advocacy of violence antifeminism demonspawn men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim reddit

Men’s Rights Redditor Advocates Violence Against Cops — Again

Advocating violence is allegedly against the rules in the Men’s Rights subreddit. Just don’t tell it to these guys! (Or the people upvoting them.)


As I’ve noted before, Demonspawn is fairly regular violator of this particular rule — as evidenced here, here, and, oh yeah, here. (And check the archives for even more Demonspawn terribleness that stops short of advocacy of murder.)

When I asked the r/mensrights mods some months back why they didn’t just ban him for his repeated violations, you may recall, this happened:


Hey, Mens Rightsers, if you don’t want to be associated with violence, perhaps you should, you know, disassociate yourself from those who advocate violence — seriously, repeatedly, and definitely not as a joke.

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12 years ago

That’s fascinating, tony. Tell us more, please. *grabs popcorn*

12 years ago

Selected excerpts:

because women no longer needed men this led to anarchy for a undermined time it led to mob rule that existed longer than our countries entire history .

And that, rapidly disappearing into the distance, is the last vestige of Tony’s credibility.

I pray to buddha

Um. Not a Buddhist, not an expert in any way, but I was under the impression that, to paraphrase a fictional gentleman, BUDDHISM DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

12 years ago

The Arizona coastline is lovely this time of year.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*hands tony some tin foil*

I guess you’re lucky though, if your worst nightmares are about Chinese invasions and feminist take overs; after all, neither is particularly likely.

12 years ago

How does mob rule lead to changing the borders of Arizona? Or did mob rule stop the borders of Arizona from changing? I honestly can’t tell.

More importantly, why should we care?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago


That would be correct.

12 years ago


Hush now.
To Tony: Go on dear, tell us more about this Chinese infiltration that’s causing all the men to kill women to gain rights. It’s like Hunger Games meets Homefront through the mouth of a piss poor English translator.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hey Tony, punctuation is quite happy to be your friend. You should try getting acquainted with it sometime.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

This guy makes JustShatHisPants look readable. I dunno, spambot technology is so disappointing.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“It’s like Hunger Games meets Homefront…”

I was thinking Red Dawn myself, but that only explains the Chinese invasion part (it’s North Korea in the new version, instead of Russia like the older movie). Maybe his brain was actually mixing movies into a dream? That’d make so much more sense than assuming any of it will actually happen.

12 years ago


Red Dawn!!!! I kept coming up with Red October and was like, no that’s Russians. It’s nice to see you back here, just recently I was like “We need Argenti here” during one of the troll hunting escapades.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Hi Shadow! Aww, I was missed? Good to be missed I guess 🙂

12 years ago

I quit reading at this part

I have failed to find a feminist organization that is truly for mens rights.

because I started screaming “It’s not about you!” over and over.

12 years ago

I have failed to find a cat organization that is truly for dog’s rights.
I have failed to find a chalk organization that is truly for cheese rights.
I have failed to find a pterodactyl organization that is truly for amphora rights.

12 years ago

I have failed to find a hawk organization that is truly for handsaw rights.

12 years ago

I have failed to find an organization for left-handed folks that is truly for right-handed rights.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pterodactyls! Bigots, the lot of ’em. MISAMPHORANDRY!

12 years ago


12 years ago

Tony, it’s not that there aren’t problems specific to men in our society, and it’s not that there shouldn’t be groups addressing those issues- it’s that the MRM isn’t about men’s issues, it’s about hating on women.

12 years ago

I failed to find a fish organization that is truly for bicycle sales.

12 years ago

I still pine for a vegan restaurant to cater to omnivores. *wails*

12 years ago

damselindetech: They do, what they don’t do is cater to carnivores.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I think it’s outrageous that bookshops don’t repair sewing machines! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

kitteh — because very few books are bound with stitches these days 🙂

pecunium — I lol’ed (and if you’re ever in Pittsburgh, try the Zenith’s Sunday morning brunch — delicious vegan food made by hippies)

12 years ago

Argenti: that’s because we live in a more perfect world now.