There’s one kind of person you meet again and again in the manosphere: the man who hates women, but insists that he’s not a misogynist. Some of them will even tell you that you calling them a misogynist is equivalent to a white person calling a black person the n-word. And they seem to even believe this.
You may find yourself wondering: how is it that a person who clearly hates women, who says hateful things about them constantly, who spends all his time reading blogs and message boards devoted to the notion that women are evil bitches — how is it that such a person can come to believe that they aren’t a woman-hater?
Well, you’re in luck, because not that long ago one of these fellows gave us a glimpse into the mysterious inner workings of the mind of the misogynist who thinks he’s not a misogynist.
In a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit he titled “Next time someone calls you a misogynist,” cabin5 unpacked all his weird rationalizations and laid them out for everyone to see.
This is long, but worth reading. It’s very revealing. And also sort of hilarious, both in its total lack of awareness and in its garden-variety ignorance and stupidity.
Uh, dude, one part of the definition of “hatred” is “extreme aversion.” Which is also one definition of, you guessed it, repulsion. If you’re repulsedby women — or at least by “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female” — it’s safe to say that yes, indeed, you hate women, or at least the vast majority of the women that you meet on an everyday basis here in the US. Also, if you post in the Men’s Rights subreddit, and regularly use phrases like “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female,” it’s pretty much like having the words “I hate women” tattooed on your forehead.
Elsewhere in the thread he offers further insights into these terrible American “females.”
Western women tend to be butch & mannish- you would have to be practically homosexual to be attracted to one. I’m not homosexual. And they’re like crappy zerox copies of men without any of the positive qualities. …
Possibly the most repulsive things would be their complete unaccountability & the fact that on average, they’re venerally diseased whores who’ve had 57 cocks in them by the age of 25. Would you want your child coming out of that vagina? It’s nauseating.
Dude, I don’t want your child coming out of any vagina. Also, it’s “xerox.”
These are all the thoughts of a grown ass man — who claims to have a daughter over the age of 18 — who honestly thinks he’s somehow not a misogynist.
That’s a really funny image and I’m glad you’re removing the foot before trying to bow … 😀
What’s the difference between Diogenes and a plec? One sucks and the other is a fish.
I just removed a dead mouse from the loo at work – but if it was a choice between that and Dumbass, I’d go dig that mouse up again pronto.
“What’s the difference between Diogenes and a plec? One sucks and the other is a fish.”
Hell, I think proportional to their respective lifespans, plec is a lot older too — I got him at least 3rd hand, and he’s 12~13+ — they live 10-20 years, making plec 40+ in human years. (One thing they have in common though — my plec is a cranky bastard sometimes, I don’t bother decorating his tank, just drop in self weighted plants, he puts them were he wants them ^.^ )
Oh and they both produce a lot of shit; mind you, everybody poops, not everybody spews pseudo-intellectual BS.
Argenti – I love the image of your plec doing his own interior design! 🙂
Kitteh — it mostly consists of “get this thing out of my way *whacks it with tail*” and having caught him by hand a couple of times DAMNED THAT TAIL, it’s nothing but muscle! (And, of course, no net is big enough for him, my options are pour the whole tank out, and him with the water, or grab him, carefully…he doesn’t get moved much thankfully)
So, he flexes his plectoral muscles, eh?
Smart girls deprive “Diogenes” of the opportunity to pontificate. Misandry!!
“So, he flexes his plectoral muscles, eh?”
*dies* It’s too bad he has no sense of humor of which he is aware, or he’d get a real kick out of these. I could try telling them to the loaches, they *might* be smart enough to have half a clue…I think they’re still freaking out over their new treat/food though.
Shh, don’t tell them, but they’re getting frozen brine shrimp on Christmas day, that’ll cause a small frenzy as both the loaches, and the nearly grown cories love it. Maybe I’ll even manage to get a head count on the cories! (This is the problem with breeding fish, it’s rather hard to figure out just how many babies there are.)
Manboobz. HELP.
I spent a few days reading your past posts, threads, and various MRA pieces. It was depressing.
However I have come to realize the whole purpose of this site is to belittle the MRA and tell them they’re invalid and they suck.
Why? Do you ever find yourself agreeing with the MRA or are they wrong all the time?
Wow, I wasn’t aware I was brutish and manish. Or that I had 57 cocks in me……I’m only 22 though. Maybe I’ll get the 57 cocks in the next 3 years…..
