antifeminism homophobia MRA pig ignorance racism reddit transphobia

Men’s Rights Redditors teach “darkbros, homobros and transbros” a few things about inclusiveness.

Inclusive as hell!
Inclusive as hell!

So the other day someone went to the Men’s Rights subreddit with some concerns about the movement’s inclusiveness – or, rather, its lack thereof. “I’d be a lot more inclined to follow this movement,” this person wrote,

 if it was more inclusive of the issues of other men, such as those of colour, homosexuality and those who identify as males. But as it stands even when you quote prison statistics as a form of sexism, you flat out ignore the ethnic make up of those statistics and the last time I saw y’all chatting about queer rights? I can’t actually remember, it’s been even longer since something along those lines came on the front page.

Naturally, the fine folks of the subreddit responded with a big “nuh-uh!”

Some suggested that the Men’s Rights movement is already quite inclusive enough, thank you very much. A few offered the existence of GirlWritesWhat, an actual female lady woman MRA, as proof of inclusiveness. I’m not quite sure how that has to do with race or LBGT issues, but hey: The MRM has a lady! (More than one, actually.)

Our dear old friend AnnArchist, who despite the name is not a lady, and who may or may not still be a mod (see below), helpfully explained:


Huh. I remember that month, too. Lots of Men’s Rightsers were angry about being associated with anything gay, and a lot of LGBT folks were angry about being associated with the Men’s Rights subreddit. I also recall that time when Kloo2yoo, the founder of the subreddit, attempted to make a token effort to be LGBT-inclusive. Oh, and the time a Men’s Rights redditor talked about how he would violently assault any trans woman who “tricked” him into having sex. Oh yeah: that Men’s Rights Redditor was a fellow called AnnArchist.

Others pointed out that they personally weren’t bigots or anything. Tyciol put it this way:

I wasn’t aware that darkbros, homobros and transbros were being discriminated against as policy. The free speech policy does inevitably end up with some closeminded folk being hostile of them, but I don’t think this means the movement is not inclusive. To be non-inclusive would there not have to be active exclusion?

I happen to think [wrestler] David Ortunga is a sexy black man who I would like to rub oil onto, and I respect the maleness of Larson Degado. Yet I’m not banned so… hm.

So if you’re not black, and you fantasize about rubbing oil on a black dude, that makes you a paragon of post-racial “inclusivity?” Apparently.

Other Men’s Rights Redditors want to be post-racial by not talking about race at all, suggesting that what the OP called inclusiveness could end up splitting the Men’s Rights movement in two, or three or four:


The trouble — well, one of many troubles — with this complaint is that there … really aren’t any significant numbers of black MRAs to speak of. When the Men’s Rights subreddit conducted its own demographic survey – alas, I’ve lost the link to it – there was, I believe, literally only one black MRA who stood up to be counted.

Lurker_lenore, meanwhile, suggested that focusing on anything other than men, indivisible was just plain wrong:


But if “age, race, sexual preference, and/or gender identity” somehow don’t affect the issue of equality, why would you assume that gender would? Shouldn’t we just be fighting for People Rights? Or, if that is too-species specific, why not Primate Rights, or Animal Rights, or Carbon-Based Lifeform Rights?

The best comments in the thread – by which I mean the most transcendently loopy — all come from Tyciol, whom we’ve met already, who raised a whole bunch of issues that no one dared to. Mainly becuase these issues were stupid.

For example, this one, touching on the terrifying topic of spermburgling.

I am interested in issues where transmen’s rights overlap with cismen’s rights. I’m not entirely clear on it, TBH. They’re our bros from another chromosone and all that, but I guess a lot of the issues just don’t currently apply, like procreation-related rights, probably less of a concern, since transmen (FtMs) don’t produce semen which can be misused, stuff like that.

