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Register-Her was a Fake “Offenders Registry” Run By Misogynists, Designed to Vilify and Intimidate Women

Register-Her has accused Katherine Heigl of being a man-hating bigot who "endorses male targeted sexual mutilation."
Register-Her accused Katherine Heigl of being a man-hating bigot who “endorse[s] male targeted sexual mutilation” because she appeared in a Funny or Die video.
Register-Her was a bogus “offenders registry” put online by A Voice for Men, a notoriously misogynistic and hateful site that often targets individual women for harassment. Ostensibly a registry of female criminals, Register-Her was clearly intended to harm the reputation of feminist writers and activists whose only “crime” has been to offend those behind the site. These women were profiled as “bigots” alongside convicted murderers and child molesters.

NOTE: As of April 4, 2014, the original site and its individual profiles have been taken down; a new site with an apparently similar purpose  is evidently being built to replace it, but it’s not yet functional. You can see an archived version of the site’s main page, and its list of “bigots” using the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, though you’ll need to manually edit the URLs of the “bigots” listed to see the archived profiles. (Replace each %20 in the URLs with an _ .)

Some of the women profiled on the site as “bigots” included:

Actress Katherine Heigl, who was put on the site after making a humorous public service announcement for the site Funny or Die promoting the spaying and neutering of pets. Register-Her charges her with “endors[ing] male targeted sexual mutilation.”

Feminist blogger Jessica Valenti, the author, most recently, of “Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness,” who was put on the site for several newspaper columns that the site misrepresents in an attempt to show that she is guilty of “an ongoing pattern of anti-male bigotry and advocacy for the eradication of constitutional rights based primarily on sex.” A Voice for Men has also labeled Valenti a “child abuser” for supporting feminist causes, and on one occasion posted candid photos it claimed were of her in an attempt to cause her embarrassment. If you look at the archived version of the site’s main page, you will see a picture of Valenti alongside photos of convicted rapists and murderers, all underneath the headline “Why Aren’t These Women In Prison?” Valenti has not, of course, committed any crimes.

A number of young women who attended a protest against Men’s Rights icon Warren Farrell at the University of Toronto. Register-Her used Twitter Tweets from some of the women, clearly intended as jokes, as evidence of genocidal intentions towards men. In an article on A Voice for Men, an anonymous writer even attacked one of these women for Tweeting a picture of a poster which declared “it is important to have someone’s consent before sexual activity.”

Site founder Paul Elam and other writers on A Voice for Men make no bones about their desire to ruin the lives of their foes. Indeed, the site’s much-referenced slogan is “Fuck Their Shit Up.”

In one post, Elam warned one critic of Register-Her that:

I find you, as a feminist, to be a loathsome, vile piece of human garbage.  I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection. …

[Y]ou  fucking moron.  Your only real hope is to keep your mouth shut and pretend AVfM and does not exist for as long as you can. Because, as you can see right now, anything you say or do will be thrown back in your face like holy water on a vampire.

We are coming for you, and we are coming for all the liars out there that have been ruining people’s lives with impunity. …

You are SO fucked.

Register-Her was clearly a major part of Elam’s program to “Fuck Their Shit Up.” The “registry” was heavily promoted on A Voice for Men, which linked to a number of “featured offenders” in its sidebar – all of them so-called “bigots,” none of them the criminals that Register-Her claims to really be about. A banner ad for Register-Her depicts a bloody knife. The tagline: “TRUTH is the real bitch.”

Elam’s idea of  exposing the “truth” seems to involve publishing photographs and the personal information of his targets, whether these are alleged “false accusers” or simply feminists who have offended him. On the A Voice for Men internet radio show, Elam promised that:

If Mary Jane Rottencrotch out there wants to say that her husband beat her just for the sake of gaining leverage in a divorce he will now have a resource where he can come and post your name, your picture, your work telephone number, your address, perhaps even your route you take to get to work, if you bother to have a job.

