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Clearing my head of MRAs, with Friends!


Ok, so I didn’t do a real post today. I’ve sort of been working on my own little best albums of 2012 list, because I am an indredible dork, and I thought I’d share some videos from a band that’s definitely going to be up near the top of it. The band is Friends, and their album is Manifest! (with an exclamation mark). They remind me a bit of YACHT and maybe Santigold mixed with some old school punk-funk along the lines of ESG and the Bush Tetras.

Here’s their sparkliest video, with some funny lyrics:

This one seems to be a poly anthem of sorts:

And this one is one big genderfuck:

Oh, and while I’m at it, here’s a video from YACHT. Be careful: this video might just move you.

And one from the Bush Tetras: creep shaming put to music!

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12 years ago

cool songs!

12 years ago

and OT, waaaaaaay OT, but I’ve been reading old posts and found that a site Meller linked to has, um, been taken over by a funny squatter. Apologies if you already knew about it, but, well, it’s funny! 🙂

12 years ago

Nice! I like Friends. Some people at work still do best of music lists for the year, but they’ve devolved into hipper-than-thou clusterfucks. Occupational hazzard with a bunch of music nerds, I suppose.

Lately I’ve been on a kick of stuff that’s been around forever that I never paid much attention to, like Hawkwind and The Fall.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

This would be a contender for top album of 2012, but I’m not sure it qualifies, being a cover album:

12 years ago

Chairlift’s Something, Action Bronson’s The Alchemist, or anything with Clams Casino or MTV Riff Raff involved for me, but I’ll probably change my mind in about an hour or so. Maybe that odd Morbid Angel remix project? Or the Fiona Apple thing with far too long a title (again)? Good year, good year.

It’s been a good year for hip-hop, a good year for New York, and an especially good year for New York hip-hop.

12 years ago


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

My top choice for 2012 is entirely predictable — Emilie Autumn’s Fight Like a Girl (because “you fight like a girl!” really shouldn’t be an insult 🙂 )

12 years ago

I try to hide from new music. But I did like this little catchy tune:

12 years ago

Yacht is not the first band to make that ‘tapeheads’ reference. The first time I heard it was on a spring heeled jack album, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone do the whole video.[youtube

12 years ago

Hello Manboobz. I don’t have an avatar. I haven’t spent months posting cat videos so I sort of expect to be glossed over in favor of other regulars that you come here to chat with.

Is there any part of the MRA you agree with?

12 years ago

Hi, Dee.

Are women people?

12 years ago

Dee: are you just going to go from thread to thread asking a question you already got an answer to?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Is there any part of the MRA you agree with?”

Well, I was going to say that we all agree that cats are cute, but you apparently disagree. So um, male circumcision shouldn’t be the standard?

Try making an actual point, one that we can go “yeah I agree with that” or “no, I disagree because…”

Continuing to ask the same thing gets old fast.

12 years ago

Howard: Yes! I have read some sick shit that makes me sad.

Hellkell: Like I said, I’m very uncomfortable talking to you regulars. I’m sorry I interrupted you and I won’t ask again…? Sorry noobishly interrupting your witty thread banter

12 years ago

* sorry for noobishly

….best correction ever.

12 years ago

Wait, wait, let me find common ground with the MRAs! It’ll be great! Once I accept that they’re people who hold a wide variety of views, actual people, we’ll all be able to start working through the big problems together!

Let’s see. Firstly, they hate me. They call me a mangina. A traitor to my gender. For daring to say women shouldn’t be raped, beaten, and killed.


Wait, are you sure I’m EVER going to be able to find common ground with people who hate me?

And why is it on me to find this common ground?

Shouldn’t they have to walk back that ‘mangina’ bit first?

Also, as Argenti pointed out… they won’t even admit to pieces of common reality like ‘cat’s are cute.’ So what the hell else is there for us to agree with them on?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Back on topic! I’m rewatching the original Wicker Man (so much better than the Cage one!)

I tracked down something resembling the score for those, should anyone want it. The range for Corn Rigs is violin open A string to A on the E string, and for Gently Johnny it’s open D string to D on the A string (strangely coincidental that…)

Not exactly 2012 music though! XD

12 years ago

Argenti Aertheri: “Is there any part of the MRA you agree with?”

Well, I was going to say that we all agree that cats are cute, but you apparently disagree. ”

lol ^_^ I’m so stupid. “Continuing to ask the same thing gets old fast.” Sorry for posting a question twice when I felt ignored the first time, I’m a shitball who obviously hasn’t thought things through.

12 years ago

Dee, give me a break with your bullshit. You’re just JAQing off.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Whoops, that second one is probably NSFW, there’s off screen sex at the end.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Dee — try the other line of my previous comment —

“Try making an actual point, one that we can go ‘yeah I agree with that’ or ‘no, I disagree because…'”

Because Howard’s right, what common ground can there possibly be with people who hate me simply for existing?

12 years ago

I feel weird. I read this site and agreed with the posts. But I’m an instant parriah because I wonder if there is any validity to pieces of the MRA movement. Sorry, here you go.

12 years ago

Well Dee, I’ve only been a lurker up to this point, but there’s several things people generally agree with here that you think MRA’s would be in favour of – like male rape in prisons is horrific and should be stopped, that men should be able to participate in fatherhood fully and equally by having access to things like parental leave, that men shouldn’t be bound into restrictive traditional gender roles… you know, things that leave men freer and more fullfilled. Things that I thought people who called themselves Mens Rights Activists would care about and campaign for.

But then I saw actual MRA websites and found out that they don’t actually seem to care about improving men’s lives, just whining about women, and for activists they seem to do precious little campaigning.

12 years ago

Pariah, Dee?

We’ve been exploring every nook and cranny of the MRA mindset for a while now, and we’re pretty comfortable saying THERE ISN’T REALLY ANYTHING WORTH SAVING THERE.

Or, if there is, say, male circumcision, it’s in an area where they’re johnny-come-latelies.

Their entire mindset is about entrenching privilege. It’s hard to see any validity in any pieces of that.

12 years ago


I shouldn’t ask an open question unless it can be answered in yes or no format? yeaaaaahhhh we will never get along.

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