What about the answer makes you uncomfortable?

12 years ago

Pariah! That was the word I was looking for.

Anyway thanks Howard for telling me you are an expert in the field of MRA, there is nothing left to explore, I should feel bad and go home. Great dialogue.

12 years ago

Hm… So I answered your question, taking the time to explore nuances, but you won’t answer my question?

Seems rude of you.

12 years ago

Dee, you asked your question, you got answers. It’s not on us if you felt ignored, didn’t like the answers, or didn’t read the answers.

And please stop with the “oh, I’m so dumb, what do I know?” schtick. If I wanted to hear that, I would get a Ouija board and contact my grandfather.

You’re not here for dialog, you’re to be a disingenuous twerp. Soon you’ll level up to exquisite dipshit, I can feel it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*sigh* You should at least posit an MRA view to discuss instead of asking such a hugely open ended question. I mean, I hope we can all agree that the sky is blue, except when it’s black, or purple, or red, or yellow, or some other shade of dawn/dusk. Easier one, we should all be able to agree that snow is supposed to be white, and all other colors are bad.

Outside those basic things, I really doubt there’s much we could agree on — the MRM is based on the idea that women oppress men (at best). Far more often they think anything non-“traditional” is evil, athough they twist the meaning of traditional. These guys all too often say they should simply be able to opt out of child support, because women (and other uterus havers) can get an abortion.

Good luck getting them to acknowledge that non-binary people exist! Or to acknowledge that many of their issues are based in racism, not sexism (more men than women in prison? How about the ratio of MoC in prison compared to white men?)

Back on topic (sorta) — “HE BROUGHT YOU UP TO BE A PAGAN!!” — gods I love this movie, might have to take a break from it to play the aforementioned songs.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“You’re not here for dialog, you’re to be a disingenuous twerp. Soon you’ll level up to exquisite dipshit, I can feel it.”

Idk if we can have two disingenuous naif’s at once, the world might implode.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Here’s another good one from 2012:

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

To review the All About Dee Show —

The original question.

Cloudiah’s reply.

Hellkell’s reply.

My reply.

Kittehs’s reply.

The only answer not given thus far (which will never be given) would be “yes, we agree with everything they say” — and that’s never fucking happening because we’re never going to agree that things like “the less English they speak, the better” are acceptable views. Or “To be non-inclusive would there not have to be active exclusion?” — no, you’re wrong and you should feel bad.

12 years ago

I will definitely never ask regular posters on this site another open-opened question again, I was wrong, thanks and sorry!

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago
12 years ago

Well Dee, you sound a bit trolly. Even if you aren’t a troll, you sure seem rude. You don’t just walk into a new group of people, ask them some mildly controversial questions and insult their hobbies and then expect them to welcome you. Now if you wanted to step back, chill out, and converse like you would in any other social setting (politely, getting to know people, finding common ground, etc. then I’m sure you could manage a successful do-over. I mean, you did take the time to stop by, so clearly you feel you have something to gain.

12 years ago

Still no answer to any questions posed, after recieving many answers.

That’s totally rude.

12 years ago

Oh, and to answer your original questions- there are mens issues the MRA claims to be interested in that I am interested in, but their model of oppression has got to be the worst for addressing those issues. Of course it’s the worst, their model of oppression isn’t designed to address these issues, it’s designed to obfuscate the nature of oppression and maintain male privilege.

12 years ago

@ Howard- The sense of entitlement is strong in this one. Weaksauce.

12 years ago

I will definitely never ask regular posters on this site another open-opened question again, I was wrong, thanks and sorry!

This is a particularly amusing thing to say in a thread about people’s favorite music from this year.

12 years ago


The MRM has done and does literally nothing for men. It gives an exceptionally limited voice to some who feel voiceless, but its nothing more than a glorified blog, some trolls and a few hardy souls who put some posters up.

I honestly don’t think that most MRAs believe half the nonsense that they say, they aren’t intelligent, but could anyone actually be that stupid? Tom Martin has got to be a troll. The Spearhead is like reading a stream of consciousness from a 1950s reactionary dragged into 2012.

AVfM are announcing imminent victory again. They did it the year before too. Also claiming 2012 was a good year for them. From the outside looking at them, it cold hardly have been worse. Do they believe what they write?

12 years ago

Carnation: I absolutely believe the dolts at AVfM believe what they write.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Tom Martin has got to be a troll.”

This comes up periodically, and the answer remains the same — he’s awfully dedicated to his trolling if he’s a troll, he’s been doing this for years.

And 2012 was a good year for them in some regards, a whole bunch of (really stupid) politicians and a judge said that rape requires force, abortion should only be allowed if it was rape, maybe not even then, maybe only if the woman’s (or other uterus haver’s) life is in danger, maybe not even then, and hey, let’s bring up birth control like this is totally controversial.

Granted, they had nothing to do with those things, but those things are on their asinine agenda.

12 years ago

I missed Disingenuous Dee and the Dumbass Doubledown.

Here’s some 2:54.

I just took this cake (an eggless version of it) out of the oven, and now I’m sauteing mushrooms for a savory strudel that I”m making tomorrow. My kitchen smells really good.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

That was pretty good. I was thinking all that fog in the video would be a promising sign.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Durn. The only album I listened to from this year was Wrecking Ball. And if Mr Springsteen hadn’t put one out, there wouldn’t have been any! 🙂

12 years ago

Yeah,passive aggressive bullshit is definitely the best way to make friends and have conversations. Good work!

(Not really. What you’re doing is as obvious as a neon sign. Do you really think you’re being clever or sneaky with your persecution complex?)

12 years ago

Kitteh, I’m in the same boat. I was all going “I really liked Cinemetropolis…wait, that was 2011. I really liked The Archandroid…wait, that was 2010.”

(Janelle Monae dances like nobody’s business.)