There’s one kind of person you meet again and again in the manosphere: the man who hates women, but insists that he’s not a misogynist. Some of them will even tell you that you calling them a misogynist is equivalent to a white person calling a black person the n-word. And they seem to even believe this.
You may find yourself wondering: how is it that a person who clearly hates women, who says hateful things about them constantly, who spends all his time reading blogs and message boards devoted to the notion that women are evil bitches — how is it that such a person can come to believe that they aren’t a woman-hater?
Well, you’re in luck, because not that long ago one of these fellows gave us a glimpse into the mysterious inner workings of the mind of the misogynist who thinks he’s not a misogynist.
In a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit he titled “Next time someone calls you a misogynist,” cabin5 unpacked all his weird rationalizations and laid them out for everyone to see.
This is long, but worth reading. It’s very revealing. And also sort of hilarious, both in its total lack of awareness and in its garden-variety ignorance and stupidity.
Uh, dude, one part of the definition of “hatred” is “extreme aversion.” Which is also one definition of, you guessed it, repulsion. If you’re repulsedby women — or at least by “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female” — it’s safe to say that yes, indeed, you hate women, or at least the vast majority of the women that you meet on an everyday basis here in the US. Also, if you post in the Men’s Rights subreddit, and regularly use phrases like “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female,” it’s pretty much like having the words “I hate women” tattooed on your forehead.
Elsewhere in the thread he offers further insights into these terrible American “females.”
Western women tend to be butch & mannish- you would have to be practically homosexual to be attracted to one. I’m not homosexual. And they’re like crappy zerox copies of men without any of the positive qualities. …
Possibly the most repulsive things would be their complete unaccountability & the fact that on average, they’re venerally diseased whores who’ve had 57 cocks in them by the age of 25. Would you want your child coming out of that vagina? It’s nauseating.
Dude, I don’t want your child coming out of any vagina. Also, it’s “xerox.”
These are all the thoughts of a grown ass man — who claims to have a daughter over the age of 18 — who honestly thinks he’s somehow not a misogynist.
You should probably get that checked out. It may be chronic and acute trollitis.
@Amnesia – yay, someone else watches that show! 🙂
@Carleyblue and clairedammit – yup, Diogenes and Steele are correct! You each win a free pass to teh internets.
Nay on Athenian women.
They were expected to be demure. Stay at home. Barefoot and pregnant.
Now, compare that to Spartan women, who were allowed to vote, own property and hold office…..
The Kitteh
Nope. No sockpuppeting being done on my part. You’re wrong again.
Reminds me of the joke
“Smart guys go for dumb girls, and dumb guys go for dumb girls.”
“So what do smart girls get?”
“Cats, mostly.”
Who summoned Diogenes the Dim?
Wow, Diogenes, that was a kneeslapper. Hardeeharhar.
If the choice was cats forever (and I ain’t talkin’ about the musical) or someone like you, cats win every time.
Good one, Dumbass, live up to your name. You do try the “I’m so intellectual” bullshit and so you do come to mind when some other idiot tries it on. You also don’t grasp sarcasm or snark, even though you set yourself up as targets for them every time you come here spouting your garbage.
And yeah – cats win over morons like you every time. That’s why smart women prefer them.
Yo Anonymous,
“Pretty much all the posts I’ve seen here are just one person going ‘WOW MEN ARE PIGS/ASSHOLES/MISOGYNISTS/INSERT PEJORATIVE HERE’ and then a flood of posts agreeing with them.”
If you took more than a minute to check out this blog, you would realize that this blog is purely about mocking and condemning misogynists, most of whom, but not all of whom, are misogynist men in the manosphere. It even says that on the fucking front page:
The point of this blog is to expose misogynists and other terrible people by quoting the hateful things they say.
Hey Diogenes, solved the Voynich Manuscript yet? If it’s taken more than half an hour, I’ll be disappointed.
And don’t forget, he can’t cross-check anything or look up references, because that would be intellectually dishonest.
And no consulting with Nobel laureates, either!
Fixed it for you (but not ‘go for’ in a gross way).
Speaking of pointed hypocrisy…have you seen this tumblr?
Sounds like Dumbass is another of those “eww, cats” type of people if he thinks that joke was funny. Or he doesn’t get it that genuinely smart guys (assuming they don’t negate their alleged intelligence by being egotistical, insecure losers) appreciate intelligence in other people.
@ Kitteh- Sounds like he’s a shallow jerk who assumes everyone is a shallow jerk.
@TTF – that pretty much sums him up.
>Literate enough, in fact, to produce the first modern novel. I’m no expert on Japanese history (I’m accepting book recommendations, though!), but it seems like, if I had to be a woman in that time period, Japan would have been a better place than western Europe. At least in Japan you could get an education.
Uh, two things: For one, Murasaki was a court lady, she lived well before the age of the Samurai even dawnea and she was an oddity. Women weren’t supposed to be literate in Chinese. They were supposed to be excluded from high culture.
Nah, Diogenes is just going “well, you may kick my ass intellectually every time I show up here, but men don’t want you, neener neener!”.
It’s especially funny on a blog where so many of the regular non-troll commenters are married.
“If the choice was cats forever (and I ain’t talkin’ about the musical) or someone like you, cats win every time.”
Seconded, assuming I can keep my fish instead of (or in addition to) said cats. This works well enough now, the 55g is just high enough that the cat can barely get her nose up to it, thus being able to watch, but not paw at them (and honestly, idk that she’s bother the clown loaches any, they’d probably try to play with her paw or something, big goofs!)
I won’t deny that Athenian society was grossly misogynistic. Women were for making new Athenians and little else – in fact, Athenian “homosexuality” was very likely rooted in men’s extreme distaste for women. None of which negates what I said, which was that managing the home and its finances were considered women’s work.
Welp, I’mma just remove my foot from my mouth and bow out of the discussion re: Japanese history, since I clearly don’t know as much as I thought I did. Sorry.
You know, I love how the MRA berates feminism for wanting equality but only focusing on one sex, yet they have such a thing called the MRA.
In a rather delicious irony, one of the reasons that The Tale of Genji has survived and been so popular is that it was written in Japanese, because women weren’t supposed to learn Chinese. It’s one of the most amusing examples of societal sexism backfiring, imo.