While Elam has yet to make good on the threat of posting information on women’s routes to work, posts on A Voice for Men promoting the profiles of so-called “bigots” are filled with threatening language and vague intimations that further information will be revealed. In a post announcing the site’s campaign against the University of Toronto protestors, Elam wrote this about one of his targets:

We have her image and know her general location. We will identify her and profile her activity and name for public view.

We will not stop there, or just with her. And while we will not publish our complete intent, we are dogged in our efforts. …

We have no more sympathy for your agenda of hatred and exclusion than for a plantation owner’s rationale in the Antebellum South for justified ownership of another human being.

A Voice for Men’s posts about the targeted women are also filled with bizarre and hyperbolic accusations. In a post about a college student who had jokingly Tweeted that her “political position” was “kill all men hail satan,” and who in another tweet suggested she might get a tattoo reading “misandry,” one of A Voice for Men’s many pseudonynmous “agents” wrote:

She doesn’t just hate men; doesn’t just want them dead or silenced or marginalized or ignored. She at least entertains the idea of permanently marking her skin with that hatred, like a convict signaling gang affiliation.

“Agent Mauve” makes clear that he hopes to ruin the life of the young woman by putting her on Register-Her:

[T]his will be the beginning of [name removed]’s real legacy; where she can revel in the full and permanent notice of her deeds, and the lesson she is providing to the world about the nature of feminism, and the etiology of hatred. And so that anyone who ever does an internet search on her name again will be aware of it.

So far, A Voice for Men’s campaign against the Toronto protesters seems to be having what one can only assume is the desired effect. On A Voice for Men’s Facebook page, a commenter refers to one of the protesters as an “evil twisted little piece of dogshit,” adding: “I hope she suffers a fatal injury before she can go out and ruin peoples’ lives like she seems determined to do.” This comment earned several “likes” from A Voice for Men’s readers.

In the Spring of 2012, Register-Her was profiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that tracks hate groups, as part of a larger feature on the so-called “Men’s Rights” movement. Writing in the SPLC’s Intelligence Report, Arthur Goldwag described Register-Her’s modus operandus and its effect on one targeted woman:

Elam’s site can be frightening to its targets. In one case, he offered a cash reward to the first reader to ferret out a pseudonymous feminist blogger’s real name. In another, Elam singled out a part-time blogger at ChicagoNow who describes herself as a “vegetarian park activist with two baby girls.” The woman’s mistake was to write about her discomfort with male adults helping female toddlers in the bathroom at her daughter’s preschool. The blogger conceded that she was being sexist, but wrote that “I’d rather be wrong than find out if I’m right.”

After the woman was listed, she was widely attacked on men’s movement sites. “I don’t always use the word ‘cunt’ to describe a woman,” one poster raged, “but when I do it’s because of reasons like these.” Shocked, the “Mommy blogger” took down her original post and apologized for her “demonization of men.”

It wasn’t enough. “You targeted fathers, and just fathers,” Elam rebuked her. “It strikes me that you have never really been held to account for any of your actions in life. It is quite likely that the concept of complete, selfless accountability is just completely foreign to you.” Over at the Reddit Mens Rights forum, another poster fumed: “This entire episode should be a warning to all those male hating feminists out there who believe that they are safe screaming their hate messages on the web. Finally, they are held accountable for their hate messages and finally the rest of the world will find out exactly what type of depraved people they really are.”

That’s hate, and that’s precisely the sort of reaction Register-Her seems designed to provoke.

I encourage readers to link to this piece on their websites, so as to make sure that people understand what Register-Her was really all about.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Protip, JoPell: actual smart people (as in “intelligent”) don’t spend their time bragging about “smart people”. It’s a bit of a giveaway.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@AA – I think you mean Tom Martin.
Who I very strongly disagreed with about the kids. And about the sex workers. Which everyone here like to forget so they can repeat “all mras are the same” over and over.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Argenti, are you thinking of Tom Martin? The man with the woefully underpadded butt?

Hi, Sir Bodsworth!

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Oh, that’s right Pell; it was Princeton, wasn’t it?

And a poetry reading for smart people! Dear me, they are getting fancy. Last time I went to one, they didn’t check your IQ at the door.

