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What?! Men’s Rights Redditor blames Newtown school shootings on Title IX

Over on Reddit, Men’s Rights subreddit regular 0bvious_Atheist has offered the most, well, inventive explanation for the Newtown school shootings I’ve seen thus far. Apparently channeling the old Man Boobz troll NWOslave, he argues that they were the result of … Title IX.


The only good news here is that this theory was too weird and opportunistic for even the Men’s Rights subreddit, and 0bvious_Atheist’s post got many more downvotes than upvotes.

Also, the 4Chan thing hasn’t been confirmed by any reputable media source. Here’s something from the not-exactly-100%-credible Daily Mail on it is definitely a fake.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to 0bvious_Atheist’s post.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Shaenon — yeah that logical proof is kind of, um, broken…I’m not sure that’s even a proper fallacy as it really doesn’t remotely follow.

“What I want to know is, how did they build a tree-house out of internets?”

Clearly it’s really just a hammock made of RJ-45 and co-ax.

11 years ago

It’s not worth the risk for me to meet him. If he were to say the thing about the holocaust in my hearing, I don’t like to think of my reaction; esp. if I know he’s armed.

Re-reading the piece I wrote about the sulfa reaction… I left a lot of the really nasty parts of that two weeks out of the description.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

If it makes you feel any better, I very nearly hit him for that comment…and then got yelled at when I stormed off *sigh* He definitely brings out the worst in people (and I think he tries, just so he can then claim he’s better than me/you/etc) I doubt he’d pull the derringer, or pocket shoot it, unless getting a serious beating…he likes to stay just this side of legal so he can claim he’s done nothing wrong. He truly is a wondrous specimen of humanity, by which I mean he’s an example of all the things no one should want to be.

Honestly, I prefer the trolls, I don’t have to worry that they’ll haul off and hit me…I’m only fairly sure my father knows that I’ll break something if he dares (eg his hand)

Do I want to know the nasty parts? Perhaps you should email it considering the responses my wiki link about SJS got?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Shorter version — my respect for you would likely decrease dramatically if you actually wanted to meet him. I have no desire to be around either the sort that agrees, nor the sort that wants to be violent.

11 years ago

The nasty parts are just the details I recall, and the odd bits I glossed over, e.g. every time I spiked a fever (and they were hitting 104-105F) they would pile ice-packs on my armpits and groin.

Or the IV that blew, and the nurse who tried to put a new line in too close to my wrist and was pinching the nerve (I think I took a couple of years off some of the other patients in the ward).

The nurse who decided, when I was complaining that the potassium burned, didn’t adjust the ratio, just slowed the drip rate). The fact that I didn’t really sleep from when I was admitted until after the steroids started (I wasn’t awake the whole time, but it was the restless sort of sleep of the feverish and ill).

And those are the unpleasant parts which are fit to share in public.

There were good parts too, but some of them are the good parts of those who have been truly ill. The 0500 vampires who could get a stick done and barely wake one. Heidi (the charge nurse) who 1: got a new line in the next morning (after I refused to allow the on-duty nurse to try anymore) and 2: helped me maintain that line for the next nine days while 3: refusing to take it out until I was actually ready to walk out the door.

The friend who showed up (he was in DC from Calif.) as I was getting ready to walk out the door… 15 minutes later and he’d never have found me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“(and they were hitting 104-105F) they would pile ice-packs on my armpits and groin.” — hey, at least they were thinking of the possibility you might want to make babies someday! (105 is hot enough to um, cook gonads…perhaps this conversation isn’t fit for public consumption…)

As for the “good parts” — having had 5 vials of blood drawn by the phlebotomist from hell, I understand the perks of having a good one.

And in typical fashion, I just creeped down the stairs with my teapot, filled the kettle, and my father woke up yelling about how no one can sleep with me making noise at this hour — about 10x as loud as running the water was (and I creep quite well, you might notice me coming, most people do not).

Apparently it’s “ridiculous” to be up at this hour, meanwhile my psych asked why he cares so much — they don’t give a shit *when* I sleep, just that I am actually sleeping (relatively nightmare free even, I gotta give the less-likely-to-kill-me drug credit)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And I’m reading your WP finally, you have my attention with the Petraeus post — my father and grandfather had plenty of shit to say about that (many a year ago my grandfather was a PI doing the sort of unofficial work that spooks can’t technically do in the US…oh the stories I heard when he thought I was too young to remember them 🙂 )

Needless to say that convo had a lot of blaming of the “whores” involved, and no acknowledgement that the men fucking them had free will (and they say feminists have the lowest views of men!)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“You promise to reveal nothing which is classified to anyone who doesn’t have need to know. You also don’t want anyone to know you know classified info.”

I guess I should maybe note that none of what my grandfather worked on has been interesting since “the red scare”.

Back on the off-topic, that sort of feverish ill sucks — I think my first action post-swine flu was sleeping, with people going all “but you slept all week” because no, no I had not.

11 years ago

I love how we know absolutely nothing about the Newport killer’s motives yet, but that hasn’t stopped the MRM from blaming it on the women. They know exactly one song, and they are willing to break it out for every occasion.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And they sing out of tune!

11 years ago

clairedammit: been in a similar situation, hope you’re on the mend soon. Hugs.

11 years ago

The only good thing to come out of this bout of illness is I have an app’t to see/acquire a primary care physician. I’m being what I hope is a trifle paranoid, and asking for a TB test. I’ve had a sort of chronic cough for the past few months, and in the course of this flu I coughed up some bloody sputum.

This means the odds of my seeing the sorts of doctors I ought to be seeing semi-regularly (rheumatologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, opthomalogists, and GP) are more likely to happen.

Now I ought to go back to bed (having been given a flu shot, and stuck for about five vials of bloodwork).

11 years ago

I’m not sure that’s even a proper fallacy as it really doesn’t remotely follow.

If a then b.
Not b, so banana.

11 years ago

@ pecunium- I am going to internet doctor you and say it’s more likely you have a case of chronic bronchitis, and the bloody sputum is from little tears in your trachea for having spent the last few months coughing. I say that because the same sort of thing happened to me once, I’m not trying to take the place of your real life doctor. Just don’t worry about the TB yet- there are lots of reason to have blood in your phlegm that aren’t lethal.

11 years ago

Ack, pecunium, hope you’re feeling better soon!

11 years ago

TTF: I am sure that’s what it is too, but better to be safe than sorry.

11 years ago

And if that’s it… a steady diet of benadryl for a month or so ought to be all I need.

11 years ago

Pecunium, I hope you are better soon!

11 years ago

Fingers crossed for you, Pecunium!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Fingers crossed here too, Pecunium! Chronic bronchitis was what I thought of, too. Been there. But yeah, better safe than sorry!

11 years ago

That press is glorious. My mother worked for a printshop: I remember cylinder presses. We used one (and a linotype) on occasion when I was in High School. That he has all his fingertips means he’s really good; i.e. not foolish enough to think he can “pop hickies” with his pinkie.

11 years ago

Hi fellow boobz – been falling rather deeply in love with this site and many of you for the last while, and decided to comment on something not-too-controversial (just for starters).

So anyway – how are Westboro not classified as a hate group? Or are they? I’m Irish so I’m not exactly sure what they deal is with getting groups like that classified (is it the same lovely SPLC that saw straight through AVFM bullshit?).


11 years ago

Oh dammit I just realised I asked a question relating to a very much past conversation. This is embarrassing….

11 years ago

Oh, the Westboro Baptist Church are a hate group, for sure.

Also, it’s fine to reference older conversations. People just kind of chime in whenever they are able to get on the internet. And welcome to your new de-lurked status!