So the other day someone went to the Men’s Rights subreddit with some concerns about the movement’s inclusiveness – or, rather, its lack thereof. “I’d be a lot more inclined to follow this movement,” this person wrote,
if it was more inclusive of the issues of other men, such as those of colour, homosexuality and those who identify as males. But as it stands even when you quote prison statistics as a form of sexism, you flat out ignore the ethnic make up of those statistics and the last time I saw y’all chatting about queer rights? I can’t actually remember, it’s been even longer since something along those lines came on the front page.
Naturally, the fine folks of the subreddit responded with a big “nuh-uh!”
Some suggested that the Men’s Rights movement is already quite inclusive enough, thank you very much. A few offered the existence of GirlWritesWhat, an actual female lady woman MRA, as proof of inclusiveness. I’m not quite sure how that has to do with race or LBGT issues, but hey: The MRM has a lady! (More than one, actually.)
Our dear old friend AnnArchist, who despite the name is not a lady, and who may or may not still be a mod (see below), helpfully explained:
Huh. I remember that month, too. Lots of Men’s Rightsers were angry about being associated with anything gay, and a lot of LGBT folks were angry about being associated with the Men’s Rights subreddit. I also recall that time when Kloo2yoo, the founder of the subreddit, attempted to make a token effort to be LGBT-inclusive. Oh, and the time a Men’s Rights redditor talked about how he would violently assault any trans woman who “tricked” him into having sex. Oh yeah: that Men’s Rights Redditor was a fellow called AnnArchist.
Others pointed out that they personally weren’t bigots or anything. Tyciol put it this way:
I wasn’t aware that darkbros, homobros and transbros were being discriminated against as policy. The free speech policy does inevitably end up with some closeminded folk being hostile of them, but I don’t think this means the movement is not inclusive. To be non-inclusive would there not have to be active exclusion?
I happen to think [wrestler] David Ortunga is a sexy black man who I would like to rub oil onto, and I respect the maleness of Larson Degado. Yet I’m not banned so… hm.
So if you’re not black, and you fantasize about rubbing oil on a black dude, that makes you a paragon of post-racial “inclusivity?” Apparently.
Other Men’s Rights Redditors want to be post-racial by not talking about race at all, suggesting that what the OP called inclusiveness could end up splitting the Men’s Rights movement in two, or three or four:
The trouble — well, one of many troubles — with this complaint is that there … really aren’t any significant numbers of black MRAs to speak of. When the Men’s Rights subreddit conducted its own demographic survey – alas, I’ve lost the link to it – there was, I believe, literally only one black MRA who stood up to be counted.
Lurker_lenore, meanwhile, suggested that focusing on anything other than men, indivisible was just plain wrong:
But if “age, race, sexual preference, and/or gender identity” somehow don’t affect the issue of equality, why would you assume that gender would? Shouldn’t we just be fighting for People Rights? Or, if that is too-species specific, why not Primate Rights, or Animal Rights, or Carbon-Based Lifeform Rights?
The best comments in the thread – by which I mean the most transcendently loopy — all come from Tyciol, whom we’ve met already, who raised a whole bunch of issues that no one dared to. Mainly becuase these issues were stupid.
For example, this one, touching on the terrifying topic of spermburgling.
I am interested in issues where transmen’s rights overlap with cismen’s rights. I’m not entirely clear on it, TBH. They’re our bros from another chromosone and all that, but I guess a lot of the issues just don’t currently apply, like procreation-related rights, probably less of a concern, since transmen (FtMs) don’t produce semen which can be misused, stuff like that.
And this even weirder followup:
I think FtMs are awesome and stuff but well… in terms of men’s rights… is it that, or is it male rights? I would like to identify some of the struggles we’d actually have in common. I’m all for standin’ up for’m since it’s the right thing and stuff but like… if it comes up in a dispute that they’re XX, doesn’t this usually sway to get them superior female-status consideration even if they detest that?
And all of these:
Tyciol seems to have a lot of questions, and a lot of opinions, about LGBT issues. And a deep love for language – in particular, the word “bros.” Here, in a different thread, we see the two interests combined in one intriguing comment:
In other words, the attitude of the Men’s Rights subreddit towards LGBT folks seems to be summed up pretty well by this parody poster prepared by Man Boobz Art Brigade solider Myoo, originally intended as a parody of the attitudes expressed over on A Voice for Men.
You can find approximately a gazillion million more parody posters over on the always entertaining Artistry for Feminism and Kittens blog.
(Oh, and on the bit about AnnArchist possibly being a mod: He used to be one, but a few months ago the mods all got new anonymous handles, and because of that I can’t say for sure if he’s still one.)
Wait, Tyciol also refers to trans folks as “traps.” What an asshat.
And tyciol posts in r/incest, and thinks clearly “black oppression” doesn’t exist because slavery is over. Asshat to the infinite power.
Can’t tell if snarking, or dim.
Did I just read this? Is this a thing?
The ignorance. It burns.
Well, you have to admit that they’re very inclusive when it comes to dumbbros.
What the fuck did I just read?
So what you’re saying is that the MRM isn’t growing.
It’s kind of sad just how badly these guys don’t get it.
What. The. Hell.
The density puts osmium to shame.
Here’s the point.
Somewhere in the vicinity of Uranus is the MRM.
I… what… the dehumanizing slur isn’t “all too positive-sounding”? Just… what?
If it ain’t technically a slur, it sure stinks of one.
OMG the stupid! It burns! It burns!
::lapses into Gollum-like gulping and sobs::
And because it’s there, Gollum cat.
Hey man boobians, I just got a brand new fake boob. (my first) does that mean I’m trying to fool some poor male into a position where I could steal his sperm?
Whatever, it’s nice to be symmetrical again. Yay for boobs!
Congrats, Yoyo!
Of course it means you’re trying to deceive some poor man. What ELSE could it be?
Hey Yoyo, how’s the chemo going? Are you doing OK?
(I still remember that the thing my mother hated most about chemo was that she suddenly couldn’t tolerate the smell of any of the foods she actually liked.)
Mea culpa, I’m probably in league with the fearsome armies of transwomen out to double plus deceive the beleaguered straight MRAs (who defiantly fight the forces of darkness).
Ps, Thanks kitteh, it’s been a crappy year to date
My friend wore a tee shirt the other day that says yes they are fake, my real ones were trying to kill me. Although if you intend on a life of crime as a sperm burglar they are just what you needed, eh?
Put it this way Cassandra, even if rush Limbaugh walked in front of my car I wouldn’t have the energy to run him over more than once.
You’re welcome, Yoyo. Cancer does tend to make everything crappy. My BiL had throat cancer a while back, so I got a few reports on just how much chemo sucks.
Cassandra – I think my BiL said he basically lost his ability to taste a lot of foods, and it’s only gradually coming back.
With my Mum basically all strong food smells made her feel sick, which was all kinds of fun for someone whose favorite foods were all either Indian or Thai.
My sister works in a British university and the women there are comfortable enough to just walk around single ( or no) breasted. I’m not that brave, the last six months I’ve been progressively housebound. Now I’m off to buy a box cutter/ninja star etc.