I have learned so much about myself I hadn’t known before reading this insightful essay.
i am hairy western feminist woman hear me roar *nonchalantly chews a severed member which rests among hundreds on the penis garland i wear around my neck at all times. it helps me attract feeble, self-hating manginas, even though paradoxically no man wants me. this is opama’s america.*
@Argenti – I hope you’ve put Christmas/Yule decos in their tank plants to get the mood right! 😀
@Melody – I wonder what they think of women who haven’t been riding the cock carousel, aren’t fixated on these alleged alpha males, are heterosexual but STILL wouldn’t touch pondlife* like these men?
*with due apologies to any cories, loaches, plecs etc listening
kitteh — I haven’t seasonally decorated, but it’s hard to find fish safe seasonal decor. And anyways, it’s always red and green in there, the plants are fancy silk ones that look like natural plants (plec has a particular hatred of obviously fake plants)
“*with due apologies to any cories, loaches, plecs etc listening” — plec’s the only one there really suited to pondlife, and he hates everything already anyways. Cories might manage to survive in a warm enough climate, but loaches are way to delicate for a pond — and neither cories nor loaches give two shits about anything not playful (or food, though they do play with their food, so um, food is playful?)
Lol, hello there herd of cories, yes I am talking about you! Not sure where the loaches are, probably sleeping off their feeding frenzy XD
Plec sounds like the Scrooge of the fish world, or should that be the Incredible Hulk of the fish world? A Character with a capital C. And the loaches sound like the fish version of kittens or puppies. So to the cories, come to that, with their “You’re talking about me, aren’t you?” Very cat-like, that. 😀
Probably that we are lying about our nature.
I still am baffled by alphas. I think no matter how you play it if you aren’t interested in these men you are attracted to alphas.
“Plec sounds like the Scrooge of the fish world, or should that be the Incredible Hulk of the fish world? A Character with a capital C. And the loaches sound like the fish version of kittens or puppies. So to the cories, come to that, with their “You’re talking about me, aren’t you?” Very cat-like, that.”
Plec’s named Randall Flagg, you figure it out XD The loaches are totally cat like, they do nothing but play, eat, and sleep where ever they land (seriously, they sleep on their sides causing many a “is that fish dead?!” moments). And cories are cats, catfish that is 🙂
There are danios in there too, but they’re kind of the shy ones, “food? is that food? no? I’ll look over here then” repeat until they find food (you’d think I didn’t feed them, silly fishies)
And after an hour on the violin, I can’t type, hope I got this comment mostly correct >.<
Randall Flagg ROFLMAO! That is just too scary!
OT, but adios my Boobzer friends until after the x-mas holiday. Must catch a plane, meet up with Sibling Units A, B and D (I am C), sibling units-in-law, niece units 1 and 2, and nephew units 1-4 for several days of mutual torture.
Keep the faith, believe that this year will be better, it probably will be.
Joy and peace to you that celebrate x-mas, Happy HaunhukkkIcan’tspellit, joyous Kwanzaaa I fuck it all up, but Happy Holidays, Solstice, Winter or Summer (for our Aussie and Kiwi friends!), whatever you choose to celebrate, or not, or whatever. I hope you love it all, and have the best days you’ve ever had.
I’m off to the family roast beast and whythefuckunclesportsfan can’t figure out how to use the CC instead of turning up the Big Game until everybody else has to scream to be heard above it, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
My best to you all, even the trolls. A happy time to you, even the trolls. Especially the trolls. Mine will be great, in spite of dysfunctional family shit, it will be wonderful. Trolls, Boobzers, everybody,
I wish you a sleepy kitten,
I wish you a tubby bulldog,
I wish you a baby otter,
And a joyous new year!
Enjoy your
mutual tortureholiday, freitag! And thank you so much for the critters – they’re just what I wanted.Why would any of us care about a guy who likes dumb girls? Cynic proves again he is a shallow asshole who likes to brage into spaces like this with the sole desire of having women posters say, “Ohhh, you’re so smart! Tell us more!” Never gonna happen dude, never gonna happen.
Well, you see, the guys who think it matters to ladies whether or not a man likes dumb girls are exactly the type of guy who try desperately to figure out how to trick women into thinking he is the kind of man they’d like to have sex with.
Diogenes: Going to respond to the questions asked of you in previous threads?