antifeminism homophobia MRA pig ignorance racism reddit transphobia

Men’s Rights Redditors teach “darkbros, homobros and transbros” a few things about inclusiveness.

Inclusive as hell!
Inclusive as hell!

So the other day someone went to the Men’s Rights subreddit with some concerns about the movement’s inclusiveness – or, rather, its lack thereof. “I’d be a lot more inclined to follow this movement,” this person wrote,

 if it was more inclusive of the issues of other men, such as those of colour, homosexuality and those who identify as males. But as it stands even when you quote prison statistics as a form of sexism, you flat out ignore the ethnic make up of those statistics and the last time I saw y’all chatting about queer rights? I can’t actually remember, it’s been even longer since something along those lines came on the front page.

Naturally, the fine folks of the subreddit responded with a big “nuh-uh!”

Some suggested that the Men’s Rights movement is already quite inclusive enough, thank you very much. A few offered the existence of GirlWritesWhat, an actual female lady woman MRA, as proof of inclusiveness. I’m not quite sure how that has to do with race or LBGT issues, but hey: The MRM has a lady! (More than one, actually.)

Our dear old friend AnnArchist, who despite the name is not a lady, and who may or may not still be a mod (see below), helpfully explained:


Huh. I remember that month, too. Lots of Men’s Rightsers were angry about being associated with anything gay, and a lot of LGBT folks were angry about being associated with the Men’s Rights subreddit. I also recall that time when Kloo2yoo, the founder of the subreddit, attempted to make a token effort to be LGBT-inclusive. Oh, and the time a Men’s Rights redditor talked about how he would violently assault any trans woman who “tricked” him into having sex. Oh yeah: that Men’s Rights Redditor was a fellow called AnnArchist.

Others pointed out that they personally weren’t bigots or anything. Tyciol put it this way:

I wasn’t aware that darkbros, homobros and transbros were being discriminated against as policy. The free speech policy does inevitably end up with some closeminded folk being hostile of them, but I don’t think this means the movement is not inclusive. To be non-inclusive would there not have to be active exclusion?

I happen to think [wrestler] David Ortunga is a sexy black man who I would like to rub oil onto, and I respect the maleness of Larson Degado. Yet I’m not banned so… hm.

So if you’re not black, and you fantasize about rubbing oil on a black dude, that makes you a paragon of post-racial “inclusivity?” Apparently.

Other Men’s Rights Redditors want to be post-racial by not talking about race at all, suggesting that what the OP called inclusiveness could end up splitting the Men’s Rights movement in two, or three or four:


The trouble — well, one of many troubles — with this complaint is that there … really aren’t any significant numbers of black MRAs to speak of. When the Men’s Rights subreddit conducted its own demographic survey – alas, I’ve lost the link to it – there was, I believe, literally only one black MRA who stood up to be counted.

Lurker_lenore, meanwhile, suggested that focusing on anything other than men, indivisible was just plain wrong:


But if “age, race, sexual preference, and/or gender identity” somehow don’t affect the issue of equality, why would you assume that gender would? Shouldn’t we just be fighting for People Rights? Or, if that is too-species specific, why not Primate Rights, or Animal Rights, or Carbon-Based Lifeform Rights?

The best comments in the thread – by which I mean the most transcendently loopy — all come from Tyciol, whom we’ve met already, who raised a whole bunch of issues that no one dared to. Mainly becuase these issues were stupid.

For example, this one, touching on the terrifying topic of spermburgling.

I am interested in issues where transmen’s rights overlap with cismen’s rights. I’m not entirely clear on it, TBH. They’re our bros from another chromosone and all that, but I guess a lot of the issues just don’t currently apply, like procreation-related rights, probably less of a concern, since transmen (FtMs) don’t produce semen which can be misused, stuff like that.

And this even weirder followup:

I think FtMs are awesome and stuff but well… in terms of men’s rights… is it that, or is it male rights? I would like to identify some of the struggles we’d actually have in common. I’m all for standin’ up for’m since it’s the right thing and stuff but like… if it comes up in a dispute that they’re XX, doesn’t this usually sway to get them superior female-status consideration even if they detest that?

