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What?! Men’s Rights Redditor blames Newtown school shootings on Title IX

Over on Reddit, Men’s Rights subreddit regular 0bvious_Atheist has offered the most, well, inventive explanation for the Newtown school shootings I’ve seen thus far. Apparently channeling the old Man Boobz troll NWOslave, he argues that they were the result of … Title IX.


The only good news here is that this theory was too weird and opportunistic for even the Men’s Rights subreddit, and 0bvious_Atheist’s post got many more downvotes than upvotes.

Also, the 4Chan thing hasn’t been confirmed by any reputable media source. Here’s something from the not-exactly-100%-credible Daily Mail on it is definitely a fake.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to 0bvious_Atheist’s post.

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11 years ago

Oh, dear, he said “equalitarian”.

I hate that word so fucking much.


11 years ago

It’s like “expresso.”

11 years ago


11 years ago

I’m kind of laughing at the meds side effect discussions… I have akathisia from one set of meds, and the ones I took for two years cause hypertensive crisis if you eat any of a very loooong list of foods. It was reasoned that my likelyhood of dying from hypertensive crisis was lower than my likelyhood of offing myself, and they had tried literally every other option.

11 years ago

Irregardless (and nevertheless, for it is true none the less) some people will say they want an expresso: I tell then to go to the cafetiere and pour it for themselves.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::waves from Oz::

Welcome, deezers! 🙂

What about a cup of chino?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Just catching up here! Hi deezers! Feel free to comment on things from pages past, or cats (in any thread), or most other non sequiturs really — the fondess for derailment is one of the things I love about manboobz.

WeeBoy — ick, at least I can still eat whatever the fuck I want (and even have unofficial permission to drink, with the warning that I may decide it’s sleepy time…which is more a “that’s not a bug: it’s a feature” in my mind)

And I say irregardless, usually with a hand wave, to signal that the other person is right, but the whole thing is stupid — I fully understand that it’s a double negative of sorts, should mean more like “with regard” than “regardless”.

pecunium — feel better!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Non secateur: irrelevant interjection in gardening conversation.

::hides under desk::

11 years ago

Pecunium: Feel better! You probably don’t have TB, but have the test anyway.

11 years ago

Non cicada: irrelevant insect invasion in August.

Also, I saw a June bug yesterday. Should I be scared?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help



11 years ago

Aw thanks guys! Yes I’ve been looking through older comments, getting mad as hell but also laughing my ass off at the almost embarrassing disparity in logic, reasoned argument and comprehension. This is going to be fun. With cats on top.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

With cats on top.

(The natural order of things.)

11 years ago

D’AWWW. Kitty on a puppy.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

I was wondering which route they would take to blame this on women despite the fact that several women lost their lives trying to protect children. So is this an example of female disposability?

Courtney Hammett
Courtney Hammett
11 years ago

He makes one good point–some women just want to destroy the fraternity men have together. A woman recently tried to get into an all-male school, one of the very few all-male schools left (though all-female schools are always fine.) and quit that same year, when she won her case.

11 years ago

Courtney, you’d best not be who I think you are.

11 years ago

And citation needed. Where are you that all-male schools are rare? Most of the posher Catholic ones here in Oz are single-sex.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

lowquacks — are we playing name-that-troll again? I lost last round, though I have a guess on this one (would he really sink to sockpuppeting though?)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Not just the Catholic ones, either. Melbourne Grammar, Scotch College, etc. Lovely breeding grounds for arrogant little shits.

D’you reckon it’s Emma Ale trying it on yet again? That line about false accusers in the other thread is bog-standard MRM shit.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Argenti – haven’t most of them sunk to sockpuppeting at some stage?

I saw your answer about used socks in the other thread, too – LOL ewww!

Hey, while you’re online, want a derail about Latin? As in, d’you think you can concoct a word for me?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

kitteh — I hope so actually, because my guess is a far more persistent pain in the ass. This does sound more like Mr. Al than the previous sock did though — start sorta typical // remotely reasonable, descend into chaos sooner or later (usually sooner).

The typical MRM “issues” so far though remind me a bit of my least favorite troll. I don’t think he’d sock though, he’s too grandiose for that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

kitteh — see above re: “don’t they all sock” — a couple are too pretentious for that, or so I hope. And I can give your create-a-word a try anyways.

11 years ago

I’d guess proxied and sobered-up Mr Al at this point, but it’s early days yet and CassandraSays isn’t around.

11 years ago


I don’t think so – he’s a bit “yeah, but…” for that. No Title IX as feminist world domination plan or anything like that anywhere.