antifeminism evil women imaginary backwards land oppressed men paranoia playing the victim the spearhead victim blaming

Quiz: Who’s responsible for the Newtown shootings, according to commenters on The Spearhead?


A quick one question quiz, which all regular readers of Man Boobz should be able to ace.

Question: Over on The Spearhead, commenters have been offering their opinions about the Newtown school shootings. All but one of the following quotes have been taken word for word from the Spearhead, and reflect who or what the quoted commenter blames for the shooting. Can you identify which statement is NOT from a Spearheader?

A) “Guns don’t kill, the culture kills. A culture of out of control children. A culture of child neglect and abuse brought about and driven largely by the feminist philosophy of the fulfillment of women comes before ALL else, including their children, born or unborn. It wasn’t a hard sell because women already have a dark and selfish nature.”

B) “[A] sick person who may have been turned into monster with the help of a selfish and thoughtless woman.”

C) “I wonder to what extent did the shooter’s mom and female teachers have in motivating his actions? what if the shooter is the victim? what if more and more evidence (or strong implications) of the women using their authority as mom and teachers to manipulate a mentally unstable young man keeps coming out? … Of course it’s not actually paranoia if ‘they’ really are out to get you, is it?. And ‘they’ being a feminist police state, well, they really are out to get me!”

D) “Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Actually, in many ways, feminism is Munchausen syndrome by proxy.”

E) “The problem is women running things. Even after all the massacres, the dearies continue to insist the solution is to disarm all the law abiding citizens.”

F) “A Feminized Culture.”

G) “Lifelong sworn conspirators, murder incorporated, organized feminism, the police and judges, the deadly sneak parroting puppet gangsters, using all the gangster deadly Frankenstein-feminist controls—these hand and rope sneak deadly feminazi-gangsters, the judges and the police, trick, trap, rob, wreck, butcher and murder the people to keep them terrorized in in gangster Frankenstein earphone radio slavery from the Communist-feminazi-gangster government and con artists parroting puppet gangster feminist scum.”

BONUS QUESTION: Did anyone on The Spearhead blame the actual killer? Y/N




ANSWER: A through F are all from The Spearhead. G is the ringer, from a rant by famous paranoid ranter Francis E. Dec, Esq, with the words “feminism” and “feminazi” worked into it here and there to make it sound a little more Spearheadish.

Sources: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

BONUS ANSWER: Surprisingly, yes. This guy.

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12 years ago

@Argenti: I find it helps to sit back and let the Doctor’s blarney slide past. Just be calm and let it flow over you like the gentle ocean waves.

@Cloudiah: … you don’t get on certain parts of Tumblr very much, do you? There are parts of the Whovian Tumblr that I don’t recommend because of all the drama.

12 years ago

Blink is great but scary. You could go oldschool and start with “Rose”, the first ep of the new series. Doctor #9. Or “The Christmas Invasion” with Doctor 10, and a Christmas special on top of it! Go with that one.

12 years ago

Which is to say, Doctor Who-ligans certainly exist.

12 years ago
12 years ago

‘Also, I’ve lost track of the many cuts and burns I’ve gotten from cooking, so this notion that cooking is for fragile people that recoil at the mere thought of pain really baffles me’

This is relevant, since I just burned my hand on a pan. Ow. My delicate lady-hand is burned.

Oh, and yeah, it baffles me that men are apparently both vastly superior and completely under the control of women, but I know that’s been covered over and over again before.

12 years ago

I like the idea of Doctor Who fans running amok. I also like how there are at least 3 separate conversations going on here, only one of which is related to the OP. (I mean that, I am not being sarcastic.)

12 years ago

You could go really old-school and start with “An Unearthly Child,” although I’d like to say that the show’s dynamics all the way back in 1963 were somewhat different than they are now.

12 years ago

I have yet to scald myself with popping oil, although I have turned around time or two and found the oil far hotter than I had anticipated.

12 years ago

Mummy? I want my mummy!

There was a show to make my hair stand on end.

And I could totally understand the doctors wrath on dinosaurs on a spaceship. I’d have felt the same way. It was a cowardly and sadistic thing to do.

12 years ago

There was a show to make my hair stand on end.

And one written by a guy so many folks love to hate on now that he’s show-runner.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Cassandra: I’ve tried the first, it’s good. I haven’t had the Melikalikimocha, but cute name. Royal coffees are good.