And this even weirder followup:

I think FtMs are awesome and stuff but well… in terms of men’s rights… is it that, or is it male rights? I would like to identify some of the struggles we’d actually have in common. I’m all for standin’ up for’m since it’s the right thing and stuff but like… if it comes up in a dispute that they’re XX, doesn’t this usually sway to get them superior female-status consideration even if they detest that?

And all of these:


Tyciol seems to have a lot of questions, and a lot of opinions, about LGBT issues. And a deep love for language – in particular, the word “bros.” Here, in a different thread, we see the two interests combined in one intriguing comment:


In other words, the attitude of the Men’s Rights subreddit towards LGBT folks seems to be summed up pretty well by this parody poster prepared by Man Boobz Art Brigade solider Myoo, originally intended  as a parody of the attitudes expressed over on A Voice for Men.


You can find approximately a gazillion million more parody posters over on the always entertaining Artistry for Feminism and Kittens blog.

(Oh, and on the bit about AnnArchist possibly being a mod: He used to be one, but a few months ago the mods all got new anonymous handles, and because of that I can’t say for sure if he’s still one.)


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12 years ago

If you haven’t, see Stanley Kubrick’s great 1964 film Dr. Strangelove–and pay attention to the “precious bodily fluids” guy for a great misogynist interpretation of the world.

12 years ago

The trees are doing well, although they’ve had their rough moments. Something kept eating my lemons last year. At the last minute, I discovered that cayenne pepper would repel the critters, but by then it was too hot too get any lemons. The lime tree lost all it’s leaves last winter, but they came back nicely. I don’t have the greenest of thumbs either.

Um, fish sauce. Mostly I don’t ask. I’ve found that worrying about trace ingredients in food at a certain level makes me really unhappy, and fish sauce is one of those few things. One of our favorite Thai places has a “veggie lovers” section, and they don’t use fish sauce in those dishes. I can’t really taste whether it’s there or not though.

12 years ago

I doubt I could eat Thai food even if it had a “not spicy” claim on the menu.

I think you have to have grown up eating spicy food to really appreciate it. Every now and then I encounter something that’s too spicy for me, so I can empathize a little bit.

One thing I can’t stand, though, (this is not aimed at you, Kitteh, in any way!) is the belief that bland food is superior somehow. My husband’s family is bad about this, especially one of my MILs. She has the attitude that “people like us don’t eat food like that.” She got mad at me once for making something in her kitchen with cumin in it. I didn’t even ask her to try any – I knew better. I guess I’m just not one of her people.

12 years ago


Cassandra, what Thai do you like in LA? Also, clairedammit, I love Native Foods and would eat there every day if I could afford it.

Take it up with feminism. They fired the first assault, and continue to do so.

Did you mean “They fired the first shot” or “They launched the first assault?” Because what you wrote didn’t make any sense. You can fire a gun, an employee, or even a pot, but not an assault. If you would like answers to your questions, you need to clarify your meaning. Thanks in advance.

12 years ago

Oh noes, food talk! I love Asian food most types anyway but it just reminds me I have to get off my bum and cook.
Ps my tip for all types of non euro cooking is to go to local small Asian shops and buy the original sauces, everything else can be transposed.

12 years ago

Thank you cloudia, I now have to see if it will escape from a bathing suit cos swimming is supposed to be good. Being three quarters cat (not keen on water) I’m not sure. However I don’t think I could cope with a runaway boob.

12 years ago

Did you mean “They fired the first shot” or “They launched the first assault?”

Maybe we shot the first launch. Maybe we fired the first moon. Maybe we mooned the first assault. Or we mooned the second one. IT IS ALL FEMINISM’S FAULT WE ARE JUST NITPICKING WHEN WE ASK A MAN TO CLARIFY

12 years ago


12 years ago

Clarify! What! You feminist are just trying to trick the manly man with appeals to logic and evidence!

How dare you!

12 years ago

I think you have to have grown up eating spicy food to really appreciate it.

