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What?! Men’s Rights Redditor blames Newtown school shootings on Title IX

Over on Reddit, Men’s Rights subreddit regular 0bvious_Atheist has offered the most, well, inventive explanation for the Newtown school shootings I’ve seen thus far. Apparently channeling the old Man Boobz troll NWOslave, he argues that they were the result of … Title IX.


The only good news here is that this theory was too weird and opportunistic for even the Men’s Rights subreddit, and 0bvious_Atheist’s post got many more downvotes than upvotes.

Also, the 4Chan thing hasn’t been confirmed by any reputable media source. Here’s something from the not-exactly-100%-credible Daily Mail on it is definitely a fake.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to 0bvious_Atheist’s post.

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12 years ago

…Fuck, you can get it from sulfa drug allergies? This just gets more and more terrifying.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Chocominties – that’s horrible! What sort of cognitive dissonance does it take for researchers/pharma to think of stuff like skin coming off in sheets and leukaemia as “side effects”???”

I can half answer that one — at least in my case it’s because the other option is a better chance of offing myself. Like, <1% versus about 5% (for that drug’s Dx, about 5% for the other drug’s Dx too…but that drug is way less likely to kill me).

pecunium — EGADS! And damned am I glad you survived that alright, you rank among the few people who can actually make me have to think, hard, about something — I like it. Thankfully I’m allergic to basically nothing, but now I’m curious, do you know the time frame from “reaction you might miss” to “OMGS ER NOW”? (I’m the paranoid sort, which I’m sure isn’t news to you!)

Hilariously, the one thing I am allergic to? Malachite green, aka the only chemical that kills ich (ich being basically the fish equivilant of “all your skin peeling off”, though its a parasite, not a reaction).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

It’s the seriousness of it that boggles the mind for me, Pecunium. Rare it may be, life-threatening generally not, but it’s still major-league stuff. And leukaemia? Leukaemia as a side effect? Holy Ceiling Cat, Batman!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

katz — you can get it from NSAIDs, but that isn’t particularly likely. The list of potential drug induced causes is frikken’ staggering.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

My apologies., Argenti. I’m getting so caught in the horriblosity* of these things and forgetting what the drugs are fighting.

*it’s totally a word

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

kittehs’ — don’t worry about it, you want irony though? It also comes with a suicide warning XD

And the way I figure it? At least this isn’t another round of “contraindications: bipolar” // “thanks for fucking me up worse” (oh yeah pecunium, I’m officially bipolar with a side dish of PTSD now, whee for proper Dx I guess? x.x)

12 years ago

katz: You can get it from aspirin, or a food allergy.

It’s an overblown histamine reaction.

The time frame… I was unlucky, in that we all had a really good idea what was causing my reaction, but I had other symptoms. If we were wrong about the sulfa drugs being the cause, then the treatment wouldn’t be dealing with the underlying issue; and if that underlying issue was a pneumonic infection the side-effect of treating for a sulfa-reaction would have probably been fatal; in a lot more certain way than waiting to get the tests to rule out the infection.

I was the “victim” of having really good health care. I had something like $100-250,000 of retail medical care in 96 hours. I was allowed to stay in the hospital until I felt like leaving (I actually spent about two days more than I perhaps needed, but I’m not sure. It’s possible my dermatologist wouldn’t have let me leave any sooner; but when I said I wanted to check out, it was discharged in about an hour).

If you get a rash… don’t wait, go to the doctor. If you are oddly feverish/freezing, go to the doctor.

Do not wait, do not pass go, don’t even think about the 200 dollars.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help





damn, shouldn’t have smh’d so hard

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

As terribly unfun as that sounds, if I went running to the ER because I’m freezing I’d just end up living there — I am so not used to this New England weather! Oh…you said oddly…that I’m always cold is moot (warning, should we ever meet in person I’d advise against shaking my hand unless you want to shake an icicle, just saying)

But no, there is no “well this is interesting” period then I guess. Fun, remind me to stay out of the fish chemicals. At least I have decent insurance now (CT Husky, which is surprisingly decent).

Also, goddamned dude, you make me glad to just be a nutcase, at least the rest of me is fairly predictable!

kittehs — try not to break yourself shaking your head, however would the kittehs’ manage without your servitude?

12 years ago

I was unclear.

1: This is in part because I am relating my onset symptoms.
2: I wasn’t saying “oh, I’m cold”, I was talking about thermoregulation issues. I was swinging from hideously hot, to freeing cold, for about 18 hours before I went in to the doctors (I thought I had a summer cold).

