a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism douchebaggery hate homophobia hypocrisy irony alert manginas melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam reactionary bullshit the c-word transphobia

Homophobic A-Throws Other Homophobic A-hole Out of Men’s Rights Mhole ovement for Homophobic A-holery

Another big fight in the manosphere!
Another big fight in the manosphere!

I don’t want to make this blog the A Voice for Men Show, but that little hangout of angry dudes has really been outdoing itself in recent days. Take site founder and chief egomaniac Paul Elam’s post the other day reading the riot act to another Men’s Rights activist for being a homophobic asshole.

Specifically, an Australian bloke named Chris Key, whom Elam describes as “a true misogynist, homophobe and all around asshole who claims to be an MRA.”

Regular readers of this blog may recall Key from a visit he paid to the comments section here recently, lambasting “feminazi dykes and cunts — as well as the mangina losers who were sniffing around for a sympathy fuck” for, among other things, for using “foul, aggressive language.” Yes, there is a teensy bit of irony there.

[Let me just put a trigger warning here for the violently homophobic language in the next couple of quotes from Key.]

Key is indeed a pretty foul excuse for a human being. On his site, Men’s Rights Online, his avatar is an animated gif of a boot, captioned “these boots were made for kicking feminists in the cunt.” In addition to kicking virtual feminists he devotes much of his attention to attacking “fags” and “dykes.” In one recent thread in the subforum devoted to “The Militant Fag/Dyke Agenda,” he offered this bit of wisdom:

I think the death penalty should be assigned to all persons who practice faggotry and dykism. The people who practice that lifestyle are destroying society.

The law system might have decriminalised faggotry, but nature hasn’t. HIV is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate faggotry

In another comment he went even further. You might ask: how is it possible to go further than that? Here’s how. Responding to another commenter who had suggested that “fags are better off nailed to a fence post,” Key added:

Only problem with nailing fags to a fence post is it might allow one of their contagious diseases to infect a normal Human. The best thing the government can do is kill them and burn their carcasses. Society needs to be protected from these monsters.

Shortly after his visit to Man Boobz, Key stopped in to visit with his comrades over in the comments section of AVFM, where he aroused Elam’s ire by calling one of AVFM’s female followers a “fag enabler.”

And so Elam, who seems to think he’s the Emperor of MRALand, has declared him persona non grata in the Men’s Rights movement.

But that’s a good thing, right? I mean, Key is such a noxious shit he should probably be thrown out of any movement he’s a part of, right? (Except perhaps organizations promoting gay-bashing and “cunt-kicking” in Eastern Australia.) Haven’t I been arguing since, like, forever that Men’s Rightsers who need to get rid of the real haters?

Well, yes. It’s just that there is a eensy weensy teensy tiny bit of hypocrisy in Elam’s moralizing. Because A Voice for Men, in addition to being a misogynist cesspool, is itself overflowing with homophobia and transphobia, much of it coming from Elam himself. Elam’s description of Key as “a true misogynist, homophobe and all around asshole” is a perfect description of himself as well.

Consider: The site’s slur of choice for men who aren’t raging misogynists is, you may recall, “mangina,” an insult that pulls off a veritable trifecta of bigotry, being homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic all at once. It’s telling that Elam et al can’t really think of a worse insult than to suggest that men they don’t like are effeminate not-quite-men with feminized genitalia. (Elam says he’s been trying to move away from this term, which I guess he thinks is too obvious in its bigotry, but you’d hardly know it from looking at the number of articles featuring the slur on his site.)

As for homophobia, you may recall the bizarre “humorous” post in which he imagined me and a rather outspoken YouTube critic of MRAs having sex:

I am not in the least bit homophobic, but if Hannibal Barca ever takes refuge in the loving arms of David Futrelle, I might have to reconsider. I will spare you any attempts to construct a visual. I’m heartless at times, but not sadistic. …

[I]f Barca and Futrelle took their shirts off and kissed, would it be lesbian porn? Sorry, I should have issued a trigger warning.

Yeah, that’s not in the least bit homophobic.

But Elam’s homophobia towards gay men (or straight men he wants to insult by calling them gay and/or lesbian) seems to be somewhat tempered, as homophobia goes, largely because gay men are, in fact, men. Indeed, while Elam’s ideas about gay men and gay activism are all kinds of fucked up, the main reason for this seems to be his intense misogyny rather than a hatred of gay male sexuality. Several gay men write for the site.

AVFM is a bit less friendly towards lesbians – who are, as you know, not only gay but women.

For months, AVFM featured a lesbian-bashing video by far-right YouTube jackass Bernard Chapin in its sidebar, with this description, presumably written by Elam:

Bernard’s on a roll here with this one. And you will be rolling to [sic] as he delivers another thorough fisking, Inferno style.

Fun fact: Chapin’s favorite term for lesbians is “lesbobo,” with one more “bo” than the standard slur “lesbo.”

Elam is now involved in some sort of feud with Chapin, and the video is down. Elam apparently loved Chapin’s anti-“lesbobo” videos, but didn’t like him criticizing AVFM, or imitating him in one of his trademark unfunny funny voices.

