antifeminism evil women imaginary backwards land oppressed men paranoia playing the victim the spearhead victim blaming

Quiz: Who’s responsible for the Newtown shootings, according to commenters on The Spearhead?


A quick one question quiz, which all regular readers of Man Boobz should be able to ace.

Question: Over on The Spearhead, commenters have been offering their opinions about the Newtown school shootings. All but one of the following quotes have been taken word for word from the Spearhead, and reflect who or what the quoted commenter blames for the shooting. Can you identify which statement is NOT from a Spearheader?

A) “Guns don’t kill, the culture kills. A culture of out of control children. A culture of child neglect and abuse brought about and driven largely by the feminist philosophy of the fulfillment of women comes before ALL else, including their children, born or unborn. It wasn’t a hard sell because women already have a dark and selfish nature.”

B) “[A] sick person who may have been turned into monster with the help of a selfish and thoughtless woman.”

C) “I wonder to what extent did the shooter’s mom and female teachers have in motivating his actions? what if the shooter is the victim? what if more and more evidence (or strong implications) of the women using their authority as mom and teachers to manipulate a mentally unstable young man keeps coming out? … Of course it’s not actually paranoia if ‘they’ really are out to get you, is it?. And ‘they’ being a feminist police state, well, they really are out to get me!”

D) “Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Actually, in many ways, feminism is Munchausen syndrome by proxy.”

E) “The problem is women running things. Even after all the massacres, the dearies continue to insist the solution is to disarm all the law abiding citizens.”

F) “A Feminized Culture.”

G) “Lifelong sworn conspirators, murder incorporated, organized feminism, the police and judges, the deadly sneak parroting puppet gangsters, using all the gangster deadly Frankenstein-feminist controls—these hand and rope sneak deadly feminazi-gangsters, the judges and the police, trick, trap, rob, wreck, butcher and murder the people to keep them terrorized in in gangster Frankenstein earphone radio slavery from the Communist-feminazi-gangster government and con artists parroting puppet gangster feminist scum.”

BONUS QUESTION: Did anyone on The Spearhead blame the actual killer? Y/N




ANSWER: A through F are all from The Spearhead. G is the ringer, from a rant by famous paranoid ranter Francis E. Dec, Esq, with the words “feminism” and “feminazi” worked into it here and there to make it sound a little more Spearheadish.

Sources: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

BONUS ANSWER: Surprisingly, yes. This guy.

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12 years ago

Sorry about nitpicking, but I think you mean “A through F” are from Spearhead. It says “E through F” right now.

Some Gal Not Bored At All
Some Gal Not Bored At All
12 years ago

I guess I failed the quiz. They all seemed so plausibly Spearheady to me that I thought it might be a trick question. Well done with the ringer!

The Spearheaders should be ashamed.

12 years ago

Aaaaand I refresh and it says A through E. Never mind.

12 years ago

This all comes down to the same kind of whine: Men deserve some kind of life outside the house and home, and women clearly do not.

12 years ago

What about this one?

“Before modern medicine, invented mostly by men btw, children used to die before they reached maturity constantly. How pampered and detached from the harshness of the recent past we’ve become. How many men died in wars and coal mines and no one blinked an eye? Suicide? How about traffic accident fatalities? Even 911 was overblown in significance. In the U.S. alone, over 34,000 people die by suicide every year, 4 to 1 male. How about we talk about that endlessly on the news cycle. A child is precious. But we cannot put them all in a bubble. Life cannot be without risks if freedom is to be maintained. And whats worse; a young boy horrifically murdered by a gun, or a young boy who has his spirit slowly crushed by a system that wants to pathologize his masculinity, strip him of self determination, and psychologically torture him through a media and marriage industrial complex that uses his natural imperatives to enslave him to a life of misery, drudgery and inadequacy. ”

He wants us all to pity him more than a child that was gunned down simply because he has a white penis in America and he’s not being worshiped for it. That is the worse thing that has ever happened to anyone in the entirety of civilization.

12 years ago


Sounds like he really wants to go his own way, but his sex drive is JUST. TOO. STRONG.

Some Gal Not Bored At All
Some Gal Not Bored At All
12 years ago

I’m in moderation. What did I say that I shouldn’t have?

12 years ago

Did you mention any trolls by name, or any libertarian senators or congressmen whose last names can also be first names?

I don’t think “vile” is in the filter anymore.

12 years ago

I really liked this one

‘Do women care how it affects their children when they throw their father out so they can get some other man who will “ring her chimes”’

Basically, if his mother hadn’t been such a big old slut and kicked his father out three years ago, so she could have all the sex, this poor little 20 YEAR OLD would not have developed into the poor mass murdering ickle button that he is. Cos you know, 17-20 are the formative years.

/sarcasm, lots of sarcasm/

12 years ago

Jesus H. Christ. Just when you think it can’t get worse, there’s always the Spearhead.

“The problem is women running things. Even after all the massacres, the dearies continue to insist the solution is to disarm all the law abiding citizens.”

I had no idea I was the HBIC, but let me break it down for this asshole: no law-abiding citizen needs an assault rifle or semi-automatic anything. You want home protection? Get a shotgun. The ONLY purpose an AR-15 has is death.

12 years ago

I fail to understand how gender keeps getting brought into this. I saw a woman on Facebook the other day who blamed the whole thing on misogyny (Im assuming because the number of girls killed was slightly higher than boys), how anyone could chalk this up to woman hating or feminized culture is beyond me. If you kill children, you are EVIL, man OR woman!

12 years ago

Yep the spear point boys seem to totally gloss over the fact that the brave teachers and other staff were almost all female and gave their lives to save MALE and female children.

12 years ago

Sorry make that phallic head boys.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Boy, us women are quite the nefarious creatures, aren’t we? The way we use mind control to force those poor defenseless men to shoot us first and then attack schools full of mostly other women and children? Simply ingenious. You’d think someone with those kinds of powers would use them in such a way that didn’t end with us dying, but no, we’re too dastardly and complex for that.

/tinfoil hattery

12 years ago

Israel is behind Sandy Hook, Anders Breivik, Gabby Giffords, and the Aurora shooting? What?

12 years ago

Damn it, Israel! Is there no paranoid conspiracy you won’t stoop to being accused of?

12 years ago

We should make up a quiz show for the MRM, and call it “Women or Israel?”

12 years ago

But what if it was ISRAELI WOMEN?


12 years ago

Oh sorry if the context was unclear. The Spearhead commenter thought the PressTV story was insane and thus linked it. I didn’t browse further though, so I dunno if there was disagreement or not about the allegations that Israel has conducted the recent “lone gunman” incidents. I wouldn’t be surprised though if the neonazi wing of MRM supports the idea!

12 years ago

12 years ago

OT, but the forum on MensRightsOnline is now registration-only viewing. Apparently they don’t think their opinions are suitable for public viewing anymore. Sheesh, just because they think gays should be strung up on fenceposts or whatever, people will make fun of them?

Hypersensitive much, fellahs?

12 years ago

Because an Israeli black-ops death squad looks quite similar to a lone gunman, of course.

12 years ago

So, just for the horror of it, I sometimes google news stories and add the words “false flag.” You’ll be glad to know that Sandy Hook, and all of the other recent mass shootings, were in fact false flag operations designed to get the USian sheeple to let the guvmint take their guns away.

Seriously, do not google it.

12 years ago

Seriously, do not google it.

Yes! Yes! To Cloudiah, you listen!

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