There’s actually a scientific reason for this: Capsaicin is, believe it or not, a local anaesthetic. So as you eat a lot of spicy food, it gradually numbs your taste buds a little bit and makes you able to handle spicier foods.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@clairedammit – no worries, I wouldn’t have seen your “bland is better” comment as aimed at me! 🙂 I’ve seen a bit of the opposite from people who act like there’s something wrong with not liking spicy food – I’ve been told I have a “timid palate”. But you nailed it in saying you really need to have grown up eating spicy food to appreciate it. Australian food was very English based when I grew up (apart from the odd bit of Italian) and my family just isn’t into trying different foods (cooking was a necessary evil) so that’s just the way it is for me.

@kamilla1960 – have a look at the Categories group in the side bar. “Precious bodily fluids” is one of them. 😀

@Yoyo – I suddenly have this image of you being dragged out to sea at high speed by a boob equivalent of a jetski.

12 years ago

In terms of spice level most Thai food is pretty much out if you have super low tolerance, but it’s only some of the Southern dishes that really hit the “holy crap I’m dying” level for me. But I grew up dumping harissa on my food, so I’m weird.

In LA I can’t remember the names of all the places (I wish I could remember the name of the little dessert cafe in a strip mall so I could find it again). I do remember that Ruen Pair (near the W hotel) had really good grilled pork (and served it with the proper relish). We also got to see the photos from home that the Thai family next to us were showing each other on their laptop, which was fun.

Clairedammit’s comment is making me really appreciate my Dad, who will try pretty much anything at least once (Mr Cs family are Asian and would look at me funny if I didn’t spice things up). I hate the flip side of that too though, where people get all macho and stupid about hot food and use it as a way to challenge each other, because then the restaurants just put a shitload of chillies in everything and don’t bother to make it taste good.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago
12 years ago

Well, most real Thai food is out of the running for the spice-intolerant, but all of the W. LA thai places are super bland, and my mom’s favorite serves a mee krob that tastes just like a kid’s breakfast cereal.

Anyway, I’m perusing and putting Ruen Pair on my list for whenever I get to Hollywood next. Our film archive is out there, and I am constructing reasons to visit the archivist….

12 years ago

Oh noes @the kitteh, now I’m never going into the sea! Mind you my idea of the beach involves infinity pools and drinks with umbrellas rather than wild surf and blue bottles. Guess I’m a failed Aussie or a sybarite.

12 years ago

I think you’re unlikely to end up with anything really bland in Thai Town, if anything I’d be worried that it might be a bit too oily and heavy on the fish sauce for people who get bothered by that kind of thing (in other words, probably not a good idea to take Mom, especially not to the places that do boat noodles and stuff like that).

I’ve heard very mixed opinions about Jitlada, but may try it just out of curiosity next time. Also, I have to say, the W is fucking hilarious, especially watching the people who show up in the evening.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yay for another failed Aussie! I can’t swim and the beach in summer is my idea of hell. I like walking by the sea in mild or cold weather, but summer … ewww. I’d rather just aestivate* the whole season.

*my $10 word of the day

12 years ago

Ooh, neat word.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Reader’s Digest is my friend. 😛

12 years ago

Hey, I think I found the dessert place! (for cloudiah as well as for me)

12 years ago

Well, now I want Coconut Egg Custard, so that’s kind of mean of you Cassandra. 😉

12 years ago

Hey, I’ve already been punished enough by watching the YouTube videos that made me crave Malaysian food, which is weirdly hard to find here. This is the only place I’ve ever lived where it’s easier to find Tibetan momos than a bowl of laksa.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

All this talk of Thai in LA is reminding me of my GF getting food poisoning at a Thai restaurant there last month. I don’t know the name, and she’d eaten there before. Poor thing was throwing up all the way from LA to Brisbane to Melbourne.

12 years ago

But hey, think of it this way – I found Thai food that you can eat! Sweets aren’t (usually) spicy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

That’s a point! And coconut egg custard sounds yummy. Desserts are a whole different subject. In the days when I had dinner out, the meal would be planned around the dessert.