There’s one kind of person you meet again and again in the manosphere: the man who hates women, but insists that he’s not a misogynist. Some of them will even tell you that you calling them a misogynist is equivalent to a white person calling a black person the n-word. And they seem to even believe this.
You may find yourself wondering: how is it that a person who clearly hates women, who says hateful things about them constantly, who spends all his time reading blogs and message boards devoted to the notion that women are evil bitches — how is it that such a person can come to believe that they aren’t a woman-hater?
Well, you’re in luck, because not that long ago one of these fellows gave us a glimpse into the mysterious inner workings of the mind of the misogynist who thinks he’s not a misogynist.
In a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit he titled “Next time someone calls you a misogynist,” cabin5 unpacked all his weird rationalizations and laid them out for everyone to see.
This is long, but worth reading. It’s very revealing. And also sort of hilarious, both in its total lack of awareness and in its garden-variety ignorance and stupidity.
Uh, dude, one part of the definition of “hatred” is “extreme aversion.” Which is also one definition of, you guessed it, repulsion. If you’re repulsedby women — or at least by “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female” — it’s safe to say that yes, indeed, you hate women, or at least the vast majority of the women that you meet on an everyday basis here in the US. Also, if you post in the Men’s Rights subreddit, and regularly use phrases like “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female,” it’s pretty much like having the words “I hate women” tattooed on your forehead.
Elsewhere in the thread he offers further insights into these terrible American “females.”
Western women tend to be butch & mannish- you would have to be practically homosexual to be attracted to one. I’m not homosexual. And they’re like crappy zerox copies of men without any of the positive qualities. …
Possibly the most repulsive things would be their complete unaccountability & the fact that on average, they’re venerally diseased whores who’ve had 57 cocks in them by the age of 25. Would you want your child coming out of that vagina? It’s nauseating.
Dude, I don’t want your child coming out of any vagina. Also, it’s “xerox.”
These are all the thoughts of a grown ass man — who claims to have a daughter over the age of 18 — who honestly thinks he’s somehow not a misogynist.
Ahahahaha…. hey “Anonymous”you should try actually reading someday. ALL first time commenters are marked for moderation, DoucheBro. I guess you’re just not smart enough to figure out the basic rules, eh? Awwww, don’t worry though, the feminists here will make sure to use small words to explain things so that your poor man-brain can process the basics.
Try the second most recent thread, it’s turned into a discussion about food. But hey, I gues you can claim that “I can’t really handy spicy” is playing the victim…or something.
And I broke blockquotes, cursed things really are out to get us all sometimes! (No anon, not everything is out to get us, just the blockquotes…stick around awhile and you’ll see, they get everyone sooner or later)
You seem to have missed all the comments where we say how much we like most guys. We just hate misogynist arseholes . Funny that you think that all guys are the arseholes who we talk about. You’re the one who seems to hate men here. NEWS FLASH! Not everyone is like you, thank jebus.
So another one who didn’t read the instructions, then? Or anything else, really.
Hey anonymousmaybesock, if you ever actually read the blog and the comments you’d see that
1) there are these strange beings called MEN hanging out here
2) lots of jokes about all sorts of things abound, like cooking, movies, books, pets
3) any bitterness is about actual things like violence, systemic injustices to all sorts of people and is the sort expressed by people who’ve either experienced it or have a basic level of human decency
4) the subtitle of the blog (up there at the top! In big letters! Go on, you can find it if you try) is Misogyny. I Mock It. So when you come here, yeah, you’re gonna find the sort of loathing and BS the MRM specialises in held up to ridicule. And if you try reading for comprehension, one day you might learn the difference between bitterness and mockery.
5) you’re a really boring and substandard troll. 1/10, needs to try much harder.
I always LMAO at trolls who get thrown in moderation and then post again to wank about the moderation policies. Do they think that their second comment is going to go through if the first didn’t?
Most men aren’t into female domination or female throwing their weight around, though
Have we ever had a troll who cared much for staying on subject at all rather than diverting to their pet issue, whether athletics or dolls or Rothschild conspiracies, or whatever? It’s not as if the non-troll regulars stay on subject but geez.
Every now and again it becomes apparent that that subtitle needs to be in 100-point ’90s flashing font.
No. The trolls see this place as a stage onto which they step and give speeches about their pet issues. Kind of like an an open-mic night for misogynists.
is… is this thing on? Testing, testing… woah!
Hey, have any of you seen the new women they’ve got these days? What’s the deal with THAT?
Which boils down to “I don’t want women leading their own lives or making their own decisions or not deferring to men!”
There’s no systemic domination by women, idiot. Oh, and your use of “men” and “females” is very telling, y’know. Take yourself and your insecurities to a good therapist.
I hear a lot of men are into female domination, by the way…
Oh, but they are not REAL MENZ, lowquacks! Shame on you!
Actually “female throwing their weight around” sounds like a specialized form of wrestling to me. Like a bunch of guys walk into a ring and one really strong woman throws them out again, one by one.
It’s only loosely related to “male throwing your weight around”, which is known as sumo.
I am totally into female domination. And not like that… My godlessdaughter is the smartest most capable person I know. When the revolution comes Im on her side for World Overlady.
Would that wrestling look something like this?
Nope. Don’t want to dominate anyone. In fact dominating people you love and care about kinda defeats the object of the exercise (except in a fun and consensual BDSM kind of way). By the same token I don’t want anyone even thinking about dominating me. See, it’s really not that difficult to understand if you stop thinking in stereotypes.
@ kittehs
Like that, but with spandex hot-pants and RAGE, MISANDRIC RAGE.
The original perpetrator of this nonsense might be a bit more convincing if he a. used a dictionary and b. could string a sentence together but I won’t be placing any bets on it.
Honestly, how do they come up with this hair-splitting tripe?
@Historophilia I’d be really interested in a comparison from first draft to final draft to film to see how the characters devolved! I am on the fringe of the film industry (working my way into it one short and trailer at a time) and so I’d love to see what I’ll be up against when I finally shop some of my screenplays/ideas around.
Anonymous just had the weakest attempt at an insulting comment haha. I bet he thought he was showing us and put a lot of effort into that.
Of course, intellectuals get bullied because they make other people feel stupid and most people don’t like being made to feel stupid.
@MKlein, PLEASE tell me all the lifetime movies are a gross exaggeration and that high school really hasn’t gotten THAT bad. I know I was a virgin all throughout high school but I was not at all popular and didn’t come into my own until the tail end when I started discovering new interests. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I even found a haircut that suited my face haha. So I wasn’t making the boys come running until shortly after h.s. But it didn’t seem like my friends were having much/any sex either unless they’d been in a serious relationship. It was not even close to what is supposedly happening in schools today.