12 years ago

Lol, I watched that al-jazeera video with Futrelle, he had cat pictures on the wall. what a card! when he wakes up and changes his depends, he’ll prolly kick me off. that’s ok though.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m good, Sir Bodsworth! No Christmas shopping here (we don’t bother about it) but got a picture and a couple of blog entries done the last two days, which is really pleasing after a month-plus of not doing any writing. 🙂

12 years ago

Ok, Paul Elam = mostly misogynist, with occasional flashes of liking some women who agree with him. Happy now, boobzers?


Paul Elam = mostly misogynist, with occasional flashes of liking some women who are as misogynist as he is

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Ok, Paul Elam = mostly misogynist, with occasional flashes of liking some women who agree with him. Happy now, boobzers?”

Well, you’re at least being accurately descriptive now. I’d be happier if the troll meltdown would go away though.

Myoo — ah yes, that clown, thank you!

joespine — you do know that FUBAR stands for Fucked Up Beyond All Repair/Reason, right? It’s generally in relation to a situation that has gone so far south that the only logical course of action is a tactical retreat, assuming that option is still available.

12 years ago

Wow, I leave for a bit and the party starts. Ooh, the first joe cannot fathom what could possibly stop us all from killing male babies in the US. I thought it was Canada that killed male babies? Anyway, my answer to that is, of course, what have you been smoking? Um, police, for instance? The fact people love their babies? No one is proposing a cap on how many children we can have? Did I mention what are you smoking? God, where are the clever trolls?

12 years ago

i think that register-her project is shittty, I’ll say that. Elam is a dick. he looks like a dick in his picture. lol.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Joe — I’m going to repeat this just once — I am not Alcoholic’s Anonymous. Argenti really isn’t that many more letters to type out (and have a Latin lesson, it means silver, it’s the same root as argent).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Clever trolls? Where there ever any? Going by what I’ve seen here, it’d be an oxymoron.

12 years ago

im not feeling so god.

12 years ago

@ Joe- Well there is wiggle room for how you express your hatred of women, so I guess MRA’s aren’t exactly the same.

12 years ago

I don’t expect cleverness, but it is more fun when they’re creative in their idiocy.

12 years ago

@ Kitteh- it was a plaintive cry to the universe- bring me trolls that can hold a rational thought long enough to type it down!!

12 years ago

Or this one! Any of them! Just post a gif instead of a goddamn sticker!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Re: China’s sex selective abortions — neither the US nor Canada (nor the EU) has the history of favoring one gender that China had/has for its male children. Cultural trends, over centuries, favored male children, so when forced to severely limit the number of children, boys got favored with drastic consequences for female children/babies.

The US/Canada/EU/etc do not favor females the way China favored boys, thus making this little genocide of yours extremely unlikely.

12 years ago

Cassandra, if u want cleverness, you have to reciprocate. since you are boring and stupid, it doesn’t. the same goes for the rest of you!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Well then josephine, getting ready to flounce using the excuse that you don’t feel well? That’ll only score you a 2/10, just so you’re forewarned.

12 years ago

Which everyone here like to forget so they can repeat “all mras are the same” over and over.

When we say MRA we are talking about the abusers lobby who have stolen the term. So yeah, when we say MRAs are all alike, it’s becuase the term MRA is defined by the people who are like that.

I do believe you actually care about men’s issues, but the term Men’s Rights’ Activisttm is forever tainted by those buttholes. And you tend to regurgitate their ‘facts’ so even if your heart is in the right place, they are messing you up.

12 years ago

Katz, your nothing but a butthead. you spend too much time here. you need to get some fresh air kiddo!

12 years ago

MSN sounds much more on the money. Pell would never, ever deny having some form of education and he would never say that he was working on getting a degree.

And I’m astounded that she spelled “reciprocate” correctly.

12 years ago

Joe, Argenti isn’t AA. If that’s too much for you, leave.

There is no technical obstacle at all standing in the way of similar gendercide against male babies the west.

Yes, there is, ijit.

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