And all of these:


Tyciol seems to have a lot of questions, and a lot of opinions, about LGBT issues. And a deep love for language – in particular, the word “bros.” Here, in a different thread, we see the two interests combined in one intriguing comment:


In other words, the attitude of the Men’s Rights subreddit towards LGBT folks seems to be summed up pretty well by this parody poster prepared by Man Boobz Art Brigade solider Myoo, originally intended  as a parody of the attitudes expressed over on A Voice for Men.


You can find approximately a gazillion million more parody posters over on the always entertaining Artistry for Feminism and Kittens blog.

(Oh, and on the bit about AnnArchist possibly being a mod: He used to be one, but a few months ago the mods all got new anonymous handles, and because of that I can’t say for sure if he’s still one.)


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12 years ago

It’s 9:51 am here and I’m on my way home from work on a crowded bus, laughing my fool ass off over “spermburgler” … Thanks for making me look more unbalanced than usual, Boobzers!!

12 years ago

Hi Cassandra! South Bay lurker here. Should you ever find yourself in some of the armpits of the Bay Area you can console yourself with kickass Malay food. Banana Leaf in Milpitas makes an awesome Penang Asam Laksa, you just have to be willing to eat it in a yuppie strip mall:

There’s also Layang Layang in San Jose which isnt as good, and if I remember correctly there’s a kickass Indonesian-Malay restaurant in Berkeley, but I don’t remember their Malay selection because I went for the goat.

12 years ago

Also, I’m on my way to work in Santa Clara (aka our Koreatown) this am so my lovely coworkers will probably be able to throw down some non-BBQ rec’s.

12 years ago

It’s the MRM’s usual terrible understanding of oppression, but I have to give them points for creative use of suffixes.

12 years ago

I don’t think it can be called “spermburglaring” when alot of men just give it away.

12 years ago

HEY GUYS! I got my “We hunted the mammoth” t-shirt today. I am so pleased.

That is all.

12 years ago

Having spent my entire life in a very asian area of south london if I didn’t like spicy food I’d probably have starved to death 😛

It’s weird, my family is as white as you get, but Indian curry to me is what tastes like home.

While at university one of my housemates who is Sikh came back from a trip home with loads of Indian food pressed on him by anxious parents. He doesn’t really like Indian food that much so I ate most of it. Om nom nom lamb curry and dahl and naan.

I kind of feel sorry for people who don’t like spicy food, they’re missing out on so much awesome noms.

I can never get my own curries to taste right though, I think curries in restaurants often have a lot of oil and fat in them though which I’d be loathe to add in, that probably makes a big difference.

If anyone has got any good indian curry recipes i’ll snap ’em up!

Some Gal Not Bored At All
Some Gal Not Bored At All
12 years ago

@The Kitteh’s Unpaid Help

Every time I see “spermburglar” I think of that old MacDonald’s character, Hamburglar.

You too? 🙂 Then I start thinking ot Ronald as who the sperm gets stolen from and that works for me as the MRAs are clowns. Scary, hateful clowns.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Ronald McDonald:

12 years ago

@historophilia, I LOVE cooking Indian food and can point you towards some awesome resources. Lisa’s Vegetarian Kitchen is a great website and she recommends some good cookbooks. I have a fabulous cookbook called 1000 Indian Recipes by Neelam Bhatra. I know it sounds like a book you find lurking in the discount bookshop but it is an amazing book, I have never made a bad curry from it yet.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’m way late to this thread, but it’s strangely reassuring to see that ABNOY is still here, and still makes no sense. (And yes ABNOY, I’ve seen it, had it explained to me, and still don’t get wtf is going on. So no, it isn’t a good example of anything besides anime’s obsession with giant robots.)

12 years ago

@ historophilia, are you using ghee? A lot of things just won’t taste the same if you don’t. Which doesn’t mean you can’t make tasty noms without the ghee, it’s just that the taste and the texture of the sauce will be different.

Also, bring on the Korean restaurant recommendations! I’m hardly ever as far south as Santa Clara/San Jose unless I’m going to a hockey game, though. I know there are tons of places in Oakland and in the Richmond, just not sure which ones are worth going to. If you are going to ask your coworkers, then I would also appreciate recs for places that serve good soju drinks! I already know about Rohan Lounge, though.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Here’s how I made the Curry etouffee. They have it at a Cajun restaurant called Yat’s sometimes, so I sought to replicate it.

