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What?! Men’s Rights Redditor blames Newtown school shootings on Title IX

Over on Reddit, Men’s Rights subreddit regular 0bvious_Atheist has offered the most, well, inventive explanation for the Newtown school shootings I’ve seen thus far. Apparently channeling the old Man Boobz troll NWOslave, he argues that they were the result of … Title IX.


The only good news here is that this theory was too weird and opportunistic for even the Men’s Rights subreddit, and 0bvious_Atheist’s post got many more downvotes than upvotes.

Also, the 4Chan thing hasn’t been confirmed by any reputable media source. Here’s something from the not-exactly-100%-credible Daily Mail on it is definitely a fake.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to 0bvious_Atheist’s post.

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12 years ago

Ooh, your kitteh is a lovely torbie!

I don’t think it’s irrational at all to find a very low chance of ALL YOUR SKIN PEELING OFF to be unacceptable.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

That’s pissed off? I’d have taken that as “that strap thing there…the dangling bit…that’s a toy right?”

And I have extra reason to be nervous here — I’ve had shitty luck with side effects (those black box suicide warnings? I seem to hit all of them, to varying degrees of dangerousness)

I’d settle for “ridiculously unlikely” though, eg it’s ridiculously unlikely I’ll be killed by a rouge giant hailstone (yes, that has happened)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Thanks katz! Everyone else finds it unacceptable that it bothers me this much, so I am taking the danged pill. Mostly because my not-really-an-ex pharmacy student “ex” thought I should, and I trust zir. (See, one of those “made me suicidal” drugs, ze and I both thought it a bad idea and I tried it anyway, that was the point that ze’s opinion got put before my previous psych’s)

*pets the kitteh* (the actual cat, not you kitteh, that’d be a bit weird XD)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I shall pass on the compliments to Mads and Fribs … though I’m sure they’ll be received with a smug look and “I know” at best. 😉 We’ve had good news with Fribs’ health, too. Those pills she’s taking are for hyperthyroidism and she seems to be responding to them. Now we just have to get yet another blood test to make sure she doesn’t have kidney trouble, since hyperthyroidism can mask that. ::passes cap around for donations to the Veterinary Retirement Fund::

Katz, totally agree, any chance at all is too much!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL no, if Mads thought the strap was a toy all I’d have got in the photo was a blur of disappearing cat. This was “You’ve taken several already so STOPTAKINGMYPHOTO.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ah, I should’ve guessed, considering how many photos I have that are blurs of puppy or cat. As for donations to the cat fund, try a kickstarter or similar? Funds for sick animals seem to do really well.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I should do that! I keep telling those two they’re gonna have to get jobs, but they don’t listen. It wouldn’t be so bad, but with psychologist’s and osteopath’s fees and my *&^^% monthly train fare as well, the bank account’s looking a bit anaemic at present!

Whoot, time for me to head home. Niters to all who’ll be in bed by the time I’m online again! 🙂

12 years ago

Is it lamictal? I’ve been on it for over 5 years now without any complications, and it has definitely helped me. With any drug, you have to weigh the risk against the benefits, but don’t forget that the benefits can be substantial. It’s easy to get lost in a long list of side effects, but these drugs wouldn’t get approved if they weren’t effective at least some of the time.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

quantumscale — yeah, it is. Like I said, the pharm student not-really-an-ex thinks it’s worth the risk, and ze both knows pharm. and put up with me daily for months. I’m still on the working-up-to-full dose though, so we’ll see. Wary as I am, I am giving it a shot.

12 years ago

Wow, Argenti, that is a disturbing risk. It’s good you have your not-really-an-ex to trust for advice. I am hoping that it truly is the sliver bullet you are looking for.

See ya, Kitteh! Kiss your bosses on the head for me when you get home.

Also, I want to apologize for dropping in and out like I have been lately. I’m actually still here, it’s just that I’ve been feeling like crap lately and when things flare up, I’m too stupid to comment. I feel bad because I want to say I’m sorry for someone’s troubles, or compliment someone on their pretty kitty, and all the words come out in the wrong order and I end up erasing them. I went to the Dr. about 10 days ago and I have an ovarian cyst that’s hard to see because I also have fibroids between the cyst and the outside world. My doctor was so focused on making sure it’s not cancer (since then I’ve had vials and vials of blood taken, an ultrasound, and a CT scan – so far so good) that both of us forgot to discuss symptom relief. So, anyway, that’s what’s going on with me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

claire — idk if we’ve really spoken before, but I wish you the best and hope you get some relief soon. And thank you.

12 years ago

clairedammit, no need to apologize ever. I hope your health issues get taken care of ASAP. Take good care!

12 years ago

Thank you both! Argenti, I remember you from back in the day, but I was more of a lurker then. It’s good to have you back.

I’m just grateful that the Dammit household has resources – good health insurance, a financial cushion, each other – that this will just be a temporary setback.

12 years ago


We don’t do fraternities or sororities in Oz, either, as far as I know.

Well, not technically, but residential colleges, particularly at sandstone universities and universities where most students would live close enough to commute, are similar in many ways. Semi-exclusive, incredibly expensive accomodation, rituals and a sense of history, dumb rich-kid conservative havens, and elaborate and awful hazing that is largely covered-up and excused (imagine the fuss that would’ve been kicked up about shit going down at Sydney Uni colleges if it had happened with public high school kids in Redfern), and a general polarising effect on student opinions.