12 years ago

I once got splashed by cooking oil, and had a bracelet of blisters across my wrist. Looking back, I probably should have gone to the ER for that one because the pain was excruciating. You can’t even see the scar(s) now, those aqua bandages are the shit.

12 years ago

Funny how “those bandages are shit” and “those bandages are the shit” have completely different meanings, all down to a single definite article in the right place, huh?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Utterly OT, but I’m watching the second Jurassic Park and have this to say to the MRM — real men risk being eaten by T-Rex parents to set a broken leg on a baby T-Rex (I was kinda hating Mr “give me the Pulitzer now” until right now)

In cooking oil stories — my best friend and I where making something or other, and I don’t remember how it happened, but suddenly the frying pan of sizzling oil was headed for the floor — he tried to catch it, I managed to yell “your feet!” just in time for him to jump back. Couldn’t resist pointing out how stupid it was to attempt to catch a falling pan of hot oil (yes yes, my frying pan dented, but seriously, who cares?)

12 years ago

Falconer: yes, English is fun!

You guys, I am so proud of my once Republican, NRA member, ex-Marine father. He not only got rid of his NRA membership 3 years ago because he couldn’t stand their rhetoric any longer, but yesterday he wrote an email to the President telling him not to get bogged down by the NRA’s bullshit semantics (I’m paraphrasing), and to not back down and do something about this issue.

If you’d told me 20 years ago he’d be doing any of the above, I’d have laughed you out of the room.

12 years ago

The worst burn I ever got cooking was from tomato sauce splattering on my hands. That stuff is like lava when it’s really bubbling.

Hellkell, which is better, the Royal Coffee or the Lion? I’m going to get one of the 10% Kona blends.

12 years ago

I still have a scar from a hot cheese burn that I got like four years ago when I was working at Starbucks. Those tornado ovens get cheese REALLY hot, let me tell you.

12 years ago

Well, “The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who” is on BBC America right now. I like most of the doctors and most of the companions, except I always found Rose’s puppy love for the doctor kind of corny. Don’t know why.

Cooking injuries? Got ’em, like most of you. Mostly knife accidents that leave behind tiny scars on the tips of my fingers.

It’s snowing here, and the wind is howling like a banshee. My cat is nestled on top of the cable box where it’s very warm. Hmm, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” is also on…I may have to switch over…

12 years ago

My only kitchen mishap was when our coffee plunger exploded and sprayed my feet and Mum’s arm with boiling water. I came off much better, the water had cooled just enough as it fell that it didnt do too much damage, but Mum was badly scalded. It was Christmas eve, and so we had Christmas in the burns ward…

12 years ago

Cooking mishaps? I’m in Texas. We have a lovely confection here made from brown sugar, butter, heavy whipping cream and pecans, and while the sugar and cream are cooking, it has the consistency of napalm. It sticks while it burns.

Pralines. You take your life in your hands.

And it is worth it. Om nom nom.

12 years ago

Well, “The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who” is on BBC America right now.

I imagine they’ll have to talk as fast as the Doctor to try and explain everything.

I learned long ago that Doctor Who does not have a canon. It’s impossible to reconcile every serial with every other serial. So at this point I’m used to episodes contradicting each other.

I second the tomato sauce experience. I manage to burn my mouth on DiGiorno’s every. time.

12 years ago

Mmmmmm, pralines. I did not know of them before moving to TX.

Cassandra: I like the Lion better.

12 years ago

I salute your father. Personally, I’d be happy if I could get the people around me to stop saying Obama’s a socialist. Baby steps, you know.

12 years ago

I was at a family BBQ this summer when my MIL asked for volunteers to cut the watermelon. I said yes, and she said “I found this brand new ginsu knife in my closet last week. You can use that!” Remember those? I have never, ever cut myself badly while prepping food until the As Seen on TV Knife From Hell. It managed to be very dull and very sharp at the same time – on the third slice, it slipped and took a wedge-shaped chunk out of my thumb. I grabbed a paper towel to wrap my thumb in and Mr. Dammit cut the rest of the watermelon, which I miraculously managed not to bleed on (I don’t think I bled on it. I ate that piece, just in case.). I spent the rest of the evening pretending like it wasn’t that bad by sneaking fresh paper towels into the bathroom with me and flushing the bloody ones away. I even went to the emergency room that night but the line was too long and I left (we couldn’t find any urgent care clinics that were open). We just wrapped it up in lots of gauze and tape and I slept with my hand propped up in the air. My thumb bled for two days.

Here’s a ginsu knife commercial.