And then of course was this little bit of “humor” from regular commenter Andybob, which Elam decided was so brilliant it needed to be immortalized in a post:

Lesbians barged into gay men’s spaces in droves jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone. Predictably, they proceeded to boss everyone around, making the gay rights movement about them. Note that homosexuality was a criminal offence for MEN ONLY. Lesbianism was never against the law. They had jackshit to whinge about, but they made gay rights about them anyway, and used it as a propaganda vehicle to support feminism.

Notice that GLTT became LGTT? How’s that for petty entitlement? Gay men should have fought back, but, to our everlasting shame, we didn’t. The only gay men who remained in GLTT were slimy political types seeking personal aggrandizement, zeta poodle carriers and moronic party boys who don’t give a shit about anything except the pattern on the umbrella in their drinks. Of course, the MSM focus entirely on this noisy, spangled disco version of real gay men like me: men who know exactly how greedy, relentless and downright shady those lezziefems are and don’t trust them one iota.

Yep, that’s right, Andybob is a gay man who hates lesbians and, it seems, most other gay men.

If you search through the AVFM archives, you will find lesbians appearing in its posts largely as negative examples – allies of evil feminists, perpetrators of domestic violence, destroyers of the family. In some cases, as in this post from YouTube MRA Barbarossaaaa, lesbian-bashing is basically the cherry on top of the misogyny pie:

Sure, not all women are fat lesbian man haters that pen scum manifestos on their free time. However, how many women have trapped men via child support and alimony; a form of legalized slavery?

But in other case lesbians are a main course. Take this, from a contributor known only as Dusty:

Feminists are on a campaign against heterosexuality, because they see it as the core value of the patriarchy.  Not only do they constantly attack heterosexuality in the media and the classroom, but they constantly exalt homosexuality- particularly lesbianism.  Most feminists are lesbians, so by pushing lesbianism onto heterosexual women, feminists simultaneously discourage marriage and open more avenues for female companionship.  They praise male homosexuality, because they see it as a subversion of patriarchal, white, heterosexual, male values (whatever those are).  Homosexuals are seen as a safe alternative to threatening, violent, predatory, heterosexual men, and are thus “honorary women.”  Here, feminists prey on the occasional alienation that gay men feel at the hands of heterosexual men who have been raised to think that homosexuality is immoral or even pathological.  However, this support is only in theory, and feminist love is entirely conditional.  If a homosexual chooses to live his life as a proud man rather than a feminist lapdog, feminists have no use for him and quietly reject him.

Well, that’s a clusterfuck of terrible right there.

As bad as all this is, it really doesn’t hold a candle to Elam’s virulent transphobia, most evident in his bizarre attack against sociologist and Men’s Studies scholar Raewyn Connell, a trans woman. In a long and bizarre rant posted on Men’s News Daily, which he used to edit, Elam attacked Connell for having “the masculinity cut from his body like a malignant tumor.”

Demonstrating both hatred and ignorance, Elam suggested that Connell’s very existence as a trans woman

calls on us at the very least to question the objectivity of her work, as well as the motivations behind it.

Is it possible that an individual so hated the sex they were born with that it sparked a life long academic quest to deconstruct it into something that did not disgust them? Is it possible that the fruits of those efforts were easily embraced by others who may have had issues of their own with traditional masculinity? Not intellectual issues, but intrapersonal ones. …

One thing is certain. Raewyn Connell’s view of masculinity is not a product of scholarly pursuit, but of mental illness; a pathological hatred of a particular sex, in this case male. And when that is true of the preeminent authority in a field of study with such far reaching sociological ramifications, then it is time to make a change.

Let us hope that the idea of male studies cannot be cut off as easily as an unwanted penis.

So, yeah.  If Elam really wants to free the good ship Men’s Rights Movement of bigotry, he should probably throw himself and his fellow AVFM sailors overboard immediately.

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12 years ago

I don’t think Deezer is a troll. I vote extreme sarcasm. We need a font.

Plus, “rock out with your cock out, Elam” made me LOL.

12 years ago

Also thinking deezers is not a troll. But deezers IS the worst feminist ever. Not even ONE false rape accusation? Harumph. XD

12 years ago

David, if you’d like to get away from The voice for Assholes here’s a lovely article:

Yeah, I think the original article needs much mocking. Who knew men were bullet proof?

12 years ago

Sweetdreams: I think deezer is making fun of AVfM.

As to the picture, it looks as if Dempsey is trying to keep the ref from hitting him; not actually fighting with him.

12 years ago

@pillowinhell, I was just about to post that story. Money quote:

But in general, a feminized setting is a setting in which helpless passivity is the norm. Male aggression can be a good thing, as in protecting the weak — but it has been forced out of the culture of elementary schools and the education schools that train their personnel. Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza.

Women: it is ALWAYS our fault.

12 years ago

Ninja Burger?LOL!

Okay, Santa I want this RPG.

12 years ago

I want to know at what age approximately little boys become bullet proof. I also want to know how a twelve year old is going to take down a full grown male, assuming the kid isn’t into some heavy duty martial arts training.