Here is the write-up I did at the time.

12 years ago

As to the icicle issue, I am prone to cold hands (I have Reynaud’s, as well as Reiter’s).

When I think about it, I guess I am entitled to my 80 percent disability.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Mmm thermoregulation issues…of course I had to start it in flu season, here’s hoping no one decides to share that cold with me!

“When I think about it, I guess I am entitled to my 80 percent disability.”

I’d give you a back pat for figuring that out, but I’m mildly afraid I might break you (I kid!)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’m reading your post now, and have one tiny complaint — “no offense to him, but he doesn’t look much more than 23” — *I* don’t look much more than 23 😛 (of course, it’s just starting to sink in that I’m only a few years shy of 30 and officially a frikken’ adult…)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

kittehs — try not to break yourself shaking your head, however would the kittehs’ manage without your servitude?

Duct tape is a wonderful thing.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I repeat — GODDAMNED dude…I’m fairly sure if I were in your place I’d just have been begging them to kill me already and get it over with.

And if you think musak kills Mozart, you should hear my attempts at Brahms, my violin is not quite broken in enough for that yet!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Duct tape is a wonderful thing.” …well yes, but in this context? Wtf did you do, tape your head back on?

And pecunium — my concern is that apparently with the lamictal it isn’t a quick reaction —

Nearly all cases of life-threatening rashes caused by LAMICTAL have occurred within 2 to 8 weeks of treatment initiation. However, isolated cases have occurred after prolonged treatment (e.g., 6 months). Accordingly, duration of therapy cannot be relied upon as means to predict the potential risk heralded by the first appearance of a rash.

So if I get the flu next year? Off to the ER apparently!

Opinion though, do I seem any saner? Or different in general? I haven’t really had anyone to ask as finals just finished so most everyone I know has been silly busy — and my parents are totally useless for such things, I think they’d prefer I was a zonked out zombie to be honest, my having differing opinions bothers them (not long ago my father screamed about how I must’ve been brainwashed into thinking the Jews didn’t deserve the Holocaust…I really do have fucking assholes for relatives)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

23? That’s old looking for medical staff/policemen/people in uniform generally.

::bangs walking stick on floor::

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

““Duct tape is a wonderful thing.” …well yes, but in this context? Wtf did you do, tape your head back on?”


Pity I put it on back to front though. It’s making typing really challenging.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Well take it off and try again then!

12 years ago

Merav tells me my ideas of what makes for, “not feeling well” are somewhat extreme.

12 years ago

1: You don’t seem that much different. A bit more chipper, more quippy.
2: If you get a cycling fever, look for a rash.
3: The rash may move quickly. I didn’t have it at 0700. I had a measles like sprinkling at 1100. I was a giant strawberry birthmark by 2100.

4: Never introduce me to your father. Someone will get hurt.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::peel peel peel::

… that’s better. 🙂

12 years ago

I enjoy the logic of the original post.

1. It’s very important for men to maintain male-only safe spaces and drive women out by yelling at them until they leave.
2. 4chan and /b/ are two of the best, most cootie-free safe spaces available.
3. After spending time there, away from the pernicious influence of non-yelled-at women, men tend to commit suicide, go on murder sprees, or otherwise self-destruct.
4. This is women’s fault.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What I want to know is, how did they build a tree-house out of internets?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“1: You don’t seem that much different. A bit more chipper, more quippy.” — good, the last drug I thought might be working was before I started here…idk if I ever mentioned this at the time, but I found y’all after I’d tried OD’ing, thanks to that drug (and the one before that turned me into a total zombie with no artistic interest at all)

“2: If you get a cycling fever, look for a rash.
3: The rash may move quickly. I didn’t have it at 0700. I had a measles like sprinkling at 1100. I was a giant strawberry birthmark by 2100.”

Thanks for the warnings, far more useful than my psych’s “if you get any sort of any skin thing” (when I’m apparently getting all the acne I didn’t get in puberty, I’m blaming the change in weather since I moved”

“4: Never introduce me to your father. Someone will get hurt.”

Aw, you sure? I promise not to complain, and I’m sure it’d be him (unless he got stupid enough to pull out his pocket “pistol” — he carries a tiny derringer in his pocket at all times) — he’s like 55 and walks with a cane, dude can barely stand up, you’d win that no problem! Of course, if I was okay with someone getting arrested for beating his ass, I’d do it my own damned self.

In seriousness though, I had thought introducing you two might be funny — to see him try and spout history and get schooled, and then make a claim about modern military men and get schooled harder…he has some interesting ideas on the modern military…

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