There’s one kind of person you meet again and again in the manosphere: the man who hates women, but insists that he’s not a misogynist. Some of them will even tell you that you calling them a misogynist is equivalent to a white person calling a black person the n-word. And they seem to even believe this.
You may find yourself wondering: how is it that a person who clearly hates women, who says hateful things about them constantly, who spends all his time reading blogs and message boards devoted to the notion that women are evil bitches — how is it that such a person can come to believe that they aren’t a woman-hater?
Well, you’re in luck, because not that long ago one of these fellows gave us a glimpse into the mysterious inner workings of the mind of the misogynist who thinks he’s not a misogynist.
In a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit he titled “Next time someone calls you a misogynist,” cabin5 unpacked all his weird rationalizations and laid them out for everyone to see.
This is long, but worth reading. It’s very revealing. And also sort of hilarious, both in its total lack of awareness and in its garden-variety ignorance and stupidity.
Uh, dude, one part of the definition of “hatred” is “extreme aversion.” Which is also one definition of, you guessed it, repulsion. If you’re repulsedby women — or at least by “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female” — it’s safe to say that yes, indeed, you hate women, or at least the vast majority of the women that you meet on an everyday basis here in the US. Also, if you post in the Men’s Rights subreddit, and regularly use phrases like “the modern, confrontational, American toxic female,” it’s pretty much like having the words “I hate women” tattooed on your forehead.
Elsewhere in the thread he offers further insights into these terrible American “females.”
Western women tend to be butch & mannish- you would have to be practically homosexual to be attracted to one. I’m not homosexual. And they’re like crappy zerox copies of men without any of the positive qualities. …
Possibly the most repulsive things would be their complete unaccountability & the fact that on average, they’re venerally diseased whores who’ve had 57 cocks in them by the age of 25. Would you want your child coming out of that vagina? It’s nauseating.
Dude, I don’t want your child coming out of any vagina. Also, it’s “xerox.”
These are all the thoughts of a grown ass man — who claims to have a daughter over the age of 18 — who honestly thinks he’s somehow not a misogynist.
Underlying the OP’s fetishization of foreign women is the idea that if you know only a little bit about something, then there is only a little bit to know. Thus, foreign women about whom he knows little, are simpler than American women. I have never understood this as it seems like an idea that would never and could never be proven (only, if you are intellectually incurious, remain unproven). The cognitive dissonance of the smarter MRAs who hold this idea must be enormous.
I just wish someone would develop those damn sexbots and make them cookbots and laundrybots as well. Then these scumbags could go off and have their doll-slaves and not have to bother actual living women. Or at least, it’d be nice to think so, but I suspect that wanting women punished is a big part of their rage-filled fantasy and not one they’d give up even if they had said slave-bots.
Brain bleach time! Elodie Under Glass has a great article about dinosaur colouration research (and really funny takedowns of Bad Journalism By Wolf Cubs, with cute pics). This video about Microraptor and its TOTES COOL iridescent feathers is from the American Museum of Natural History (via the blog).
the jerkasses who fetishize eastern wives as submissive and demure have obviously never been in a brown/chinese household when the parents are arguing. in the most patriarchal parts of that corner of the world the women tend to rule nothing BUT the family and the house.
Yep those MRAs love them some submissive cliches. I think it’s so funny when they “buy” a third world bride and she kicks their sagging arse. F..k the manosphere, if they could just suppress their homophobia we would all be much happier.
I have posted this before, I think, but it seems to me to be just right for this d00d.
The flounce song.
LOL @ the MRA obsession with the imaginary “submissive foreign woman”. such self hatred, insecurity, weakness. they can’t feel okay unless they convince themselves that they’re above somebody else. if MRAs weren’t so repugnant, I would feel sorry for them.
and since when are western women masculine and promiscuous (not that it matters)? whenever i go out i see most girls have super long hair these days and a good smattering of makeup on. as a teenage girl i can testify that most teenage girls are too busy shaming each other for nonexistent promiscuity to engage in actual promiscuity.
I’d love to drop said jerkasses in a room with my female in-laws just see how long before they curl up into a ball and want it to all go away. Those women take no shit.
Also, according to this guy, the only way to qualify as “hating” women is to brutally murder several of them. Anything less than that is simply not hate. Unless you’re a woman, then if you merely say the words “I hate men,” then you hate.
Reflecting hateful energy:
Completely OT, but I feel we should celebrate that my mad cat is 100 in cat years. Here she is, hogging my bed.
I prefer her hogging my bed than doing what she usually does, which is yowling loud enough to wake the neighbours.
Happy Cat 100th to your kitty, WeeBoy! 🙂
Aw, happy 100th to your mad kitty, WeeBoy!
By cat years do you mean 5 years per human year?
Yup – She’s 20. And arthritic and mad.
“We survived the apocalypse, I see. Well done, Doctor! You saved the Earth once again.” — w00t
Happy Cat 100th! Also, that bulldog puppy was adorkable, trying to bark and walk at the same time is just too darned confusing!
I wonder who the incredible Eastern European women are that he has met. Some of the many whom economic conditions have forced into sexual slavery?
It never fails to astound me how all of these feminist blogs are pretty much exactly the same. Scroll down to the comments section and it’s a bunch of bitter feminists spouting the same tired shit as always: blah, blah, MISOGYNIST, blah, blah, MALE PRIVILEGE, blah, blah WOMEN HAVE IT SO HARD AND THEY’RE ALWAYS VICTIMS.
Come up with some new material. It’s boring reading the tired old shit that’s been debunked a million times by far more intelligent people already.
Whenever these guys talk about Latina women I think of April Ludgate.
He likes women better if they can’t speak English (no sign that he can speak the language that the women are speaking either). That pretty much says it all. I am so not-misogynist that I prefer the company of women who I can’t talk to, you guys, but that’s not misogynist, it’s a perfectly reasonable aversion to…the sound of English when spoken by a woman?
The bit at the end is just sad. It’s one thing when sexually insecure teenage boys talk that way, but a grown man?
Wow, not 20 minutes and already my original comment is marked for moderation. The rage is strong here. It’s funny how this blog shit talks the “manosphere” when it is in itself pretty much very little more than a big feminist circlejerk. Pretty much all the posts I’ve seen here are just one person going “WOW MEN ARE PIGS/ASSHOLES/MISOGYNISTS/INSERT PEJORATIVE HERE” and then a flood of posts agreeing with them.
At least it serves as more proof that feminists are every bit the hypocrites they decry “misogynists” to be.
Not everyone here is a woman.
Do try to read through the next time, please.
@cherabushka – yep, as someone who graduated from high school less than a year ago, I can attest to that. Everyone thinks everyone but them is having sex in high school.
(That came out sounding redundant, and it’s a slight exaggeration, but basically yeah.)