What kind of sick asshole expects a twelve yo to have the presence of mind and altruism and etraordinary courage to tackle an adult on a killing spree? I’m sure the situation is something that makes even cops and combat military personnel think twice, and I’m pretty sure that both groups are trained to avoid getting themselves shot at unless they can find a way to take advantage that minimizes the risks.

I’m waiting for the “let’s give the girls concealed carry then they can defend themselves”.

12 years ago

Cloudiah, that quote is worthy of some posters, in my opinion.

It makes me sick how quickly the outright heroism of the women is being ignored.

12 years ago

Nothing sums up how delusional some of these guys are about the magical power of masculinity than the belief that a few “husky” 12 year old boys would be able to halt a killing spree. Maybe if they made the killer laugh hard enough?

12 years ago

Malaria is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate non-Africans.

Heart disease is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate the elderly.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate office workers or frequent flyers.

Athlete’s foot is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate athletes.

Stubbed toes are a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate the clumsy.

Prostate cancer is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate cis men.

Melanoma is a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate European-Australians.

Square eyes are a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate excessive watching of televison.

Hairy palms are a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate excessive masturbation.

White hair and curly teeth are a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate the eating of crusts of sandwiches offered by wacky uncles.

12 years ago

There didn’t even seem to be a male janitor [at the school] to heave his bucket at Adam Lanza’s knees.

I mean, WTF? (a) Is it really fair to expect the worst-compensated employee at the school to take the greatest risk*, and (b) the idea that a male or female janitor would try to take out an armed person with a bucket is… Well, pecunium could probably suggest some advanced takedown methods using only common janitorial equipment, possibly even involving a tossed bucket. I’m not sure that is the best scenario though.

*And really, that one is about class disposability, much more than male disposability. The poor have always been expected to sacrifice themselves for “their betters” — in wars, in the most dangerous industrial jobs, etc.

12 years ago

Seriously, pecunium, if you’re around — can you offer a primer on how a bunch of unarmed but courageous teachers/school admins/male or female janitors/children (husky or not) could take down and disarm a shooter in an elementary school? I just want a professional’s assessment of Charlotte Allen’s scenario.

12 years ago

OMG major sarcasm fail 🙁

Aside from anything else I said, there is no reality, no alternate reality, no parallel universe, no ‘grey area and I was drunk’ where i would seriously encourage Paul Elam to display his genitals. Ever.

Not a troll, I promise!

12 years ago


1. Assist others in making a clean break.

2. Varnish into the shadows

3. When the shooter least expects it, grab them and wax that chump like a candle.

Any janitor given this guide should be able to mop the floor with any armed attacker easily! Ideally they’d be able to do that without either, though.

12 years ago

Funny. To me the Samson moral was always “Don’t think with your dick”

I’ve been told it’s more like “Don’t trust foreigners. Stay home and marry a nice Jewish girl.”

12 years ago

OMG major sarcasm fail

I laughed anyway.

This is for everyone who didn’t catch the sarcasm. (I iz full of veggie fish and baked potatoes and feeling mean.)

12 years ago

lowquacks, you made me LOL twice on this thread. First with this:

Stubbed toes are a stark reminder that nature does not tolerate the clumsy.

And then with your janitorial puns.

12 years ago

@Deezers: Oh my god I’m so sorry! It think that was a testament to how low my expectations are of the MRM’s ability to troll adequately! Jesus, I need to get hit with the cluebat. :/

@longshan gui:Lolz, sorry! I seem to be made of comprehension fail this morning. Anyhow, he was a counselor? That’d *keep* me on the drink, if anything.

Person in need of counsel: So, this is why I feel I can’t stop drinking.

Paul Elam: Well, you see, your wife is probably to blame.

Person: What?

Paul Elam: *She* is part of the feminist government conspiracy(tm) to keep men down! She controls you through your need for teh secks! I bet she secretly drip-feeds you alcohol at night to keep you addicted! All part of the vile misandrist agenda to oppress men! They can all read your minds! Drink your tears! She’ll use your children as leverage in divorce post proceedings, claim you raped her and turn your daughters into man-hating lesbiaaaans!111!1 *starts frothing at the mouth, gibbering about a “precious”*

Person:… *leaves*

longshan gui
longshan gui
12 years ago

Yep, Catbeast, he is on wife number 4. They start to blur.

12 years ago

@longshan gui: I wonder if he keeps them in binders… XP

12 years ago
12 years ago

I am not in the least bit homophobic, but if Hannibal Barca ever takes refuge in the loving arms of David Futrelle, I might have to reconsider.

Hi David. I wanted to let you know that I personally know Hannibal Barca and if you want, I can put you in touch with him. He’s mostly on Youtube but “Hannibal Barca” is an old channel name of his. He’s had to make several channels because idiots frequently troll and flag him (Anarcho-capitalists, MRAs, anti-statists, race-realists, etc.). Anyway, he and I and a few others usually have a weekly bull session on Skype.

I’ll check back in a day or so. Thanks! 🙂

12 years ago

Wait, Elam has been married four times? How do we know this? That’s certainly interesting. I wonder what his three ex-wives could tell us about him…