For the roux, heat 1/4 cup of oil and melt 1/4 cup of butter over medium/medium-low heat. Slowly add 1/2 cup flour. Stir constantly. I didn’t make a deep dark roux for this, but you’ll want some colour to it, about 15-20 minutes. To the roux, add:

1 large onion, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
6 cloves garlic, minced

Saute until softened. Meanwhile, take 1 pound of chicken breasts, season with Cajun seasoning, brown them briefly over medium-high heat. Once the onions and such are cooked, add 3 cups of chicken stock and the following seasonings:

1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne
2 tsp red curry powder
1/2 tsp turmeric*

Then, add the chicken breasts, cover and simmer for 2 to 2-1/2 hours. Remove the chicken breasts, shred, and return to the pan. Saute 12 oz of chopped mushrooms in olive oil, seasoning with Cajun seasoning, and add to the main pot. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Serve over rice.

*The curry powder I used did not contain any turmeric, but a lot of other curry powders do, so one should adjust accordingly.

Callie (@turningoverwill)

New here, I’ve been looking at your stuff for a few days and decided to post after seeing MRA shit via tumblr. Some guy apparently needs the MRA because when he looked for apartments half read “female tenants only.” Because you know living with someone that makes you feel more safe and comfortable = sexism.

Wait is this for real? Darkbros? Transbros? Homobros? How open minded and accepting of them.

12 years ago
Reply to  BigMomma


Thanks for the book tip! Got an xmas prezzie for my Indian food loving vegan sister sorted out. Yay Kindle for quick presents!

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

They couldn’t possibly address the plight of MOC, homosexuals, and transmen, because then they’d have to admit that most of the stats they throw around are more influenced by variables besides gender!

12 years ago

@eline,the neelsm bhatra book isn’t vegetarian, let alone vegan, aaargh sorry for any confusion. But the link should provide you with some recommendations and you can email Lisa.

12 years ago
Reply to  BigMomma


Most of the recipes are vegetarian, as far as I could see (also grabbed this for myself), and everything else can be converted to vegan very easily (seitan for meat, soy milk for milk etc). It’s mainly the “good base cookbook for indian cuisine” with methods and the like that’s nice about that one. I’m always looking for those books over plain recipe collections. But it’s indeed good to mention that it’s an omnivore book and not primarily veggie book for those who want a veggie-only book.

12 years ago

@eline, phew, I agree. Mostly her flavour combinations and spicing is the stand out, along with her masalas and pastes. I love it.

12 years ago

@Big Momma, oooh thanks for the link, I’m keen to get better at veggie cooking, partly as I have a lot of friends with various dietry requirements so it’s often easier to just cook veggie. Plus I’m trying to eat less meat at the moment for various reasons (including health, money, environmental impact and animal welfare issues, if I eat less meat when I do eat it I can afford to buy free range) so nice veggie dishes are more than welcome.

@CassandraSays, no I’m not using Ghee! I should definitely try using it, luckily where I live in London I have access to all the authentic ingredients I would ever need. I wonder how easy it would be to take ghee back to York for university with me 😛

12 years ago

@historophilia, ghee is also quite easy to make.

12 years ago

Just have to reply: Actually, if you watch the End of Eva, you’ll see that the relationship between the male and female lead (who themselves symbolize the archetypal MRA and RadFem) is an accurate allegory of the battle of the sexes in the post-modern era…

12 years ago

In LA (and man I am feeling homesick for Calif. now, LA, SLO, The Bay). The Sanamaluang Cafe (if they are still in business) is a very good place (San Fernando). Sort of a cross between a “restaurant” and a street cafe. I have a friend who is Thai (director of the Bangkok Symphony these days) and he says it’s one of the best places he knows in the states.

12 years ago

Damn, tedious Evangelion fanboy is persistent.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“battle of the sexes in the post-modern era…”

No see, you mean in a post-giant-robot-things destroying the earth era. It might be symbolic of when the US nuked Japan, it isn’t somehow symbolic of MRAs (who didn’t even exist in any real numbers in 1997).

Wiki, please go read it (I had to look up what year End of Eva was) — “The meaning of the final scene is obscure,[14][15] and has been controversial.[16][17]” At best, you’re picking the interpretation that fits your pre-existing views, at worst, you’re just plain making shit up.