Sydney Uni’s are the most generally revolting, but I’ve heard various universities have similarly douche-filled accommodation options for the overprivileged and underwhelming.

12 years ago

rouge giant hailstone

Sounds pretty!

12 years ago

Just realized how much I sound like a pharma shill in that comment. Sorry, that was not intentional! Just personal experience. And it took me far too long to find a mix of meds that works for me.

That sounds very stressful, claire. I hope everything turns out ok.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

quantumscale — don’t worry about it, I was not-dating a pharm grad student with a psych BA, I’ve heard it all before! Thankfully ze’s not a walking pharm ad, just smart enough to konw when I have an incompetent/competent psych.

lowquacks — goddamned combinations of typos and spelling! And what did I miss about shit going down at Sydney Uni? Was that while I was on haitus, or local news?

12 years ago


Probably only Australian news. Would’ve been mentioned only very briefly here by kittehhelp or magpie perhaps. Since I began studying at Sydney Uni at the beginning of this year:

-A bunch of men at one of the colleges forced a young woman who wasn’t even meant to be participating in the initiation rituals to drink a cocktail containing dog food and shampoo, putting her in hospital and nearly killing her. There was a brief floor-wide suspension, but very little further punishment: seven of those involved now hold positions of importance at the colleges. They’ve now founded a group called “Justice Group” or similar to complain about briefly being denied the opportunity to run for student council, with t-shirts featuring the college’s eagle mascot throwing up.

-A “British Raj”-themed white tie dinner was held at one of the (exceedingly Anglo) colleges, with Indian and Pakistani waiters specifically hired for the occasion.

-A lounge has been set on fire and windows smashed.

-A pro-rape Facebook group and soccer team, “Define Statuatory”, were created.

-One student from one of the colleges tried to start a “Men’s Rights” type student group.

12 years ago

I think you’re much braver than I. A doctor prescribed me a pill that had sjs as a side effect and I refused to take it.

But I’m taking a pill with a risk of leukemia. Somehow horrible cancer in my body is less of a risk to me than all my skin falling off. (I think the literature from the pharmacy phrased it as “coming off in sheets.” *shudder*)

12 years ago


I’m on an SJS-side effect drug too. The “coming off in sheets” part was a bit unnerving, but the other option was a drug that my mum, who’s a doctor, immediately said “Nope, I have a patient that now sticks hir tongue out like a lizard every few minutes as a side effect and it’s permanent“. And I was like, skinless is better than lizard.

Just watch your skin really really closely for changes in the first few months.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

lowquacks — holy shit fuck damn, sometimes I really do wish there was a point of view gun, or at least an empathy pill or something.

chocominties — I figure two things: one, it’s a really obvious side effect, and two, my other option is ranging from suicidally depressed to bouncing off the walls and being a damned fool in the process. If it works half as good as everyone claims, it’s worth the <1% risk.

Nepenthe — mmm extrapyramidal symptoms — yeah, I won’t touch anything with that risk either. Because yeah, at SJS is manageable, the EPS set are all “sorry, but you’re fucked”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Clairedammit – internet hugs if you want them! I do hope your health improves, and like cloudiah said, no need for apologies!

The bosses have been kissed on the head as per request. 😉

Lowquacks – thanks for that info, and yeah, *what* a surprise that Sydney Uni goes in for that sort of society shit. No surprises about the other abuse stuff, either. I knew about the Facebook page (which is one of the reasons I loathe Facebook – they wouldn’t take it down) but not about the other things. There was also the same mob – from St John’s? – putting up posters which I really don’t want to quote here, they’re too horrible.

Oh and I lol’d about rouge hailstones sounding pretty, I thought the same thing! Then I thought of that Palin parody/expose “Going Rouge” and lol’d again.

Chocominties – that’s horrible! What sort of cognitive dissonance does it take for researchers/pharma to think of stuff like skin coming off in sheets and leukaemia as “side effects”???

12 years ago

SJS… Whew boy. I flirted with that once. Came much closer than I want to think about (it seems I am terribly allergic to sulfa drugs). Odds were, had I started to manifest SJS I was dead. It’s a nasty thing (and more common than people realise; if you have any dermatologic reaction to an allergen, it can happen). But most people don’t have a more than minor amount of skin involved.

The only parts of my body that weren’t reacting to the drugs were my palms, soles and scalp. Everything else was at risk. My dermatologist had reserved a bed for me in the burn ward, and notified the emergency medevac jet at Ft. Sam to be on a two-hour standby for the weekend.

He didn’t tell me that until the danger was passed, and I didn’t find out for some time just what the alert he put that plane on meant. That plane, has the top-priority of any plane in the sky. When it enters the pattern, everyone else waits (to include, so I was told, Air Force One), and the airport it lands at is closed until it takes off (because the patient is waiting at the end of the runway, and the plane just turns around and takes off… the only delay allowed is hot-fueling).


So yeah, SJS, something to keep an eye on. On the upside, if you don’t see symptoms (rash/hives) in relatively short order, it’s probably not a problem.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Holy shit, Pecunium! 🙁

Very glad you came through all that, but oy … terrifying.

12 years ago

Kitteh’s: Chocominties – that’s horrible! What sort of cognitive dissonance does it take for researchers/pharma to think of stuff like skin coming off in sheets and leukaemia as “side effects”???

If it can happen, and the incidence is low enough then it’s a side effect.

If 1 person in a thousand could get it… it’s a side-effect, and some side-effects are listed with a lower rate than that.

And SJS is, generally, not life-threatening.

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