antifeminism evil women imaginary backwards land oppressed men paranoia playing the victim the spearhead victim blaming

Quiz: Who’s responsible for the Newtown shootings, according to commenters on The Spearhead?


A quick one question quiz, which all regular readers of Man Boobz should be able to ace.

Question: Over on The Spearhead, commenters have been offering their opinions about the Newtown school shootings. All but one of the following quotes have been taken word for word from the Spearhead, and reflect who or what the quoted commenter blames for the shooting. Can you identify which statement is NOT from a Spearheader?

A) “Guns don’t kill, the culture kills. A culture of out of control children. A culture of child neglect and abuse brought about and driven largely by the feminist philosophy of the fulfillment of women comes before ALL else, including their children, born or unborn. It wasn’t a hard sell because women already have a dark and selfish nature.”

B) “[A] sick person who may have been turned into monster with the help of a selfish and thoughtless woman.”

C) “I wonder to what extent did the shooter’s mom and female teachers have in motivating his actions? what if the shooter is the victim? what if more and more evidence (or strong implications) of the women using their authority as mom and teachers to manipulate a mentally unstable young man keeps coming out? … Of course it’s not actually paranoia if ‘they’ really are out to get you, is it?. And ‘they’ being a feminist police state, well, they really are out to get me!”

D) “Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Actually, in many ways, feminism is Munchausen syndrome by proxy.”

E) “The problem is women running things. Even after all the massacres, the dearies continue to insist the solution is to disarm all the law abiding citizens.”

F) “A Feminized Culture.”

G) “Lifelong sworn conspirators, murder incorporated, organized feminism, the police and judges, the deadly sneak parroting puppet gangsters, using all the gangster deadly Frankenstein-feminist controls—these hand and rope sneak deadly feminazi-gangsters, the judges and the police, trick, trap, rob, wreck, butcher and murder the people to keep them terrorized in in gangster Frankenstein earphone radio slavery from the Communist-feminazi-gangster government and con artists parroting puppet gangster feminist scum.”

BONUS QUESTION: Did anyone on The Spearhead blame the actual killer? Y/N




ANSWER: A through F are all from The Spearhead. G is the ringer, from a rant by famous paranoid ranter Francis E. Dec, Esq, with the words “feminism” and “feminazi” worked into it here and there to make it sound a little more Spearheadish.

Sources: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

BONUS ANSWER: Surprisingly, yes. This guy.

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12 years ago

“OUR LOINS.” That seems appropriate.

BTW, I didn’t think this Onion parody of a Ted Talk was particularly funny, but lots of commenters thought it was for real:

12 years ago

Well Kitteh, I’m good because we all know zombies don’t come this far north.

12 years ago

i has returned as zombie kitteh

Like this? o_O

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

(not really, I’ve just got a shedload of work in).

Hey, if anyone wants to know about life on the other side, read mah blog …

12 years ago

Nice plug, and thanks for reminding me to finish reading your blog 🙂

12 years ago

Kitteh, can I interest you in some grains instead? I have some quinoa left over from dinner. It’s like lots of little tiny vegetarian brains. Trust me.

Also, obligatory Onion link.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That zombie kitteh has THE CUTENESS!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What do zombie plumbers say?



12 years ago

When TinyFantastic was about six she was obsessed with zombies, and once asked me what would happen if zombies came out from Skipton castle (about 30 miles from her house), so I said not to worry, they were too far away to hurt her – to which she responded “but what if they came on TRAAAAIIINS… TRAAAAIIINS”.

Damn kid is way funnier than me.

And on that note I shall bid you all good night, see you on the other side of Christmas!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Fantastic family! 🙂

12 years ago

Um freitag, you might want to light a fire under a certain bow tied butt then. Hed better think up something good for Zombie Kitteh!

12 years ago

Just before I go, here’s a hilarious blogpost from a libertarian attempting to defend Ebernezer Scrooge.

No, really.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

*sniff* wouldn’t have happened with the tenth Doctor …

12 years ago

Tomorrow shall be my baking day for Christmas!!!

I make the bestest brownies and toffes shaped like little gingerbread peoples.

If you here teeny little screams…its just my daughter breaking the legs off of gingerbread men so they can’t run away and me chomping the heads off of teeny toffee people.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pillowinhell, is your daughter a fan of Lord Farquaad, by any chance?

12 years ago

Now now Kitteh, I’m sure he’ll be along shortly. Probably just tied up with a few wood doors or something.

Normally my daughter is kind and sympathetic. Yes, I know I’ve failed as a feminist mother. However, she dun me proud when her solution to quick footed gingerbread MEN was to break their legs.

And she was only two!!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

My oath. I started reading that Scrooge article. Couldn’t finish it, I was too angry. Not only for the disgusting attitude but for the ignorance.

12 years ago

Jeebus fucking Christ on a pogo stick, nat, that is unreal. It’s so bizarre to see a brain turned so myopically inward like that.

Also, the douchecanoe in question should try being poor and living on “handouts” and see just how cushy he finds it.

I did truly laugh at the end, though, being offered the chance to subscribe to the blog.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

pillowinhell – all I can say is, if I was a Time Lord and my latest regeneration missed out on having eyebrows, I’d be complaining to the management. 😛

12 years ago

We have been hearing that “in support of Scrooge” argument quite a bit since the banksters blew up the economy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Seems the concept of a living wage really offends them.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

However, she dun me proud when her solution to quick footed gingerbread MEN was to break their legs.

And she was only two!!

Miss Gingerandry is going to be quite the fymynazy one day!

12 years ago


Henceforth my daughter shall be refered to as Miss Gingerandry!!

God that would be an awesome screen name!

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